In the marketplace coverage every day through special Enrollment Periods. This is the most recent count of people who have coverage throughout the marketplace. Each month this number will change slightly as consumers transition in and out of coverage, as their life circumstances change. Everything from getting a new job to moving to a new state or becoming eligible for medicaid or medicare. Theres also good news about medicare. Spending for Medicare Beneficiary is growing slower. Than the overall economy. The Medicare Trustees recently projected that the trust fund that finances medicares Hospital Insurance coverage will remain solvent until 2030. Four years beyond what was projected just one year ago. We strife to make Health Care Safer and better. In the last five years weve seen a 9 reduction in harm in hospitals such as decreased Health Care Associated infections. This represents over 500,000 injuries and sections and adverse events avoided. Over 15,000 lives saved and approximatel
Years after the war, that is filled with literary inventions. I suspect that is one of his many literary inventions. Its true that soldiers of the army of the potomac had done that before in earlier battles. This would be in november of 1863. But theres no evidence that it actually happened here at cold harbor. But everybody knew it was going to be a fierce and terrible day. 4 30 a. M. , the signal gun goes off, and this huge union monolith heaves forward. Or parts of it do. Thats the sad thing about the battle of cold harbor. Down on the lower end of the battlefield, general hancocks second corps punches forward. Across from them at one spot, they make a breakthrough in a salient in the federal line where general breckenridge is positioned. But lee has a lot of reserves. One myth is that lee did not have reserves, that his line was thin. Thats not true. Some parts of the confederate line this entire divisions behind them and that was the position on the lower end of the battlefield wh
Beneath to United States. The civil war did not permanently shatter you are nag nation. Yet it was a supreme test for a country that now stands in blessed unit, you are north and south. You are here together tonight here is evening we look back with learn from the greatest teacher anyone can have, history. Armed with an understanding of the time. Private maddux would like that. Thank you. [ applause ] the Overland Campaign was the largest and the bloodiest campaign of the entire civil war. Both armies lost half of their original fighting forces. The casualties were astounding. Astounding to soldiers, to generals, and to those left back home. Amid the staggering losses sustained at cold harbor and during the Overland Campaign, for every soldier killed, wounded or captures there was a family. Mother, brother, brother, sister, that also felt the loss on the fields of 1864 reverberated through communities across the north and south. The empty chairs at kitchen tables across the country and
Millions of our heroes living with the wounds of war, with a place of healing, remembrance, and gratitude for all they have given, and by so doing we help d to ensure that our nation will endure for generations to come. For if we do not remember our defenders, our heroes, how can we expect future generations to step up to serve . Certainly what happened perio postvietnam when we forgot our returning veterans weakened our nation. It was a shameful period in our history, and we must never, eve let that happen again. [ applause ] remembering and honoring our veterans is paramount to our 21 national security. This places a critical lly, importance on always taking care of our military service memberse and their families before, during, and after the battle. The dangers of the 21st centuryg are clear. With no doubt that this century will be equally, if not more dangerous than the previous one. The United States must maintainy a strong defense, impossible to do without strong defenders, and
Can take petersburg, cut the supply line to the army in Northern Virginia, and finally defeat lee. The union plan works like clock work. Sheridan heads off on his raid. It will end disastrously at the battle of torrian station, but it serves its purpose for the time. And on the morning of the 13th of june, lee and his men look across and discover that the union earth works are empty. Grant once again has managed to pull his army away without lee figuring out what had happened. The union army swings south, down to the james river. Grant intends to cross. But lee does not understand what grant means to do. Lee thinks that what grant might be preparing to do is to swing back toward Richmond North of the james river. So lee stays here at cold harbor, sends some of his soldiers to the south, but doesnt do a major shift, because, again, hes uncertain as to what grant will do. Well, as you civil war historians know, by june 15th, union forces are attacking at petersburg. Lee is now alerted to