Call item number 1. Item 1, roll call. Peskin, present. Safai, present. Yee, present. We have quorum. Alright. Please call item number 2. Approve the minutes of december 15, 2017 meeting. This is action item. Okay. Any comments . I have no comment. I was not on the Vision Committee at the time but i have read the minutes and in so far as commissioner safai was not on there either i will not abstain as i usually do so we can get them passed and subject to Public Comment and move the minutes. Any other comments . Seeing none, any Public Comment on the item . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Is there a motion . So moved. Any objection . Roll call vote. Whatever you like. Peskin, aye. Safai, aye. Yee, aye. The minutes are approved. Okay. Let me haverequest to take item 4 out of order and if its okay with the Committee Members well take item 4 first before item 3. Mr. Clerk can you call item 4. San francisco silty Administrator Office tellmatics on city fleet performance. This is
Call item number 1. Item 1, roll call. Peskin, present. Safai, present. Yee, present. We have quorum. Alright. Please call item number 2. Approve the minutes of december 15, 2017 meeting. This is action item. Okay. Any comments . I have no comment. I was not on the Vision Committee at the time but i have read the minutes and in so far as commissioner safai was not on there either i will not abstain as i usually do so we can get them passed and subject to Public Comment and move the minutes. Any other comments . Seeing none, any Public Comment on the item . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Is there a motion . So moved. Any objection . Roll call vote. Whatever you like. Peskin, aye. Safai, aye. Yee, aye. The minutes are approved. Okay. Let me haverequest to take item 4 out of order and if its okay with the Committee Members well take item 4 first before item 3. Mr. Clerk can you call item 4. San francisco silty Administrator Office tellmatics on city fleet performance. This is
Fast act provides a certainty and reforms necessary to improve our nations infrastructure and spur economic growth. The fast act was a significant bipartisan achievement showing once again the senate is back to work for the american people. This committees work, which accounted for more than half of the text of the bill, helped to enhance safety, increase transparency, reform regulatory structures and improve planning for free with reforms covering everything from railroads to cars to trucks to ports as well as research and technology, this legislation was a True Team Effort to reduce congestion, protect passengers and improve our nations multimodal supply chain. Protect lives on our nation roadways by promoting Greater Consumer awareness and Corporate Responsibility for safety. Im please that had the whistle blower act is now the law of the land. This law which i introduced with Ranking Member nelson and others incentivize to blow the whistle when manufacturers sit on important safety
And residents or u. S. Interests, those interests are clearly impacted by the behavior of other countries. And the u. S. Tax base can be eroded not only by the behaviors of multinationals but by behavior of other governments. Thank you and thank you for the opportunity. Good to be here, don, thank you very much for this opportunity to speak about policy and reform. It seems to me ive seen this movie before, however. We all love to sit around and talk about policy. I will get to policy in a second. Let me just say while we talk about policy, our tax system is being slowly eroded at the level of administration. Doesnt matter what the rules are if you dont have people to enforce them. If you just take a wink, a quick look at whats happening to the intern Internal Revenue service, you would realize it doesnt matter what the rules are. Weve lost so many people the enforcement capability is diminished. Unless that gets rectified. Who cares about tax reform if we dont have a tax system. Sayin
Changes provided for under the fast act including processing procedures and an application dashboard. And finally something that goes hand in hand with all of the departments efforts is research and innovation. In march we began the competition for utc grants which allows students and faculty to Work Together towards innovative transportation solutions. Weve received 212 applications for the 35 grants available. Im proud of the work the department has accomplished in such a short period of time. But this is just the beginning. And it would not be possible i would like to repeat without the work of this congress on a bipartisan basis. We will continue our aggressive schedule to execute the reforms you put into place because if our nations going to have the type of Transportation System tomorrow that is better than it had today, wasted time is something none of us can afford. So with that, mr. Chairman, i want to thank you and i look forward to your questions. Thank you, mr. Secretary. A