The Royal Oman Police (ROP) organised on Tuesday, November 1, the 2022 Investment Forum with the participation of a number of authorities to enhance partnership with the private.
Move to develop Customs Bonded Warehouses in Oman
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MUSCAT, SEPT 16 - Promising headway is being made in preparing the groundwork for the growth of Customs Bonded Warehouses at key locations around the Sultanate a move that could potentially add RO 100 million annually to the Gross Domestic Product when it is a reality tentatively by the year 2020. The initiative is being spearheaded by Tanfeedh the National Programme for Enhancing Economic Diversification with the support of a number of stakeholders, notably the Royal Oman Police Customs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Oman Global Logistics Group (ASYAD), Second and Third Party Logistics firms, and shipping and freight forwarding agencies.