Every year, each elementary and secondary school in the county selects a teacher of the year from their school. The News Courier will be publishing a few facts about each
“Remember: Everyone in the classroom has a story that leads to misbehaviour or defiance. Nine times out of ten, the misbehaviour won’t make you angry. It will break your heart.”
Sonika Sethi
The life of a teacher is not easy, for teaching is not confined merely to the four walls of a classroom, nor do the working hours cease with the ringing of the bell. Teaching is a constant process of upgrade, where every moment you learn new things, not only as a teacher, but also as a human being. As Robert John Meehan said, ‘Your life as a teacher begins the day you realise that you are always a learner.’ I learnt my first lesson as a teacher within a few weeks of the commencement of my career and I have no qualms about admitting that it not only made me a better teacher, but also a better individual.