By Sarah Morgan, Matthew Dobbins, and Jon Solorzano of Vinson & Elkins Advocates of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues endured a difficult 2023: major asset managers pulled back from climate commitments, more than a dozen states passed anti-ESG legislation, growth in board diversity slowed, and fossil-fuel production rose. Yet despite reports of ESG’s impending […] The post ESG in 2024: Three Priorities for Companies – Vinson & Elkins appeared first on CorpGov.
powerpoints, things like that, right? yes. some of them also included reviewing policies and other documents, right? yes. and then there was also the hands-on training, the practical components, things like using drawing drawing weapons, things like that, right? yes. and over the course of your career you completed many, many, many hours of training, right? yes. and in terms of credit hours, we re talking somewhere in the ballpark of 1,700 credit hours. does that sound right? i don t know the number of hours, but if that s what you have, that would be probably right. no reason to dispute that. your training hours would have been in the thousand of hours over that 26-year career, right? yes. you indicated that there
some cases had to use force. true? yes. and there are limitations on how and when to use that force. right? yes. so you ve had training on that throughout your entire career. right? yes. and as part of that process, the way that it s required for you to maintain your license, is that you sign it and then you sign off on attendance forms and you basically you have to be there. right? you can t not be there. right? right. and every year you have a certain number of training hours that are required. right? yes. and you said on direct that you participated and you were paying attention during all those trainings. true? yes. and some of those trainings had classroom instruction, powerpoints, things like that. right? yes. some of them also included reviewing policies and other
0 where s that at? he s currently stationed in florida. and your other son, where is he at? he s in college in north dakota. are they going to be home for the holidays? yes, they will. is your mother in the courtroom? yes. and your sister? no, she s not. but is your brother in the courtroom. yes, he is. and besides your brother and your mother, your father is deceased? yes. and do you have any other siblings? i have another sister and a brother. what do they do you know what their ages are? my oldest sister is in her 50s and my other brother is in his 50s also. my sister works for a medical device company my oldest brother works for a parking company and my other brother works for retail. . going back to when you were a youngster, where do you go to elementary school? immaculate conception. where is that? columbia heights. did you live that neighborhood? yes, i did. while you were going to that school did you have a police officer
0 no, they are not. and where is nicholas? he is an active duty marine. and where is that at? he s currently stationed in florida. and your other son, where is he at? in college in north dakota. and are they going to be home for the holidays? yes, they will. is your mother in the courtroom? yes. and your sister? no, she s not. but is your brother in the courtroom? yes, he is. and besides your brother and your mother and your father is deceased? yes. and do you have any other siblings? i have another sister and a brother. do you know what their ages are? my sister, my oldest sister is in her 50s, and my other brother is in his 50s also. what do they do for a living? my sister works for a medical device company. my oldest brother works for a parking company, and my other brother works for retail. going back to when you were a youngster, where did you go to elementary school? immaculate conception catholic school. and where was that loca