Let me turn briefly to a letter that i sent to the vice chair of super vision and some of the other federal regulators in january of this year regarding the basil 3 capital requirements. I support the overall effort. We take you live now to the floor of the house where today lawmakers will be working on several pieces of legislation. Including a bill to detain migrants for theft related crimes. Yesterday, the house passed a government funding measure which now heads to the senate. Two shutdown deadlines on friday. Take you live now to the house floor here on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. Offeredy chaplain kibben. Chaplain kben would you pray with me. God of all creation, bd you ear toward the earth and hear the cries of your people imprised by their adversaries stol from their lives and loved ones and hel captive by hatred. There are cntss men women and children acrosshe glo who are victims o heartless cruelty. But on thi day w lift up those who remain hel
Most often monitoring such measures to identify nonconforming products from retail chains in order to identify dangerous species products, if necessary, and not to mislead the consumer, this is a comprehensive system, which was created in the state committee for standardization, provides traceability, control over all technical safety and quality characteristics throughout the entire chain of product creation. Probably the last such clarifying question the state regulations are being finalized, including on food products, are these also some kind of innovative stories or are there some other reasons . Within the framework of the eurasian economic union, in 2023, and adopted two main such documents within the five. This is the procedure for developing standards, canceling standards, the procedure for updating standards, the socalled procedure for coordinating issues on standardization, and the second document is the procedure for checking the scientific and technical level of the standa
Grown gdpwise 5 per year since 2000. Violent extremism is amongst the major risks to economies in part of africa. Tunisias gdp gross has been cut from 3 to 1 . Chads gdp contracted 1 in 2015 from a growth of 5 in 2014. And countries like kenya and nigeria saw a reduction of 25 of tourism following terrorist attacks. We in undp estimate that at least 33,000 people have died on african soils since 2011 as victims of violent extremism. And 6 million are currently internally displaced due to radicalization. Mr. Chairman, over the last two years undp has held a number of consultations, conducted a series of studies and commissioned research to better understand the violent extremism scourge in africa. These various studies and research converge in showing three major findings. One, while the drivers of radicalization are multifaceted and defy easy analysis, their major roots are to be found in the combination of poverty and low human development, a sense of economic and political exclusion
Guidance that has led us down a path where we now have 5 million folks with security clearances and access to the nations most Sensitive Information and facilities. Would you like to think about it, brian . Go ahead. I do not mean to interrupt. I just wanted to clarify we are very sensitive to what you say about that number. As a 5 million number that you are referring to covers both people with security clearances as well as people eligible for access. And being sensitive to that number as you mentioned 5 million of anything is a lot. Is. Spin and because of that, recently and speak of the devil as you mentioned, on halloween, the dni signed an executive correspondence going out to all of the Government Agencies stating that they need to they are required to go through their clearance list and validate the numbers and come back to the people that are being decreased from the clearances and get back with us with that information. When will they get back to you . They were given 90 days
Never ending decades of controversy in which the defenders tried to make slanders of the authors of witness stick. Today, i want to introduce the three panelists. This is an amazingly powerful group we have here. All at once. Leave it to them. They will take it over. Each, i hope, making remarks ten minute, and well open it up for further discussion. Elliot a abrams had a remarkable strings of enormous importance. I remember him going back to the early reagan years. He began my knowledge with human rights, and that was really something, the jimmy carter invention of human rights, and in charge of latin american affairs, positions in the white house, and in every case, he really always brought deeply moral and intellectual realm into the work he was doing in practice and in policy, and now he is the truth teller in an entirely new career, it seems to me, an issue in the middle east, the arab israeli problem, telling the truth where the truth is very rarely to be found or not twisted, an