The application process began on Tuesday (June 1)
Candidates can visit afcat.cdac.in to apply
New Delhi: Indian Air Force has invited applications for recruitment through Air Force Common Admission Test, AFCAT-2 for various posts.
The course will begin in July 2022 for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Flying Branch and Permanent Commission and Short Service Commission in Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) branches.
The application process began on Tuesday (June 1). The last date to apply is June 30. Interested candidates can visit the official website at afcat.cdac.in to apply for the test.
Indian Air force is also inviting applications for grant of PC/SSC for NCC special entry scheme (for flying Branch) and for Meteorology entry. A total of 334 vacancies have been released for this.
the last date to fill the application form is now June 15
The decision was taken in view of the second wave of pandemic
UP Police Recruitment 2021: The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPBPB) has extended the deadline to apply against 9534 vacancies for the posts of Sub-Inspector, Platoon Commander and Fire Service Second Officer.
The last date to fill the application form is now June 15.
The step has been taken in view of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic due to which interested candidates are facing difficulties in obtaining certificates. Earlier, the deadline to apply for the same was May 30.
The Fellows recruited will have the opportunity to carry out research under plan projects/other research projects of BARC under the guidance of senior scientists, the BARC has said.
The RAs will be selected based on the quality of the PhD thesis, Post-Ph.D. research experience as evidenced from the quality of the publications and/or products/processes designed and developed and performance in the interview.
Candidates have to submit the application through post. Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed format with complete bio-data, one set of photocopies of mark-sheets, degree certificates (from SSC to M.E./M.Tech/Ph.D.), other academic credentials and work experience and the duly filled-in application may be sent to Deputy Establishment Officer, Recruitment-V, Central Complex, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 superscribing the Research Project No. on the envelope, reads the job notice.
278 posts of Junior Secretariat will be filled in Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
In the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board 12 posts of head clerk and 10 posts of Patwari will be filled.
50 posts of Counsellor will be filled in the Department of Women and Child Development.
Regarding the teaching posts, the job notification says, the contractual employees working against teaching posts will be eligible for one time relaxation in upper age limit up to maximum period of 5 years. The quantum of age relaxation will be subject to number of years spend in the department on contract basis provided, they have worked for at least 120 days in a particular academic year.