Realme 12 Pro was launched in India recently at a starting price of Rs 25,999. It comes with Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, 8 GB RAM, a 50MP triple rear camera setup and support for 67W fast charging
The newly launched Realme 12 Pro+ 5G and Realme 12 Pro will be available online and offline starting February 6. The company offers an instant discount of Rs 2,000 on ICICI Bank cards.
Realme has recently launched its new mid-range phone - the Realme 12 Pro+ along with its toned-down version Realme 12 Pro. However, in this price range, the Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus comes with similar specs. How do these two smartphones fare against each other? Have a look here.
Leaked information suggests Realme 12 Pro Max could start at ₹33,999 for 8GB RAM/256GB storage variant. It may feature a 64MP OIS portrait camera and a 50MP Sony IMX890 OIS camera sensor.
Realme 12 Pro+ and Realme 12 Pro smartphones have surfaced online. realme 12 pro 5g, realme 12 pro plus, realme 12 pro price, realme 12 pro 5g price, realme 12 pro launch date in india, realme 12 pro price in india, realme 12 pro 5g launch date in india, Technology & Science News, Times Now