Realme 12 Pro was launched in India recently at a starting price of Rs 25,999. It comes with Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, 8 GB RAM, a 50MP triple rear camera setup and support for 67W fast charging
Realme 12 Pro+ has launched along with Realme 12 Pro in India. One of the highlights is the Periscope telephoto lens and a new Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset. Here is everything you need to know about it. , Technology & Science News, Times Now
Realme 12 Pro+ 5G comes in three colours: Submarine Blue, Navigator Beige and Explorer Red, which will come in three storage variants: 8GB+128GB for Rs 29,999, 8GB+256GB for Rs 31,999, and 12GB+256GB for Rs 33,999.
Check out the latest Realme 12 Pro and Realme 12 Pro+ smartphones launched in India. These smartphones come with Android 14, a powerful 5000 mAh battery, and attractive pricing. Find out all the details about the price, offers, and more.