The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Friday set aside an order of the state government imposing curbs on public meetings on roads in the state. Hearing a batch of petitions filed by the leaders of various opposition parties, the High Court struck down the order. It observed that the government order may be detrimental to fundamental rights.
Maharaja Jiwajirao Madhorao Scindia of Ujjain and Gwalior became Patel’s friend and assisted him in unifying Indian states
Dr Rajendra Prasad observed on May 13, 1959, how the legacy of Sardar Patel was being sidelined. He mentioned how Sardar Patel had been forgotten, but he also acknowledged
Three members of a family of six, on their way to attend the wedding of a close relative at a resort in Trissur on Monday, met a watery grave when the car fell into a river, officials said.An eyewitness said that the car was on an embankment .
New Delhi: Calling for plugging loopholes in the delivery system, Vice President, Shri Venkaiah Naidu said the onus is on civil servants to ensure that governance reaches the doorstep of the poorest and most vulnerable segments of our population.Civi