Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and eastern parts will be the ones seeing rains. States like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil nadu, Karnataka, Telangana will also see rainfall.
In the last four years 18.5 mm rain occurred in January 2019, in 2020 it was 28.3, rain in January 2021 was 20.2 mm and 39.5 mm in 2022. Thus, this has been the least rainy January in the past five years.
The month of October is an overlapping one, with southwest monsoon retreating from central and southern parts and northeast monsoon ingressing south peninsula. At times, difficult to draw distinct line between the two.
Northwest India is expected to go dry for most of the days in October. However, Northeast India and Southern parts will keep having bursts of weather activity. Weather system developing over Bay of Bengal during the 3rdweek of October may bring heavy rains along the coastal states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. These rains could as well penetrate deep inland also during that period.
Northeast India, East India have completely remained dry during this period. Rain surplus between October 1 and Dec 15 stood at 48 percent. However, with almost no rains during this period, the season's surplus has reduced to 44 percent now after poor rainfall between Decemebr 16 and 22.