J C eighty nine point seven F.M. Right now we re hearing from evil a side of the hostess double breasted windpipe seven inch. Before that curdled the blood. That s from the K F J C live a cave G.C. Nuclear war now productions. It s about where indeed all the way from Japan live here in the pit J C one of the very first. Metal bands founded in the. Antonin. Founded way back in the early eighty s they re going to be playing actually. Never Surrender fast never surrender fast next month November. In Berlin Germany and we re going to be live broadcasting that bring it to you. Donate now to can see it can have J C O R G support our annual fundraiser and help fund care of Jaycee s expedition to. Germany to bring you never surrender fast Volume one we heard Subodh looks like Temple Nightside is confirmed Faust Kovan Georgia blog. Grave up people we re going to hear from them in a little bit you other bands on the list you can find more about that at the nuclear war now productions website a
This is K F J C Los Altos Hills. . Well kinds of tracks there that was lens doing leaving the twenty first century from a little seven inch record midnight snacks and they re doing a track titled rule the world from the chew on this record Oblivion s from their latest record titled desperation her little war child the manana is in there with my Black Sabbath the oscillation doing kissing the sun and starting all off L.S.D. In the search for God doing a tract backwards from there their record or to put it another way I have a very important message for you. Or one sixteen hundred but a prime minister going to happen I saw a vision I got a message in my mind from someone that I believe to put it another way OK. See. A. Nice message is going to put it another way. To see a hundred or to put it another way this is the end of this message. Six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred or K. Of G C O R G in the middle of our fundraiser right now a huge thanks to everybody that stone need
You just heard from me dory to count unless he saw. We heard in D. From their album lunar crews begin with Henry for thread gills too much sugar too much sugar for a dime is. An axiom. It sure is fun to open up fundraiser donations that come in the mail. Here s one that s in a box Oh Oh wait look there s a there s a letter for dear K.F. J C My name is fluffy and I am a cat who lives in Woodside. I like to hear surf music on K S J C Because the reverb sounds like purring. I hope that you like my donation for a thank you gift please send me a K.F.C. Seed tote bag for my horse friend scout so that she can fill it with oats and use it as a feed bag your friend fluffy Oh OK nice let s open the bar. That. Are by six five or. Six. Thank you. Up next checking Maclean s blue sand on the way for the West K J C. I am going to be. The. Eighty nine seven K. Of chase scene that was Jackie McLean s plays in Jackie s Bank is an album from Blue Note. Well coming up at the end of the month both Satu
On K F J C Your source for sound now are all that was Chuck Hagel ends with put Sukkot hop from the album of the same name on SHANACHIE before that a big surprise for me Louisiana Red with a track called Reds jazz groove from Millennium blues on your wig for that Otis Clay tell can about a nickel and a nail yeah send that one out to hemorrhoid the later. He s a he s a blues guy you know it. And that album was called Soul Man Live in Japan where that Blind Lemon Jefferson I got a list of that album This is from the best of blood on leavened Jefferson CD on yeah zoo and that was call one dime blues are you are you catching a trend here catch a new trend yes yes it s cab Jaycee s son fundraiser time and we re about to ask you for some money you got the money I mean I know you just went to the store I know you did you know you just pay the gas bill. And the phone but you got anything left over send it to K.F.C. They say and you know here s a here s a good reason. I was going through all
A pro. Listening to. The way in the. Land we beg. He makes me they. Pay not for Nic he holds baby crying. It makes me think they. Had to scrape a. Way shall watch. Lentil sparrow. And I had would. Have. To my own true love. And when he called it I had been. But I know a little sparrow. Kept way. Can t fly. So I ll sit right here in grief and. House it right here it. How go down. SPEND. My. Hand. Then bought it. And drink now. And. Oh I would. Have thought. Before that going all the way back to one thousand nine hundred eighty four for a rare release from. America s. Greatest noise artist. From a seven inch She put out in total that felt it touch. And a gentle start to the set from Meg paired. With dear companion. From her seven inch Waltz of the tennis players. Nine minutes after six am Phil factor with you on a Tuesday morning. It is as you may have noticed our annual fundraiser. Who got expenses just like you so J.C. Is an important part of your life. Pick up the phone or head over