You just heard from me dory to count unless he saw. We heard in D. From their album lunar crews begin with Henry for thread gills too much sugar too much sugar for a dime is. An axiom. It sure is fun to open up fundraiser donations that come in the mail. Here's one that's in a box Oh Oh wait look there's a there's a letter for dear K.F. J C My name is fluffy and I am a cat who lives in Woodside. I like to hear surf music on K S J C Because the reverb sounds like purring. I hope that you like my donation for a thank you gift please send me a K.F.C. Seed tote bag for my horse friend scout so that she can fill it with oats and use it as a feed bag your friend fluffy Oh OK nice let's open the bar. That. Are by six five or. Six. Thank you. Up next checking Maclean's blue sand on the way for the West K J C. I am going to be. The. Eighty nine seven K. Of chase scene that was Jackie McLean's plays in Jackie's Bank is an album from Blue Note. Well coming up at the end of the month both Saturday October twenty seventh for a big surf music prime canst and then November first second and third for a big metal concert both from Berlin Germany K F J C Well be using the equipment that listener donations paid for to do remote broadcasts. Here quite a bit you know I get e-mails from listeners saying how much they appreciate this and how unusual it is for a little college station like us to be doing such sophisticated things to say our budget is bare bones would be an understatement but we managed to do it both with good volunteer. Intelligence and many other hard working people that make it happen this is something you enjoy something that you would like your donation to go toward. Something to think about when you're donating six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred is a number to call or go online K F J C dot org Jeannie I want to send a big thanks to Linda from Mountain View thank you for your kind donation very generous of Linda please join Linda go online K F J C dot au argy And while you're there check out our very nice thank you guests up next. A musician that I found by listening to K.F.C. See caramel Gregorio his trio we're going to hear last weekend on the wave of the last. Of Chase see. Do you think be famous ever oh yeah I totally did to you my sister has a heart for you Kendra your home. But she's like thirteen she she told me you'd be a lot cooler if you doing to Q three S You don't or. She just thirteen Hey I'm just warning you. Listen to in. My. Eighty nine seven. Chain see that was the Garam zero Gregorio trio doing last weekend red Q Is the hat records release. Well as you know. Because you are a listener you know that our listeners are open minded many listeners will say I hear something I'm not that crazy about it but I believe K F J C on because I know the next thing is going to be amazing transformative even . That kind of open mindedness is. Kind of remarkable when you think of us as a funny little station and a junior college which in suburban California will probably have the most extreme combination of music of any. Any radio station on the planet I don't know if that's true but I think it's close . I hope you appreciate that I know many many of you do please give us a call six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred to donate or go online K. Of J C dot O.-R. G. We have a secure Web site where you can make your donation or promise us a check and the nice thing about the website is you get to look at all the nice Think you can use Thank you so much to everyone who's donated so far place join. OK let's hear from the wit Dickey trio coming up on the wave of the West K J C N. Yes. The. Elite. That most of us. Looks like the. Thing to do six months ago. Sixty eight hundred things you do six five zero four one sixty eight hundred. Sixty five zero four one sixty eight hundred. And a nine seven K. F. Chain see that was Arthur Taylor doing Gingerbread Boy and to records release is called Mr eighty front of them the Whit Dickey trio planet one from the on fidelity album trance onic. Every time I see whit Dickey I think of wit defeat the inventor power private public key encryption Yes I am a nerd we are in Silicon Valley and as a result we have a lot of volunteers here with technical background this is enormously helpful since most of the work that's done in a K. Of J C is volunteer but we do need cash for some things such as equipment ordinary things like postage and phone bills please help us out six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred or go online to K F J C O R G. Up next Miles Davis from Sketches of Spain Concierto de are annoying as and also the concert outlook on the wave of the West K F J C. It's time for the concert. Along with. Our We got. To do this get on with. The independent Wednesday October tenth. Earth ground the chapel Friday October twelfth This is basic murder murder. Friday October to. Copy cats noise bridge hackerspace Saturday October thirtieth. In the knockout Saturday October Scratch Perry Jordi barrel. Thursday October eighteenth. Snowcat the Parkside Friday October nineteenth the Black Madonna Vogue's into the August Hall Friday October nineteenth. Sunday October twenty. Sixth. Sixteen noise Bridge Saturday November tenth better hear more now six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred the concert I like is the presentation in the cave promotions department daily at five thirty thirty. I am. Coughing or make them come out in nothing for three and five thirty pm It could also be found online or what about the horsemen to get the milk anyway for the concert outlook and conductor whiskers and Seniora only now. The entertainment calendar for today Friday October. Twenty eighth teen in the North Bay ers Daniel Higgs and the champ. Monophonic and August home to love dimension water for Glades Piccolo Pete and the knockout Agent Orange. Slim. The Dodos prism tempts ant the independent seal an ardor. And the bottom of the hill fickle friends below and Great American Music Hall Monster Magnet park signed stolen. State Line empire and to brick and mortar music home. Gary Clark Jr amp the Fillmore in the East Bay fair on chilly wofe Don benediction Chris Nordquist Wendy so Aunt Frank and seven inch death fest day one at the Oakland Metro Cissie space sick murder murder redacted earth docs at the check London elbow room. P.Y. Adrian West band empty. Earth lists and Star Line social club Johnny mannequin the depressives and Gilman street the Manhattans and Yoshi's in the South Bay local area Ben Mr and Cohen to city at café stretch the growlers and Catalyst atrium stone through on the stump lovers Wild Iris stand to at the crepe place. Least so. Eighty nine seven can't change see but in listening to Miles Davis' Concierto there on the way is the seminal album Sketches of Spain is out on Columbia Records chance. I'm customary this is the chance collective And up next I'm going to play something from Eric Klaas did a special one time jazz from Pennsylvania I'm from Pennsylvania that's where I grew up and Eric loss was a sax player that I saw a lot of times in the sixty's when I was in college and the University of Pittsburgh really surprised me the number of listeners who not only were from the Pittsburgh area but had wonderful memories of seeing Eric Klaas. It's wonderful to make those kind of connections with listeners and. Right now we need you to make a connection with us by donating we need money to keep things going here for one more year our needs are modest but they are not nothing so please donate six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred or go online to K F J C O R H E Here's Eric Klaas on the wave of the West K. F. Chase see. Eighty nine seven came of change See that was the great fan smaller love me or leave me take one turn on the heat is the album from Ari CA Victor say what you want about Fats Waller every time I listen to me I hear something new Learn something new friend of that era CLOS the album doors we heard quasar events on muse records it featured Eric cos son sax Neo creek on keyboards. Gene Taylor on bass Ron Kaczynski on drums This is. A sax player I heard in college I was at the University of Pittsburgh he was at the western Pennsylvania school for the blind just up the street and he would come and play in the Student Union what a thrill that was and still a thrill to to listen to that album you know sometimes you remember someone as being really good and then you know you're a little disappointed when you hear the records but at that time that was really fine in one nine hundred seventy two recording. Well I know that many surf a man's surf music fans are jazz fans and vice versa as matter of fact surfer Joe Miller in Seville Lambrini and I have had this discussion many times about the relationship between surf music and chance I'll leave that as an exercise for the listener but I do want you to know that there are a number of nice thank you gifts. That you can get that are served compilations K. Have J C surf compilations are sort of legendary and of course like all compilations here at the station they are limited edition and when they're gone they're gone we have three surf battle comps the comp combo swell and A. Surf CD flash drive from the. Twenty six teen surfer Joe summer festival. Speaking of surfer Joe On Saturday October twenty seventh there's going to be a live broadcast from Berlin starting around ten am Pacific. It is a show called reverb rampage in Berlin surfer Chos going to be there from Italy they'll be for German bands to me Crow Vella bang misting the killer whales in the heat condolence if you want to see what it's like to go to a surf show in Berlin this is your opportunity we will be streaming video and of course audio so. These are some choices you might make as thank you gifts when you make your donation big huge enormous Thanks to everyone who's donated so far I hope you'll join them by calling six five zero nine four one sixty eight hundred or donate online and K F J C O R G M customary this is the chance collective Let's hear from Kenny Dorman Afro D.C.I. Blue Note album is called Afro Cuban on the wave of the West K F J C. I love this. Oh yeah did you see donation Oh yeah oh yeah. That's out of. If you see donation. Out of town it's out it's out of you and me. Six I've only known for one six zero zero. Zero Yeah. Oh yeah. Broadcasting from Foothill College this is K C Los Altos him.

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