Thanks. Thanks. And on key of Chafey you re just listening to park a court s. Back to Earth. Was the name of the track on their wide a wide awake a desk on rough trade. Monkey power trio before that. Black wig. Ballad of Christian will fuck. Both cars. On Pocahontas want machine records. Then we open the set with 40 five s buy it or I won t cry. On a desk called bloodbath of fuzz self produced desk. And now I would like to inform you this. You know I haven t touched my spirit counties in a bucket for a back 10 years man in the once check and see how much money you had in. The last week I did and it was not near enough for the boat and a printout K.P.C. Is having what they call a penny. In a donation in it s say going to be a no click octopus and there were a recent. PJ s monotone here and next level Cynthia Lombard next to Gladys Captain Jack will be there playing music and snacks treats all ages can happen in September 15th one day 6 pm he isn t playing music Mandisa extremes. Sai
Because. The. Local in the morning and really been told it s me being the person in the room. That she is no longer a longer stool girl or anything and then drop me the exaggerated this new trunk. At least you heard us were so deserved I was dropping these it s really a new job feel that it s a little overlooked. On the industry and this is the Eat Pray to the soul almost see me. Play as the examples of a good ole are going to her. That I just be drawn to it. You heard this word deserved I thought it was the least. Really. Basic. You. Really. Think. A little toilet humor. Here on calf J.C. . So I want to welcome everyone. To the graveyard 2 am to 6 am. I am Kim bracha we were listening to. The Zen drivers. With the lovely song. Called I just proved. And before that where you re Sheen Jew to me. On Simone hotties. A. Track called Haydn sea. And I just warm and let everyone know that you too can be on the radio there s a new session starting here for college 2 weeks from today is the 1
on Smithsonian Folkways very recently released. Pageant material in. My mind. And Grayson caps with new again his most recent album scarlet robes. After the hour you re listening to. You want to get in some good. Time listening. To your host seven to ten this very evening. Better still just keep it tuned to a nine seven an all time. Title . Actually I think. I think it s probably. One of those little plays on words new root. Spelled with an O. And A you. This is a nine points. The . looking out it s actually come out of the hour. Now. Seen in nine point seven the Hot Club of Count tongue with it stops with me asleep at the Will Jack mellow from their new album new. It is about seventeen after the hour you re listening to Lubbock or leave it I m Joe and Dick sells First Fridays takes place the first Friday of each month and downtown San Jose so far district all Art Walk venues offer free admission and are open to the public salsa First Fridays dot com for more information. This Frid
It s a finished country prehistorical. Only thing that is lacking it s the dinosaurs. It s like a curse. I mean an entire landscape and who ever. Goes too deep into this has his share of that curse so we are cursed to a small tree are doing. It so lend it go out if he exists it s his created in anger it s the only lend. Creation is on finished yet. Taking a close look at what s around us some sort of a harmony it is the harmony of. Overwhelming and collective. Rage J C. Mum it s OK if you. You re just listening to church. Track star off their album an answer tends to Transylvania and tapes before that we heard from March of this the track title track off their album through wilderness off the label carbonized and to start off that set we heard from of course with the track monolithic corpse from there 20142015 demo tape unholy domain. You re listening to the Saturn Return I m your host monotone heroine. And if you ve ever wanted to be. A D.J. . Follow registration is happening now C
The interaction personal the ambient version from hospital Productions the album is. Just so. They. Can check out K F J C dot. For the plate list and this is the story of law. And beautiful and like all stories there s 2 versions of the same long piece. Tonic. In history all. Radiate. Out. Not about. A strawman. Argument of yours right there. Can t see it J.C. . a serious. Serious is the a. Little serious serious Was in the mix for a minute that was curse of the crystal from. Its rare form. It s a 2 album set one is pink one is clear. And they re both in the mix for 6 months in hiding and this is wishful thinking. Kicking off our fundraising season with a. Live broadcast from literary salon at 21. Webster Street Oakland on Saturday. To 15th 1 pm to 6 pm monotone heroine will be the D.J. At one. Max level at 2 pm on Cynthia Bart at 3 pm likes a glass. And Captain Jack will be there at 5 pm there will be drinks net snacks and the change bucket for you to drop your excess change into