It could very well be he s saying if only I had another opportunity you know when we are in we don t think much about life coming to an end or how brief life is when you get to 50 or so and your hair turns beautiful like mine. You may begin to realize that this is not what our life is fairly brief. And we re only one life but those of us who know the Lord it is good as a dear friend one time said to have a dress rehearsal once in a while being a minister or clergy I have the opportunity to conduct weddings many times and usually dress rehearsal so you don t say the wrong thing it s good sometimes you close your eyes and imagine 50 years 80 years from now it s painful absolutely assure you it is not easy. And all of the sudden you realize that everything I literally mean everything. Actually just shadow chasing the wind trying to hold on to something that really you can t and that is the reason why I think Jesus said often you don t understand I didn t come to be the king the ruler and
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Carmichael Sacramento when we Christians get together to pray we tend to use it as a time to make our lists on how we re going to change our circumstances because we like to be busy and have an action plan but firm Nichols. Knots of Us present does the impossible we can t fix things but God the Holy Spirit can and God the Holy Spirit can touch your heart soften the soil that hard so that God can be at work and Christ can be glorified. We re going to talk about the hidden trap of business the 1st is going to share with us about praying for our children in school that s coming up in family life this week. Going to family life this week I m Michelle Hill today we re going to talk about school and I m being kind of purposeful in talking about getting back to school now at the end of September because now you ve hit that part where you re busier than you thought that you would be mode and you probably need a little encouragement to get through to the Thanksgiving break am I right. Well one
Had I had a good job at a good family I had those kind of things but let me tell you something without Jesus Christ it is an empty life no matter what you re doing I thought I was a believer because I go to church on Sunday I would go to church a Christmas and Easter and you know I was raised where there were Bibles on the table and everything so I must be a Christian right but I didn t walk like Wanted in talk like when I didn t think like when I picked up the Bible once in a while when I was in trouble you know and I would pray when I was in trouble or I needed or wanted something but the real the real part that I was missing was my worship of Him who is worthy of worship and so here I am I ve I ve been this this kid that I don t know I just it always seemed like I messed up with everything. And God brought me through those things he 1st brought me to a career but that left me empty too after many many years and what the emptiness was that God always had a plan and always had a call
As a spiritual maturity leading to holy and obedient lives welcome to fully devoted to the radio ministry of River City Christian and Pastor Jesse Smith Today s message is part of the series splendor of suffering a study to help us better understand how God uses suffering and difficult to bring is to spiritual maturity 1st Peter gives us practical steps to endure and encouragement to persevere when we find ourselves in a season of suffering now here s pastor Jesse with the conclusion of the message in this series. The difference between football in the body of Christ is no position is not more important than the next in the body of Christ every position matters just as much as the next you ve been given a part to play and here s the big question for every one of us in this room if you are a follower of Jesus Christ do you know your part and here s the bigger question are you playing your part. Now let me take a side step so there s no misunderstanding we don t do anything as followers