The virus slowed for the 3rd consecutive day the Health Commission confirmed more than 1800 new cases representing a drop from higher numbers of new cases in recent days over the previous 2 China had reported more than 7500 new infections the death toll from the virus in mainland China hit 1665 with 142 deaths reported Sunday the National Health Commission spokesman me Fang said Sunday that the percentage of severe cases was dropping and that the trend showed that China was succeeding in controlling the outbreak each country affected continues to coordinate with Asian health officials on how to take up the care of their citizens while they are abroad v.o.a. Says lattice I hope briefs us on one situation and Japan at least 46 American citizens tested positive for caught on a virus on the diamond but insists cruise ship which has been docked in Japan s Yokohama ports since February 5th with hundreds of infected passengers the American travelers will have to be treated in Japan before th
Charles Dillard as my has more the mainland the death toll has now risen by 97 to just over 924 hours from midnight Sunday with as the 3000 new cases reported this is up 15 percent from Saturday and breaks a string of daily declines a government spokesman has said those declines showed containment measures were successful Meanwhile the operator of a cruise ship quarantine in Yokohama near Tokyo says an additional $66.00 cases were found aboard this is in addition to 70 reported I m Charles the World Health Organization reports progress is being made in combating the Ebola epidemic in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo the latest number of reported cases stands at over $3400.00 with a mortality rate of about 66 percent research line reports for be away from Geneva the global fixation on the evolution of the novel coronavirus has not the d r c z ball epidemic got of the media spotlight however health officials working in the shadows have been making steady progress in slowing the
Jim Birch health director general of the World Health Organization is in China to meet with government officials in health experts trying to contain the spread of a deadly country of iris that has killed 81 people the spread of the illness is being watched around the world Reuters Jason now bando has more airports around the world are ramping up screening measures of Chinese passengers though its effectiveness has been questioned by health officials some foreign governments are working to evacuate their citizens from all Han France said its evacuees will spend 14 days in quarantine to stop the possible spread of the virus also on Sunday Chinese officials confirm that the ability of the new virus to spread is getting stronger and that infections could continue to rise no deaths have been reported outside of China from the virus so far that s Reuters Jason Obando reporting sports fans around the world are struggling to find words to describe how they feel about the sudden death of retir
Inches to one of the country s bedrock environmental laws if finalized federal agencies would no longer have to consider climate change before approving big projects such as oil pipelines and highways N.P.R. s Jeff Brady has more the National Environmental Policy Act or Nepa is 50 years old and requires federal agencies to analyze a project s environmental consequences and also gives the public a chance to comment on government decisions for many years now a wide range of industries have complained that the need for a process is time consuming and expensive the changes expected today are designed to streamline that process but environmental groups say the changes would undermine the intent of the law and make it difficult to plan for the effects of climate change court challenges are expected and the changes are unlikely to be made final before the November election Jeff Brady n.p.r. News Puerto Rico continues to be shaken by earthquakes there have been half a dozen already today some
Has been a major spike in anti-Semitic attacks in New York this year for n.p.r. News I m Sean Carlson in New York the Russian military has declared its new intercontinental weapon operational They say the weapon can fly 27 times the speed of sound and can make Sherpa new verse while heading toward its target if true that would make the missile much harder to intercept officials say the missile can also carry a payload of up to 2 megatons the flu is in full swing just in time for the holidays the c.d.c. Estimates that 4600000 Americans have had the flu so far this season and it s not over yet N.P.R. s Sidney leptin reports 25 states are now experiencing high flu activity according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It estimates that there have been $39000.00 hospitalizations from the flu so far the rate of hospitalization is similar to previously seasons this flu season is still gaining steam according to Dr William Schaffner with Vanderbilt University Medical Center it