It could very well be he's saying if only I had another opportunity you know when we are in we don't think much about life coming to an end or how brief life is when you get to 50 or so and your hair turns beautiful like mine. You may begin to realize that this is not what our life is fairly brief. And we're only one life but those of us who know the Lord it is good as a dear friend one time said to have a dress rehearsal once in a while being a minister or clergy I have the opportunity to conduct weddings many times and usually dress rehearsal so you don't say the wrong thing it's good sometimes you close your eyes and imagine 50 years 80 years from now it's painful absolutely assure you it is not easy. And all of the sudden you realize that everything I literally mean everything. Actually just shadow chasing the wind trying to hold on to something that really you can't and that is the reason why I think Jesus said often you don't understand I didn't come to be the king the ruler and all in Poppy's to protect my life I basically came to give it away and there tried everything in the world to make him the king and what are they could do to invite him to be the philosopher of the thinker and the teacher. He said no and as a scene force into the ground and die it remains as it is but. If it dies it brings forth much fruit. Now this I say to you because I don't have a whole lot of regrets in my life. The Lord called me when I was really young to see him but I feel saw troubled and distrust thinking that I would have spent 60 years of my life living for the things of the war and finally realize it is sunset getting late and try to do something for something that last beyond my life. And I say this to you because wherever you may be what our profession you may have. The only thing one of the living for and I would underline that only a 1000000 times what living for things that will survive beyond time and you say can you make it more plain and simple you know. That he is looking at Jesus and see the man Christ how he lived and walked on earth 4000 years you waited for the father's word saying Son It is time to go. He watched people die he had made with his own hands in his image but abused beaten destroyed and taken into turn 80 by Satan and how much his heart ached and hurt but he could not do anything until the father says no you should go on and that's the reason I think we read a book of Revelation the one who sits on top wrong the lamb asked though he was slain and the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world and when he came to this. 30 years he would live in silence. Learning what it means to abandon everything even the horse some disappears and wish dying to solve continually for the ultimate act of laying down his life for the redemption of mankind and any time during the last 30 years any time he would simply crowd walk back in eternity and sit on the throne nobody nothing would stop him but he refused and him praised the agony the pain continually and puffed what's really hoarding on to his pain and agony for one thing the cross that was before him and you read in the Scripture how many times the invitation to give it away and finally that desperate longing father if there is some other way but may your will be done and he calls me and course you ask my father send me source and I you know you know I have 2 children and in our culture when Order parents become desperate of somehow finding their way to get the matter would you say one thing about us here I know you think about it too but the way we do it there may or days you know my father and mother actually met the time they got married at the church but time must changed now the boy and girl can see from distance or talk to each a little bit silly uncles and aunts or try to make things work so what do you do with my kids. Or did my part but I knew I cannot make her mad you someone I thought you should Mattie. Be prayed. And lot of boys are interested in her and a lot of proposals and all that it's quite funny and strange but then this young man came along and. Friendly convinced that the lot of us in it although he never met her in person so that was interesting. Is so interview time. I am the one to do it and said So you are a medical doctor he said yes I am and a lot of people are living in the United States and there are medical doctors and they're professionals and and you're interested in mining my daughter but I know this she want to serve the Lord and live and die in this country she has no interest to live in Europe or Germany or some other place that's all I know. And so how did this all going to work his response was quite amazing he said the time he came to know the law and when he finishes high school or how the log clearly gave directions for him to go to medical college on marriage and had to spend money on that government picked him but he said before all of that there was a definite conviction in the call of God on his life to be a missionary to serve the Lord so then he made this amazing statement my walk. Is being a doctor by call is to preach the gospel. I said he got it. He'll pass the test. Very few people I know in my life as young as he is with such deep conviction and passion and genuine sacrifice sharing the gospel. So what where or what you may be. Our core is to follow the law and be like home. And so what is Jesus. The Son of Man came. To see and to say that which was lost. But we are to walk as Jesus walked it as we do we'll be living for what really survives time this is the road to reality with Brother k.p. Your hand remember back when you were a child one of those playgrounds are be those tricky little balance beams right getting from one end to the other required a great deal of balance well the same is true as we travel through this life and ink a piece book a life of balance you'll learn how to develop balance which will keep your life and ministry healthy and honoring to God You can download the e-book from our website for free we're at Road to Reality dot org Again download a life of balance from Road to Reality dot o.-r. G. Or in Canada it's Road to Reality tot ca And now let's catch up with k.p. And listen in to the rest of today's message in my own life journey I will spend and often to pray dog I wish you were less than the bargain I feel the dreams I have that I weep think about the lost and dying millions but I'm glad I never prayed that prayer and I have a strange conviction is not something people believe in or accept and I don't ask them to believe what I believe it is this I cannot imagine someone who say's that the Northern or Jesus Christ and not how the pain and agony for people that literally dying. I'm going to hell and forever after 10000000000 trillion years those precious people are weeping and crying out for debt and they will find none and Jesus gave His life. For the whole world nor just for one. And he left the $99.00 and went after the one now we got one in Darfur and I $99.00 out there and he say's would you be mine to give you and I your prayers and your agony and whatever it means not to some How would you live here and sort of live and die like anyone I was but be mindful completely that you fix your eyes on mean and where I am an eternity. And I cannot convince you or anyone else to have this conviction but one thing you can do and never forget it was 971 in Singapore that was at this conference when this tall American 6 for one hour in just. Standing before 3040 of us young people and he began to talk about our passion for the lost world and the number of this he took his Bible instructor and his pages and then stopped and then he described some years prior to that he was standing on the streets of mainline China and he saw a multi to slag all just people for being on bicycles and walking and he said it dawned on him these are people that Jesus died for and they do not know him and he didn't feel the pain he wished he could feel he took the pen from his pocket and the wrote on the leaf obvious Bible this statement or God. Let my heart break with the things that break your heart. But years my early days in the United States when materialism and trying to be normal one of the little prayer I prayed from someone else was or Lord will be take it turning and stumble on my eyes. And what is gospel fair share all about what you see we live for we know what we do never ask anyone here or internationally anywhere they will tell exactly what they're doing how you're doing it yeah you can explain away the well but maybe more important question why why do I live what is the reason for this what is the reason for this prayer meeting night. Why. Any one of us do this but the question I ask myself Do I still how the same conviction and the response and the willingness to said nor to a 1000000 things and continue the journey on this narrow road. I wish I could say. Well follow me I'm the perfect example my struggles are the same as it is yours in the videos but I must choose continually. To embrace the agony a lot of people heard about the Balkan War the last innocents tried to steal the people of God but they all talk about it but when Neo my Our How did he just lost it he began to weep and fast and embrace the pain and the log said I send you and it's good to ask the Lord to give us his heart. God this is not legalism forcing us to do something or somebody else but asking him to give us the grace to embrace suffering and may I say this you and I even network who feel the call of God in our life without suffering and it's not suffering that part food or how McGraw French fries but a 1000000 things that you know that you had to deal work look at gentlemen. Were stoned. This is one of the worst that the Lord used. Yang us I was 18 or 19 that need to continually walk with my eyes fixed on eternity on the last toward the hard worst is past the summer house ended and we are not saved. Someone said is a fixed time. They're not waiting for 10 years today they're dying and my brothers and sisters may have the Lord give us the grace to give ourselves what a war means so waste our time that we will not waste our time. And only the Lord can give you the understanding about the application for this but you ask him he will but then think about it. Jesus embrace the cross and Satan Hebrews for the joy that was set before him. And the joy it's you it's me. And I live with this dream some day standing before the throne with you and others witness multitude that no man can number from the hills and the valleys the mountain tops and the plains to need parliament in Afghanistan and China and where are they coming from. And finally standing before the Lord who gave his life for dung and I happen to be one of those people he gave the privilege to continue walk and fulfill his sufferings as Paul described that others may come to nor him it's what paying the price for that when I can do it for myself it has to be the Lord and that is one of the reason I constantly ingrates people to pray for us to be filled with the holy spirit dies in the Holy Spirit and how the power to say not to ourselves and yes to the Lord for all you are subtle. Closely up on God give up everything and preparing yourself to Satinder under debt all your ambitions plants and possums and I mean quite literally you should not be satisfied with the mayor technical aspect or Satinder but press your case upon God in Dick Traum into prayer until a crisis has taken place within your life and there has been an actual turn smart of everything from your soul to God Here nobody tosser said that statement. And I'm like you that God is desperately looking us tonight and all over the world to find someone whose heart is completely his that he can do his will and rescue the last and May the Lord give us the grace to say Lord here I am send me what that means please help me understand it let's pray and Dear Lord thank you tonight for the grace that you gave us to know you we didn't come after you you came after us one incredible nursing and grace or Lord that you would choose us he called us to become your sons and daughters and now Lord how do we are that in this life we how the opportunity to live not for the war that is passing but for things that will never perish people in so many lines multiplied millions and billions that never heard your name that we can live our life and spend our time in prayer and fast and give one goal and embrace the inconvenience and suffering that we don't have to say finally I only wish or Lord thank you for the opportunity your Lord invites us to lead on our life for the sake of reaching. Those that never heard your name thank you for your grace continued to give us grace to walk with he and I remain faithful to you till the end. And Father only say this in the name of Jesus. Thank you for listening today to the road to reality with k.p. Johanan we've been challenged to live for what matters most just as Jesus did. You remember back when you were learning how to ride a bike then after the training wheels few skinned up knees right and you finally learned to stay up on that bike and it was all a matter of balance wasn't it you know something the same is true for our lives spiritually we need to learn how to develop balance which will keep our lives and ministry healthy pleasing to God. That's the emphasis in k.p.s. Book a life of balance and we'd like to get a free copy into your hands today simply stop by road to reality dot org and download the e-book a life of balance it's waiting for you again at Road to Reality dot org If you would like it in print you can request that as well for just $3.50 and by calling 809462742 or online at Road to Reality dot org If you're one of our friends in Canada simply go to the Road to Reality dot ca or reach us at 888-946-2742. Don't that'll do it for today but come back next weekend when we'll receive another inspirational message from k p o Hannah appeared on The Road to Reality. The Road to Reality is fun served by gospel for Asia how would you like to walk in the footsteps of the prophet Elijah by winning a trip for 2 to Israel with Pastor Robert Jeffress from pathway to victory just log on to our station website as a bonus when you log on you'll also receive a free copy of the Alija map from Pastor Jeffress that shows the incredible Holy Land journeys of the prophet and the significance of the major milestones in his life log on. Just go to k.f. I a dot com and use keyword pathway k f I a dot com keyword pathway with the Quicksilver coffee Capital One you unlimited 1.5 percent cash back on every purchase I'm limited on limited. Limit. It's all in. Any way you say it only unlimited 1.5 percent cash back to every purchase just sound. Capital what what's in your What's in your wallet saying you watch Capital One Bank USA and a. 7 10 am The word invite you to join us now as we pray for our region. Pastor Jonathan c. Took a look at a Chinese Baptist Church in Oak Grove Dear God and I pray that you would show yourself to people. I pray that I agree that they would look up and see. That they would recognize their brokenness look we are broken we are needy people we are people whose lives are not what we want. Them to be. And Lord you offer healing you offer restoration and most importantly you offer forgiveness that we so need for our souls and so Lord I pray. 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Welcome to overwhelmed by grace with Pastor Jerome Wade of the bridge House Church in Rancho Cordova his goal is to teach the Bible deeply so that you may know Jesus and be well equipped to share him with others at the bridge our mission is to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples we teach the Word of God by going verse by verse chapter by chapter enjoy listening with open ears so that you may hear and apply God's truth to your life now here's a faster way. Remember this is sisters. So today we're going to begin a study on the Beatitudes. I would say Jesus Sermon on the Mount the 1st part of it so we're going to as we go each week we're going to look at each beatitude we make Couple couple of them but today just wanted to start with the 1st one which is Blessed are the poor in spirit and. You see we call this Christianity 101. Christiane we want to one because it's one of the foundations of being a follower of Jesus and we want to get in to what this means to be blessed and poor in spirit. So that's we're going to going to dig into today so let's let's read through the verse one through 11 and then we'll come back and just look at the verse 3. All right. So chapter 5 Verse one going to go down of August 11th and it will come back. Matthew Matthew chapter 5. All right Mary. This is when Jesus saw the crowds he went up on the mountain this is why the Sermon on the Mount sermon on a mountain right then after he set down his disciples came to him so Jesus is the side there sitting in front of them and there's a crowd in for them so try to just imagine a big mound got tons of people out there you got your disciples in the front and Jesus is about to begin the drops knowledge some wisdom and says any open his mouth and began to teach them saying Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn for they should be comforted Blessed are the gentle are the meek for they shall inherit the earth Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness for there is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me rejoice be glad for your reward in heaven is great for the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you so Jesus here is just drop some truth on. Bless the Beatitudes speaking of blessedness unless you let me just notice out there the Beatitudes that's not that's a title so don't think that's literally in the Bible that Jesus said this is the Beatitudes that's a Latin words talking about blessedness or blessing happiness joy and so that's what Beatitudes is talking about don't it's a title so it's just get that straight but this sermon on the mount this this passage of Scripture I love it because in these verses that we just read in all its rot there's some of the Mount Jesus is redeeming the Jewish religious culture back to God. He's redeeming the culture he's redeeming the people back to God and in the Sermon on the Mount he basically he attacks the culture and flips culture starts tonight is a different things all in its head what people thought maybe new they come to realize that they really did not know for example the Matthew 527 Jesus speaks about adultery and he says that you heard that it was said Ye shall not commit adultery but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart what see that's that that's now with affairs these are scribes taught us Mr Jesus see that's just the thought of the mindset that the people have fear death now what my religious teachers have taught us Jesus that's not what we hear in synagogue Mr Jesus that's not how my mother and grandfather and father and all my generation ever raised enough to believe that's not what we were taught that if you look at a woman with lust it's the same message don't really tell you don't commit adultery see Jesus right here he's attacking the culture he's bringing them into a deeper truth of God in His kingdom by letting them know the real the real and so he's attacking them in the split in their thoughts and their ideas of what they thought they knew on its head you also see this in Matthew 521 where Jesus he puts murder and anger with our brother on the same page and Matthew 21 he says you heard that the ancients were toat he should not commit murder. And whoever could MIT's murder shall be liable to the court he says but I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court so you see how he's taken in much deeper they thought they knew that all they had of what he's given them by deeper understanding he's shown what it really looks like what it really looks like when it comes to anger how God views he's given us a god perspective on anger he said the sequel and he puts it on the scale which Lerner. And John chapter 4 Jesus was having a conversation with a lady she was a Samaritan and the Samaritan said that this would become sex with Jesus and a lady she said that when the Messiah comes He will guide us into all truth for he will reveal all things through as he a let us know all truth see that was a common expectation of them aside and when this messiah comes he was going to reveal make all things known to us Matter fact that's all she said he will make all things known to us and that's exactly what's happening here Jesus is coming and he's making all pains known to them so here in his sermon on the Mount Jesus is dropping a whole lot of truth and he's redeeming this culture back to God and in the beginning of this sermon which is the beatitudes that we are looking that we see he starts by redeeming blessedness and what blessing can he's going to redeem it shows what a blessing really is because if you think about it in the culture we use this term blessings a lot right we use a kind of flippantly we say everything is blessed you found destroyed all of our all your bless all of that that whatever distant nice fellow blessed blessed blessed we can a flippantly use this term blessed and even in this Jewish culture you had this false teaching with the fair seas that was largely based on. Man made doctrine. They would tell people to do these things and you're blessed by doing so Jesus now in these Beatitudes is going to regain blessings he's going to redeem blessedness and show us what blessing really looks like he's going to show of the chief blessings if you will what that should look like when a person is truly blessed so in this 1st beatitude. Jesus says Blessed are the pull or and spear for their they belong to their is the Kingdom of Heaven now want you to keep the start of mine and Matthew 633 Jesus is speaking to the same people here and he's talking here in the Sermon on the mo and he tells these people here Matthew 633 that you should seek ye 1st the kingdom of heaven meaning you should seek to enter into seek to be a part of a continual seeking God in this kingdom and we see here and to be attitudes that Jesus still and that people who are seeking are people who belong to the kingdom of God are those who are poor in spirit poor in spirit see before we enter into God's eternal heavenly kingdom we must 1st enter into His kingdom here on Earth we enter into God's kingdom here on Earth by submitting to the authority of Jesus and taking all the traits our characteristics that he so described and hear in the beatitudes that trait are characteristic is to be poor in spirit. Poor spirit so God has decided to populate his kingdom goddess decided to populate his heaven with people who are poor in spirit and that's what makes that particular trait blessed That's why it's blessed because it is those people who belong to the kingdom of God So now that trait is bliss seems like this I've got say it that. All read here it's a turn to my kingdom we would then say burlesque are the red headed do you get it here we would say Blessed are the red headed why because you're allowed to be are you going to be a part of God's kingdom so what he said here Blessed are the poor in spirit why because these are the ones that are going to be a part of our Have the kingdom of heaven he's identified these traits that should be exhibited are shown in the life of a person who has entered into the kingdom of God come under the authority of Jesus so let's look at these words in detail let's look at these words in detail the less he says are the poor the poor What does it mean to be poor right what does it mean to be poor poor means that you what are without it means that you are lacking it means that you are not sufficient in of yourself and this is not that Americanize poor this is that 3rd World country poor that that neck it is I don't have anything wretched feeble I'm begging poor that's what this is Greek word means it's it's photo. I can't even pronounce really on a woman try it. Is. Try but it's it means like beggary poor like that that real poor so send Blessed are the poor. Poor and what the poor in spirit and it's Greek word spirit it's it's talk about breath it gives the illusion of a life like when you breathe your air share breath he keeps you live in he's talking with the spirit of a person Blessed are the poor in spirit might affect Strong's dictionary defines this word spirit like this it says it is the power by which the human being feels things or decides see our bodies but a shell right this flesh and blood is just it's just this it's our spirit see we're truly a spirit being this body is just a shell but it's a spirit while we live in moving in thinking and so he's talking about the spirit here so let's think it again and look at it again blessed on the pole or impoverished feeble weak and what spirit are life then I don't have any spirit I don't have any life within me blessed are those but what does that mean right and I get what you say about this room Blessed are the poor in spirit but what does that mean what is he really getting then but let's interpret Scripture with Scripture here go to Revelation chapter 3 verse 14 through 18 Let's see if we can get an idea what it means to be poor in spirit revelations last book of Bible Revelation not of Revelations always say that chapter 3 verse 14 through 18. So let's read this letter to the church assisted the angel of the church in Laodicea right the aim in the faithful when true witness the begin enough creation of God says this verse 15 I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot our waste that you were cold or hot so because you are look warm neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 because you say I am rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing and here was a point and you do not know that you are retched miserable and poor and blind in neck it 18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich and white garments so that you may close yourself that the shame of your neck in this will not be revealed and I slave to annoyance your eyes so that she you may see her. Jesus talk to the church and live to see. And what you have to understand what this church is that this was a wealthy church financially wealthy this is a very wealthy church why because to see it was a wealthy city this was a city that was the center of commerce might affect this city was so wealthy that when there was a large earthquake as opposed to go into the government you know like when we have major disasters they called it a state of emergency and then when a state of emergency like Katrina as a state of emergency was a state of emergency then that city can go to the federal government to get funds to rebuild their city because it's so bad and so that's why cities and governments want to claim what is a major catastrophe that is a state of emergency because now they can go get funds so what would these legacy is when they weren't in a state of emergency when it was this large earthquake because they were so wealthy the city and in the happen instead they didn't even go through their own government they actually rebuilt the city themselves with their own money that's how wealthy this city was so you can imagine this church this is a this is a wealthy church this is a church that is very well all they've got all their financial needs that they're pretty well off and so because there are well they are rich and are prospering they think as Jesus shown is in here they think that there Ok. They think that they are but they are not in need of anything it says here and Jesus and you are not realizing that truly you are red just your pitiful your poor your blind INEC you you think you have it all because your pockets of fat are because your bank account is skewed because you have a nice house or because you have a nice career you think you have it all because you have all of these material things all of this the sexes of the of the world but truly said you're really rich you're pettable your poor you're blind and neck it when Jesus says those things he's not talking about naturally or physically that they're that way but Jesus is going to the spirit he's going to the soul he said here's the state of your soul as you stand before me who is God the one is going to judge the living in the dead you are retched he is one much deeper than the material things and guess what it is not just a layout of scenes that are like this they get so caught up in materialism and things of this world but it's all about it's the whole world is in this condition the whole world stands like the Laodiceans spiritually bankrupt before God But here's the major problem with much of the world and these Laodiceans is that they don't realize it that's the point he says you don't even know what you're really in this wretched position you think you're good because you have all of these other things which you don't even realize how wretched You Are they like much of the world they believe that they're Ok they have their careers they have their hobbies they have they money they believe they're not as bad as the people they see on the news they're not like the terrorists and so they believe that they're Ok they're not worried about a judgment judgment one judgment they say and even if there is a judgment I'm a good person see they're Ok they're deceived just like these lay all the scenes. And that's why it's such a Blessitt thing to be poor in spirit when he says Poor spirit it's referred to those who know that you're spiritually deficient who know that you are spiritually deficient and of yourself that you need God to bless on the poor in spirit or people to realize that I am in need See this is what Christianity and this may be an oversimplification of Christianity is a faith of broken people that realize that they are broken in a wretch people and in need up a savior if you want to just somebody up in that sense that's what Christianity is it is broken rich misrule people recognize and yes I am broking Yes I am messed up yes I do got problems yes I do need a savior Yes I don't know the Lord yes my sins have said See that is what Christianity truly is and that's why this 1st beatitude is Christianity 101 because to be a 1st be a fall of Christ the 1st thing you have to do is acknowledge that I am not fine. That I am messed up that I am rich that I am a poor miserable sinner that there is no life in me that my sins have taken me away and I do need help I do need a savior I am poor in spirit I see before you can get healed. You must acknowledge that you are sick. Before you can get healed you must acknowledge that you are sick before you drive down to the doctor's office and stand in line and pay that high copay and pick up your prescription before all of that happens what 1st has to happen in your life you have to acknowledge to realize that I am sick there is a problem in me and I need a doctor. When Jesus says it is not those who are healthy that need a physician but those who are sick. But how do we move. From this position of spiritual Popper's before God because of our sin and depravity to being spiritually rich and wealthy when you keep looking at what Jesus said here to the Laodiceans but what he says and Revelations 318. The quote he says here he says I advise you to buy for me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich and why garments so that you make clothes yourself that the shame of your neck it is will not be revealed and I slave to not your eyes so that she may see what she say here he says buy gold from me now why she says using this fanatic you have come in by for me he's using this vernacular because this is the language that the church understands why because they're Laodicea they understand buying and selling their understand trade that's what made the city so wealthy so Jesus is using some language our binocular that they understand they understand binding sounding so what's the point when I say come and buy for me what Jesus said and when he makes this statement he said that I have a monopoly over salvation. You have to come in by for me you can go buy from me you can go buy from Islam you you can go buy from Buddha I am the war and dad has it that's why he says You come in by for me that gold is symbolic of salvation that's why I said gold burned by foreigners like the purest and best gold he's talking about their salvation here and he sent it on that one you get it and until you have this this salvation you are a rich poor and miserable sinner when you have this now you are wealthy now you are rich so says Come and buy from me but by means it's going to cost something right but it's going to cost them so what is this going to cost for us to get this goat this treasure the salvation while it's going to be your will submit it to Jesus it's going to be your will submit it to him it's going to be your ally your plans like the song that we so it's going to be all of you now submitted to Jesus he is now Lord of your life that's was going to cost you so the cost you dying to yourself that is how we get this precious go that is how we get this treasure that is how we cover he says here we are wretchedness with these white garments how we buy it from him we get our salvation from him so we shown us what that looks like he's the monopoly he's the one over salvation. Poor in spirit it's a voice that paying understanding it to poor in spirit I would say better it's a blessing thing that you know what you have a need that you stand miserable outside of Jesus. We pray that God is used overwhelmed by grace of the bridge House Church in Rancho Cordova and then tell me as to equip you to know that got of the Bible more and to share him with others pastors Brian Anderson in Jerome way teach scripture deeply so that you're able to disciple others with the love of Jesus no matter where you are in your walk if you want to dig into learning the word of God and you're looking for a small home church that feels like a family where you can grow in your faith enjoy safe fellowship and get equipped to share Jesus with others visit their bridge house church with fellowship at 9 30 am and worship attend to learn more and find the location call Pastor Brian 916-304-3014 or visit the bridge on line dot net Pastor Brian is also an author who looks deeply of God sovereign grace in his book overwhelmed by grace if you'd like a copy for any donation amount or if you'd like to hear full sermons go to the bridge on line that met the bridge on line dot net or call 916-304-3014 we pray that you are overwhelmed by grace. 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