To postpone any further hearings pending an investigation by the f.b.i. That s Capitol Hill correspondent Wally Hynes reporting Britain s main opposition Labor Party confirmed today Sunday that they have the will hold major debate on Bracks and at its party conference later this week morning Labor members hoping to stop the county of the country that is from leaving the European Union with the u.k. And the European Union at an impasse in divorce talks many Labor members think the left of center party has the power and a duty to force a new referendum that could reverse Britain s decision to leave the 28 nation bloc . Secretary of State Mike palm Peo said Sunday the economic sanctions on North Korea won t be reduced until it completes denuclearization after leader Kim Jong un offered to close the North s main nuclear site in exchange for u.s. Concessions on Fox News Sunday Pompei o says the u.s. Is though making progress with Pyongyang it s the right path and we ve made clear to the wo
And it doesn t improve say Please join us reading one well we call rebels work force in economy help pay for by protecting Colorado s Nirman economy and energy independence. D.n.c. Already. Denver s only business radio station money charge $6098.00. This is our problem townhall dot com I m Bob Agnew in Washington deputy attorney general Rob Rosenstein says a New York Times story about him was factually incorrect Rosenstein issued a statement denying at times report that says he floated the idea of using the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump as unfit for office he called the story an accurate and insisted there was no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment Rosenstein is a frequent target of the president s attacks and the story could add to the uncertainty about his future at the Justice Department his White House correspondent right clocks that the president spoke to a rally in Springfield Missouri yesterday America is winning again winning I d never be fair in America Meanwhile do
In the backyard it was struck by lightning Cheryl Robert to State Farm cover my she shit watcher she said she turned out shed a tear of hide away Robert Oh yeah that s covered here that I m getting a new She she or she She can we stop says she said now with a limit here to help life go right. Talk to an agent today at Hyde Stephanie Tubbs has alcohol impacted your family your circle of friends go sober is not for everyone they treat alcohol dependence but they re only interested in people who are ready and willing to be done with alcohol permanently and go sober they use a scientific medically based treatment protocol they offer you a free consultation you ll learn why it s so difficult to quit and stay away for good at Go sober You ll also learn what you can do about it take control go sober wants people to be informed about what happens when we drink alcohol regularly and over time it creates a condition that makes it so difficult to feel naturally Ok that condition needs to be rese
Today to continue to work on specifics on the format and timing of the testimony Chairman Chuck Grassley had threatened to vote on Kavanagh s confirmation on Monday if they couldn t reach an agreement by 2 30 pm Eastern Time today and Loren reporting from Washington at a gathering of social system conservatives here in Washington Vice President Mike Pence praising Capitol as a man of integrity he s a conservative who will interpret the Constitution as written and his record and career deserves the respect of every member of the United States Senate and the vice president predicting the cattle will soon be a justice all the u.s. Supreme Court president trumps come out swinging against what he calls bad people in the Justice Department and the f.b.i. Look at what s going on on the same day the news breaks that deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein reportedly made a comment last year about secretly taping President Trump and maybe he brought up the 25th Amendment about a president s abi
Farm robber here Robert somebody burned my she shed no one. Chair Oh oh really victim because it s burning up in the back yard it was struck by lightning Cheryl Robert to State Farm cover my she said what for she said she turned I shed a tear of hide away Robert Oh yeah that s covered here that victim I m getting a new She she or she said Can we stop says she said Now go with the one that s here to help life go right State Farm. Talk to an agent today say he was. Already dead. Denver s only business radio station money dark $16.00 already. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I m buying with Washington as a values voter summit here in the nation s capital vice president Mike Pence ascent to take the podium about an hour and a half from now he ll be talking about the administration focus on religious freedom in the u.s. And elsewhere among other topics yesterday it was Secretary of State Mike Peo saying the u.s. Has committed to winning the release of Evan Jellicoe pastor Andr