Off limits Syrian Kurds in the region have been key u.s. Allies in the fight against ISIS but Turkey calls them terrorists Syria s government meanwhile is edging the Kurds to reach its sight date some of the president s decision has been criticized from the left and the right than it Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says a precipitous withdrawal only benefits Russia Iran and the Assad regime House Republican Conference Chair leads Cheney system which role is a catastrophic mistake top Democrats are opposed as well House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the withdrawal betrays Kurdish allies talks is Jared helper in the president again also spoke out against the House Democrats new investigation into his call with Ukraine s leader asking for a Joe Biden investigation the people understand it s a scam to try to win an election in 2025 using a page with The Washington Post reports of the coming of the whistle blower Democrats are considering getting testimony from a remote location concealing th
Not be all that 2020 cents us but President Trump is taking action to determine the number of citizens and non-citizens in the country I am here by ordering every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all requested records regarding the number of citizens and non-citizens in our country Trump said this method will determine citizenship for 90 percent of the people in our country he said this information can be used by the Census Bureau to create the official census he pointed out that this will inform public policy decisions including how elections are administered by the president Mike Pence will be in a Border Patrol facility in Texas today to examine conditions faced by migrants overcrowding it by going to tensions it as was described as a ticking time bomb last month by the inspector general Pence s he will bring t.v. Cameras when he visits the facility which is located in McKellen to prove that it s providing needed care but al
Buckingham Palace neighbors Emily Thornberry says he did the right thing we should say what it is that we think and I don t trust this government to be standing up to him and frankly we will while President Trump is going to be meeting the prime minister to resume a Downing Street later Norman Smith House been looking at the plans the president will raise American concerns about the role of the Chinese company Huawei in our 5 G. Network and Mrs May will no doubt raise concerns about America s approach to Iran but it s a little bit just going through the motions in other news a man s jeer in court later accused of killing a 3 month old baby boy in Swindon Paul Rich from shriven a mess accused of murdering Patrick Bradley who died at the Great Western Hospital in March 2017 the cases being heard at Superstore crown course now a B.B.C. Investigations found nearly 2 thirds of universities have been hacked in the past 4 years there s been around 16000 successful cyber attacks the Universit
And now Adler floating impeachment all the things that I told you was on their agenda item list if you elected them in the House and the Senate it will ever go anywhere it s never going to happen this collusion never existed here the most damning thing that we learned this weekend really has to do a James Komi admitting that they never verified Clinton s bought and paid for Russian dasi aid that actually was used to influence the election you know Carl Bernstein has just been a trump aide or from day one that s you know he s cornered aids that absolutely cornered and walls are closing in Senator Blumenthal saying on Donald Trump and it goes on from there. By the way and then Trump on President he does serious jeopardy of being charged James Comey who himself could end up being charged if we have equal justice under the law former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich you always have they great historical professorial take on everything you are a natural Professor you re watching what I m
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