Today to continue to work on specifics on the format and timing of the testimony Chairman Chuck Grassley had threatened to vote on Kavanagh's confirmation on Monday if they couldn't reach an agreement by 2 30 pm Eastern Time today and Loren reporting from Washington at a gathering of social system conservatives here in Washington Vice President Mike Pence praising Capitol as a man of integrity he's a conservative who will interpret the Constitution as written and his record and career deserves the respect of every member of the United States Senate and the vice president predicting the cattle will soon be a justice all the u.s. Supreme Court president trumps come out swinging against what he calls bad people in the Justice Department and the f.b.i. Look at what's going on on the same day the news breaks that deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein reportedly made a comment last year about secretly taping President Trump and maybe he brought up the 25th Amendment about a president's ability to hold office President Trump on a campaign stop decried the Washington swamp and slam some in the Justice Department some real bad ones you seen what's happened at the f.b.i. They're all gone their own gun without naming any names here's a lingering stand should we're going to get rid of that too I'm Jackie Quinn the winds have died down the rains have let up but North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper says the danger from Hurricane Florence continues the storm itself is gone but it's treacherous floodwaters remain if you live in southeastern North Carolina Don't let your guard down thousands remain without power this is townhall dot com. 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Welcome to another edition of Life in Colorado September the 22nd to the 28th is national falls prevention awareness week and the reason that this is important is that fulls are actually the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injuries that relate to fatalities and the c.d.c. Reported that in 201630000 older Americans died as a result of a fall I don't know if you remember this commercial but let's go ahead and play it I've fallen and I can't get we're sending help immediately Mrs Fletcher it Richard do you remember that commercial Oh yes Ira I remember hearing their career and laughing you know unfortunately it's course it's not funny now was I being older and thinking about it but it's yeah it's a serious issue it's funny how getting older will do that to you know it used to be funny is now very serious yes yes yes you're a successful sales pro you're making good money so what's missing to be something bigger than commissions single media group endeavor is seeking an integrated marketing consultant who shares our sense of mission and wants to grow with a great company we need an experienced uncompromising self-starter who understand selling marketing an ad strategies for digital and broadcast join our team and fuel the fire in your belly as you work with existing clients and develop new business in the Denver metro going to say the media dot com slash careers For more we're going to be speaking with a physician Dr Jonathan Zaka and we're going to discuss the severity we're going to discuss prevention and we're going to discuss the fact that it's not just the fall it's things that happen around the fall how doctors are you there with this I am thank you so much I appreciate you taking the time to sit down and talk with us about this serious matter now we all remember that commercial from a few decades ago where there's an older woman and I fall and I can't get out. But and I remember back again thinking that was humorous but as I've gotten older it's really not that funny. And it's a really important issue that especially older adults need to be aware of in part because of some of the issues caused them to be a little more frail more likely to fall and they may be more susceptible to medications and injury as they fall and we'll talk during this interview about something to help prevent those falls as well as. Some of the risks are falls and how we can avoid them. Ver experienced particularly those who live alone how severe is the risk of the fall or anything that can happen after the fall one of the things that is really important value way when we're taking care of patients especially the elderly in our practice across the west what we do is we try and screen for people who are more at risk for falls so we do it's a tie all the time get up and go test this is basically to see how well they can get up out of a chair and get across the room and if they're delayed in that or if they have issues with balance or strength it shows up in that test and it's simply an awareness of that person may have some issues and it gets to many areas of living such as getting to the bathroom and night or if their vision is impaired where they can't quite see obstacles in the way at night usually at night to a lot of people as we get older we have a harder time with maybe getting our wits about us as we get up to go to the bathroom and so darkness and medications they might take to go to sleep or medications which may make their their reflexes not quite so good can affect their ability to recover from a fall and then the other issue is if you do fall there's greater risk of injury such as a bone fracture or hip fracture and one of those long term problems is that once somebody fractures their hip if they're above 65 they have a pretty good chance of dying within 6 months. Sometimes as high as 25 to 50 percent chance simply because they've lost that mobility with that have fracture Oh my goodness. I remember at my end their grandmother became older and she finally got all of the thought of her happy he was big credibly happy and proud of her independence so how how do we work with those experienced adults who are proud and happy to have gotten out of the house and their family alone for one moment in their life how does one period in their life I think it's and to support them in that independent living because most of the time with older adults who are living on their own they're actually pretty comfortable and pretty safe in their own house and making sure they are safe there with taking away throw rugs that may get in the way of their walking making sure they have a lighted tacet night maybe a night light in the bathroom In addition doing some things like encouraging physical activity maybe at the local rec center I know Denver has a lot of rec centers that are very for seniors as well as most insurance plans like the I know we take Medicare plan and it gives them a free pass and that's one of the reasons I encourage them to do that they give them a free pass to go to either a gym or rec center and what that means is we want them to go in go to the gym and not just do regular exercise but do something besides some specific exercises for balance maybe one of those adult type she classes or a yoga class specifically designed to help encourage balance but any kind of even strength training reduces the risks of falls and very importantly reduces the risk of getting injured with false so that being that they've been telling us about a body in motion stayed in motion it's true Exactly yes and so if we can keep those adults in their own home active and being able to protect themselves they're going to be a lot better because once you move someone out of their home that also. The risk of their fall so then we have patients are going to the hospital that's one of the biggest risks that they have is because they're not aware of their surroundings they're often sick maybe they're on some pain medications which can affect their ability to keep their balance and recognize where they're out of so they often don't know where they're at and they may fall because they are unaware of their surroundings so it's not necessarily having someone there it's just being aware of their surroundings and panic keeping the throw rugs having some night lights and things of that nature is it that simple Those can those certainly can help and sometimes we'll even have a home health type of company come out and do what's called a safety check and they look around and they see if maybe grab bars could be placed in certain areas if they need a shower see if there are throw rugs or maybe different lighting that could help out keep those seniors in good stead so that they're at less risk of falling at home now he may term are not familiar with a safety check is that something that someone can request from an agency or it is usually the 1st place to start is just with your regular doctor your primary care physician and talk to them about some of the rest you're worried about falling that's a great way to start I'm worried about falling and then it can go into let's check into what is your home environment like for you have that you can call an emergency do you have one of those life alert call buttons. A lot of people say well I have my home phone but if you can't get to your phone then it doesn't help out that much and you can't quite get there or if you're knocked unconscious. Wow Ok now the figure that I quoted is actually from the u.s. Center at Disease Control and Prevention in 2016 just 2 years ago 30000 experience and died as a result of a fall. Is that figure exorbitant is that sound about right to you it sounds about right be. As of that issue of whether it's a hip fracture or maybe a spying fracture or maybe a blow to the head that causes bleeding and then those can all cause death within let's say one couple hours to days or 6 months but there's also some other things of why did the person fall they often are seen for a fall but they might be callin for a couple hours or days and that can certainly increase the risk of death or is it that they couldn't get up because of other reasons so if one in 4 adults fall not everybody has major injuries most to most falls don't cause a major injury but it's about that person that does follow their risk for another fall later and we should really address that as a safety concern. Here and that brings things out something a fear of falling can actually increase your chances. That's correct So Maria what can happen is if somebody feels that they're going to fall they may do a lot less and not be as active and that's the exact opposite of what we want we want them to get active and get someone to maybe take them to a gym or rec center or have a home health agency come in and actually work on what are some balance exercise or they can do what are some strengthening activities they can do even right in their own home and those can really help to improve their strength their flexibility their ability to catch themselves with balance and find out just how they can improve their strength. How we look in on time. We've got about 15 minutes or so yeah Ok we're going over all right we'll be right back with Dr Jonathan Zamka and we'll continue to talk about fall fall prevention and actually we'll get a little bit into drug interactions as well just one moment why you volunteer with Meals on Wheels I never I've met names so much different in life if you will and I have a drop of more meal and more than you back in here in America let's not argue. Rock you then you're going to Real America in the end Council getting a little bit away from falls and let's talk about overall you don't have. Day to Day year to year as we get older and the machine that is our body starts to you know experience a little more aware and little more apparent little appreciation of what kinds of things can we do require definitely discusses a collectivity but what other things can we do to kind of help maintain that body in motion staying in motion rhythm that's a great question and it's complicated in fact that one of the 1st steps we have to do is probably just check with our regular doctor and find out what it is that we're at risk for so during our visits that I see in my in my practice we talk about the whole picture of the person what medications are you taking what activities are you doing are you is there somebody checking on you do you have family in town who's lives with you one of the big parts is that is we get these aches and pains and groans we end up taking some medications for them or for other problems and those can be a contributing factor so reviewing all those medications and making sure there's not a interaction between the medications and making sure that they're not increasing their risk of false sometimes medications are left on because they've just people are just him and they're stable and doing it but they may not always need to be there one of the key indicators is if you have 5 medications and that might include over the counter ones there's a really good chance of an interaction between there and advanced groups that use electronic records and computerized documentation. Like our programs that we have a new West we have an automatic checking machine that looks at all of your prescriptions to make sure there's not a major interaction and that's an important thing also talking to your pharmacist is there. Interaction I should be aware of with this can I drink alcohol on this. Those are the type of questions that you should be asking a drug interaction in researching your medications could possibly have a negative interaction with vitamin herbal supplements or even over the counter medications. That's correct Maria one of the things that I think about is anything you put in your body including food or other substances even vitamins I consider it a chemical or a material that's going in there so we have to think about whether or not that's going to interact some medications need to be taken without food such as your thyroid medication other medications such as your cholesterol medicine should not be taken with great for juice because it will really increase a level of that that Staton drug So those are some of the important interactions you might not think about but should be talked about with your physician. Interactions that we don't actually think about I discovered that happy or even too much green tea can adversely affect your method and that. That is accurate one of the things as we age some of our processes slow down just like you mention getting out of bed other things slow down as well so if you drink that cup of coffee as a 20 year old in the morning usually it's gone within about 4 to 6 hours or is it for older as we age each year there's some decline in our ability to process that whether it's in the liver or the kidneys were most medications are processed in eliminated and you may see that there is a 33 percent delay or longer in particularly caffeine metabolism so that cup of coffee a dinner for the older adult may not be actually being processed until early the next morning and I don't know if you remember your grandparents haven't coffee with dinner night time and then gone right bad news thought Why can they have. A cup of coffee and go to bed it's probably because the cup of coffee earlier in the day is still there and it doesn't really matter when they drink that cup of coffee Yeah my grandmother always used to wake up 1st thing 6 o'clock in the morning small little cup of coffee her cigarette and then we get to do yard work I say get to do yard work sarcastically but but yeah let's see you mention an example of medicine on the list it says that some medicines that can increase the risk of falls are blood pressure pills. Heart medicine water pills muscle relaxers and of course reaping. When we look into blood pressure for older or experienced adults. It may be an issue with taking blood pressure close we always want our blood pressure to be controlled and perfect however we're a little bit more leaning in when it becomes to the more advanced age 75 or 85 we might not want that blood pressure to be 110 over 60 we might allow or ensure that that blood pressure is a little higher maybe even above 130 over 80 so that it reduces the chance of the blood pressure dropping when that person goes and stands up and walks across the room it can cause people to feel dizzy and lightheaded and one of the issues is our body does not always have the same ability as we age to push blood back to the heart in the venous return system in so making sure that people drink enough water and are adequately hydrated and taking care of themselves in that way so that we adjust those medications so you might actually be taking less blood pressure medicine or want a little higher blood pressure as we age what about smoking and I mean. So we'll talk about the cigarette smoking 1st and then we'll deal with the cannabis which is a good question and some other substances that can also affect mood and stability when walking so with a. Cigarette smoke has a lot of effects one is it can make the heart beat faster increase your risk for heart attacks and strokes which current clearly can increase the risk of falls but also it can damage the the arteries that flow into the legs and causing worsening circulation and less stability because you don't have the good blood flow and you don't have good muscle tone the other is that nicotine derivative from cigarettes can actually impair the metabolism other drugs in the liver is one big time in system that a lot of drugs are processed and it's called. Cytochrome p 450 there's a bunch of different enzymes in the liver but that's one of the main ones and if you have other substances that you don't want being metabolize and there it can affect to maybe the either makes metabolism faster or slower for other drugs. Related to your question of marijuana and certainly other drugs such as sleeping pills or alcohol that can affect a person the sense Oriya meaning their ability to interact with their environment so it can affect their ability to prevent falls maybe they do risky behavior that they shouldn't do running down the stairs or doing other activities maybe they're not as aware of their environment or in control of their body so being very careful of especially combining those. Medications and substances so we would certainly wouldn't want somebody to for instance taking a sleeping pill and drinking we wouldn't want people to be drinking and using marijuana. Colorado and definitely a lot of individuals are retiring and you know they just want to slow things down maybe a bit so you're saying that it's not the chemical inside of marijuana your reaction and your actions while you're using. It it can be all of it with every individual is. Different with their interaction with marijuana and that's a lot stronger than it used to. B. And so people may not be aware and there I know there has been an increase in the utilization of emergency room for overdose of marijuana because people are really experienced or they overdo it a bit too much and they're not able to handle the dosing that they take and so it can hit people later especially if they're eating edibles and it comes on suddenly and they don't realize it and they can have a lot of issues. Oh you know what your doctor and Harvey on the line for you now and you can give us the beauty about eating. So it's nice food sometimes if people have you know one of the things when you Wendy and if you have low sugar sort of people or have diabetes you know being sure that they're not going to long without eating and have some good source and if people around you and you have diabetes make sure they're aware of it and how to check your sugar if you're not acting like you normally would it's a good place to start to check a regular blood sugar on your finger. And some people if they get older some medications may not work the same way for instance a category of drugs called Cell father Urias that are older diabetes drugs and have affects for a lot longer and can cause really low blood sugar and older adults in the middle of the night so being sure you talked with your physician my practice at ascent of me west we often talk about that with patients and and make sure they're not having really low blood sugars in the mill in one because people can have even difficulties like a heart attack or stroke in the middle of the night because they're low blood sugar so it's a really big problem so we're trying to figure out what's the best dosing and went what time and watch their blood sugar carefully. How did you know sitting down and talking with your missing. And definitely no no throw red definitely a night light if you keen increase your physical activity as far as frank and Valerie. What if you or the daughter or the Son as someone who's been living alone what can you do not to invade their privacy not to detract from their independence but what can you do to look out for mom and that. Taking care of Mom and Dad it's an important thing for all of us and these being involved in their health care or sometimes even just checking up on them and looking around their house and offering suggestions of maybe we should do this or making sure do a checking call with them or setting up those those Life Lock life alert call buttons where they can call and make sure it's for if you fall people are often afraid to use them so encouraging people to use those buttons because that's what they're there for is an emergency to Frenchy from having a worse problem I think that the other is recognizing that falls are a problem and being aware that their medications or alcohol can affect looking at their medications and going over with the doctor and they're taking them at the right time for instance a water pill like a diuretic if you take it at night can make them go to the bathroom a lot more when they're not really aware of the risk of false anything that you would like to stress or any words of advice or wisdom that as a doctor I know you get asked all the time that you can use path a long time and reference. I think the 1st and foremost thing is talk to your doctor about all the medications you're taking please make sure that you get your eyes checked to make your home safe or get rid of things that are could you could trip over put some Night Lights and do your strength and balance exercises there's a lot of opportunities even in your home to do those exercises like type she or yoga often there even on the t.v. You can do it there. Find out your nearest rec center maybe if you're that son or daughter take them for a walk and see how they do see if they need a cane to stabilize themselves look at maybe putting in a ramp if they can't do stairs as easily and if you're afraid of falling talk to your family or your for regular physician and the other issue is that some people say they broke their hip when they fell. One of the things is really taking a look at. Often times people have osteoporosis as a result they break their hip and then fall so instead of breaking it when they hit the ground they actually break the hip standing and then fall down so if you get a regular bone density test especially for those women who are over age 65 it is recommended to get a bone density test it's really important because if you have weak bones it might just break on its own with no trouble whatsoever. Thank you. That does it for our show this week Richard Roberts and as our show producer I'm Maria Oliver and this is live in Colorado if you have a question to Thomas I'm off a strong please call 303-750-5687 wife and call in water is a public affairs presentation of single media of Colorado. As our a news item Wally Hines Washington Christine loves the Ford has agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week the tale still to be ironed out there remain a number of disagreements including day format even how many reporters and t.v. Cameras will be allowed in the hearing room president Trump's come out swinging against what he calls bad people in the Justice Department and the f.b.i. Telling a campaign rally last night he will get rid of the stench in Washington that came just hours after a bombshell report in The New York Times that deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein once suggested using the 25th Amendment to try to force Mr Trump from office Rosenstein is denying those reports and there are a group hoping to break away from Iran is claiming responsibility for a deadly attack on a military parade in Tehran today $25.00 killed more than 60 injured more details at s.r.m. News dot com. Hi I'm Chris Hill the host of Motley Fool Money join me every Saturday morning for a look at the world of business and investing that's going to help you make better decisions about your money each week on Motley Fool Money will break down the headlines from Wall Street talk with business leaders and authors Plus we'll give you an inside look at the stocks on our radar everybody money that's why they call it the money will money Saturday mornings at 6 right here on Denver's money talks 1690 am. The following. Is a presentation of the Salem Radio Network. Today on the town hall review in partnership with Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy desperate to stop Judge Kavanaugh certain Supreme Court confirmation the Democrats took to uncover an accusatory letter they've been sitting on since July. The chair of the committee despite the poisonous political committee chair Charles Grassley remains composed and civil accusations by the consideration looking into and as that's what the purpose of the hearing is we'll hear from someone who's been there the likely next senator for the state of Arizona congresswoman Martha MacCallum. And out west but spreading quickly across the country homelessness seems stoppable might go bad that is a front row observer one of the homeless person puts his tent on public property in the local park where you like to take your children to use the playground I'm here great to be with you catch my program each weekday morning live 6 to 9 am and on demand 24 seventh's learn more at Hugh Hewitt. On July 10th judge Greg Kavanagh the new. She Circuit Court of Appeals was announced as the president to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court it has been a torturous path for him over these past 2 and one half months not an hour following his nomination but there was on the leash an unremitting attack from the media has left and House Democrats Democratic lawmaker used an abundance of creative chaos during public committee hearings Senate Judiciary Committees continuously and rudely interrupted joining a chorus of spectator outbursts that determined Republican Chairman Charles Grassley was deliberate and resolute in guiding the hearing through to completion this past week was to be a break following the hearing in a committee vote next week over the past weekend Senator Feinstein ranking Democrat on Judiciary made public to the press a letter that had been their possession since early July the letter was authored by Dr Christine Baazi forward now a California college professor blazin 40 kids Kavanaugh of sexual assault allegedly happened during a party when they were both an icicle here Senator Grassley on my show before it was known whether Dr Ford would be willing to appear as a witness will the hearing on Monday Be Televised you know and will there only be 2 witnesses on Monday oh yes who's going to go 1st we have made up her mind and I have as soon the. Doctor for do it as Dr Ford accepted and she has agreed to come you know we have reached down to her in the last 36 hours I had 3 or 4 times by e-mail and we've not heard from them so it kind of raises the question do they want to do they want to come to a public hearing or not accusations like this these are consideration I'm looking into and that's what the purpose of the hearing is and we wouldn't be having this hearing if it wasn't for the fact that a doctor or. Told The Washington Post and other people publicly that she wanted to testify and we also had Judge Perry Cabin or even before we requested him to testify he said he was willing to testify so we still haven't heard from Dr Ford So do they want to have the hearing or not we're dealing the vote. Strictly to get all the facts out the table following my conversation with Senator Grassley my colleague Mike Gallagher went to our mutual colleague Ed Morrissey of hot air dot com At that point it was not known whether Ford would appear what happens if there's a showdown and only the accused appears Well actually I think what happens at that stage if Grassley smart as he just closes the hearing out and says look we did this in order to give Dr Ford an opportunity to publicly tell her story if she's not going to show up there is no point to this let's just go directly to a vote on the nomination which will come back 1110 but at least he will have given her the opportunity to do that and if she doesn't take that opportunity up then I think that that also reflects on the credibility of the accusation and that's the way I think Jeff Flake Bob Corker I think that's what they're looking for and Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and I know you're a smart guy I'm I'm having a very difficult time getting past one key I mean there's so many ifs there's so much we don't know and you know regrettably you don't know what happened 35 years ago and it said if this is what makes it such a a frustrating development in this in this confirmation process what we do know evidently is that Dianne Feinstein knew about this accusation back in July so she's got a perfect opportunity you've got a you've got testimony under oath public the whole world is watching that's of course the time the ass judge Cavanagh about this allegation so can you help me understand why Dianne Feinstein. Realistically waits a few days before the scheduled vote before this gets out well I think what happened was that she was sitting on it and the charitable takeaway on this would be that Dianne Feinstein saw that there was just really no way of going forward with this thing because there's no corroboration there's no evidence and no witnesses to it and decided not to use it and it was the other Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee that leaked it and forced fine science hand now that's a possibility but here's the problem I have with even though that that type of allegation should have been shared with the chair of the committee I'm yet is Robert prodigal immediately sharing me a chair as committee chair and wasn't at all hit the Republicans until until other Democrats forced it out into the open by leaking it out that she had something you know she had something or a bombshell on Kavanaugh that had something to do with sexual assault or perhaps they Or perhaps they held it the I'll be more cynical than you are you're a generous guy they waited til the 11th hour because frankly it's going to be impossible realistically to conduct a thorough investigation before a scheduled vote in this whole thing gets derailed I mean doesn't it doesn't that seem that's the more likely scenario it certainly seems like a possible scenario and it does seem like I mean based on the fact that they hid this from the chair of the committee doing not even the rest of the Republican right chair the committee should have been apprised of the situation right so they could address it in one on one meetings with Kavanagh they could address it in during the hearing they could address it during the follow up questions I mean Democrats had issue I think they had with 1300 questions on that follow up question air after the hearing never mentioned this at all so yeah I mean there's a charitable take away from this but your scenario is at least as likely to be true well I mean that I think and there could be a myriad of scenarios we don't know is this is what's so hard about this. By mid-week a change I'm certain whether Dr board would appear at best show prep brought to mind another person's opinion in this matter was viable congresswoman Martha makes our way of Arizona a retired Air Force Colonel collected the cards and 24 deemed him the Republican nominee for the Senate seat being vacated by Jeff White she has a unique perspective on these issues Dr for deserves every opportunity to tell her story you are yourself a survivor of sexual abuse and I correct about the ins and the she doesn't appear I don't know that it would change a single vote what's your comment well 6 and I do agree I mean the allegations are serious and she does have the right to be heard and Brett Kavanaugh have the right to also be heard all of this is a need to be weighed against the massive amounts of testimonies and background checks and experience of the candidate and having been through this I certainly don't have a Ph d. In it but I will tell you also having met in the military in my own experience as a commander and a leader there dirt bags are usually patterned dirtbags you know they they usually . You know these types of things happen over and over and over again until somebody get caught and so this just seems to be a harsh old memory of something 36 years ago that wasn't told anyone at the time again I think she can see her in her least of what happened to her and she should be able to tell her story and that needs to then be weighed again you know Judge Kavanagh's response and the other way to the evidence all we move forward to show this important position I wish the team court sessions starting and early October I love your statement dirtbags are usually pattern geared acts and there is no such pattern with Judge Kavanaugh correct exactly that's that's the point you you look at the number of women from his life and that that that time in high school and the character of. Him in all of his years sense then everything he is been through and background check and the way he has carried himself as an individual and a judge and a man and a father again doesn't doesn't doesn't fit the pattern so we will look for that on Monday let me move to a separate subject one very near and dear to my heart Chris in cinema when she was an anti-war activist circulated her group circulated a flyer which is deeply offensive to every member in the military but especially to families of members in the military this war this is what really gets me the idea that our sons and daughters are killers and terrorists and Christian cinema was circulating this what sort of an issue has this become because it ought to be be issue what she believes about our troops during war Well absolutely who I mean look at this is brought by c.n.n. You know hardly a conservative outlet we had already trained this race because we knew cinema was a radical left activists and protester Well I was overseas right after $911.00 she's protesting our trip she's protesting in a pink tutu shoes protest each you know many different times and in this case of protests she was leading they had flyers put out you can check the c.n.n. Article that depicted a u.s. Soldier as a skeleton and said you know stop the u.s. Terror in the Middle East this is disqualifying for a Senate candidate from our view across the country but especially in Arizona we are pro military pro Patrick patriotic and we want to make sure that our senators care and respect about our troops and this is unbelievable the fact that no one in Arizona media's in paying any attention to it is ridiculous but this just shows her true colors he's a protester I'm a patriot I put my life on the line for her freedom to be able to protest you know if you want to do that God bless you but that doesn't make you. That the right person to be the next senator from Arizona I hope people check this out and I hope the Arizona media part starts taking it seriously again I was broke by c.n.n. And this is a major development they started to snow starting to do you know her nothing to do you need a flight suit as our opening contest in this race and you know so all that was you know a long time ago like b.s. You know this is this shows the character of the woman who wants to be the trial senator from Arizona and she needs to be rejected you know this is this is only 15 years ago and again families of people in the military have got to focus on what Kristen cinema thought of their sons and daughters not just people who served there used to have it roll off their back they may not like it but they never I've never heard a uniform member of the service object to protest or never not once in fact in war b.s. But I do know families and I know that we heard. This and I cannot believe that the Arizona Republic is not got this on the front page because she can't say that's not me that her right and she led this protest So these are the Stein that were for this protest her e-mail address was the reply to her come out for the sign making party and come to the protest there she owns this thing and you get your right families and members of the military should be disgusted and those who are not there to the military any American should be disgusted that this woman has is so ambitious that she's reinvented herself tried to cover her tracks and she's actually running pretending you know that she's got this record on pro-military pro veteran she wanted to slash our military she wanted to shut down Luke Air Force Base she's an extreme radical left but we are neck and neck you people are voting in 21 days early voting you know 4048 is Election Day We're down to the wire here and the balance of the Senate goes to Arizona coming up one of the homeless person puts his tent on public property in the local park where you. Like to take your children to use the playground almost as advocates are making great progress in the north west when the town already returned in a moment. Our best public leaders are weighed makers able to combine smart policy ideas with a call to what makes America exceptional creating waves of popular support I'm Pete Peterson dean of Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy and for 2 decades we've prepared wave makers through the nation's most unique master's curriculum combining rigorous study of our founding principles with the latest tools of policy analysis from America's most beautiful campus in Malibu California our graduates go on to a variety of careers from Chiefs the staff on Capitol Hill to the Foreign Service and our intelligence agencies the top think tank positions and nonprofit leadership on issues like education reform and homelessness America needs citizen leaders and we prepare them like no one else find out why we say at Pepperdine School of Public Policy you'll see your future differently from here visit us online at Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu that's Public Policy dot Pepperdine dot edu. This just isn't about my freedom this is about everybody's freedom when the government can come in and tell you what to do and they're watching and you have to choose between your life and hitting your plane. That's been else that's meant by the grandmother and the small business owners being sued by the a.c.l.u. At our state government if she loses she could be in the debate millions of dollars She's one of the many Americans who are fighting for their freedom and it could happen and it could happen in the year that's why Alliance Defending Freedom exist they provide free legal services to those whose freedoms are under attack that they can't do it without the generous financial support of friends like a. Common click on the freedom to learn more about story and find out how you can help or call 80691. 1860. 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But your Box dot com slash Mike g. . Welcome back in the town hall review I'm here here at 2 in partnership with a.t.f. The Alliance Defending Freedom advocacy for homelessness seem to know no bounds cities across the west to Seattle and South Los Angeles and San Diego working hard to solve homelessness but with varying degrees of success San Francisco hasta be the poster city for making accommodations to the homeless often at the expense of their citizens and that the loss of tourism dollars It is evident the problem is now moved east to other big states like Chicago and Detroit Here's my salable colleague Michael Medved up in the Pacific Northwest who is observing homelessness in nearby Seattle commenting on an op ed in The Seattle Times I don't want to give this a golden turkey award though my impulse was to give it a golden turkey award this is the reason I won't give it a piece because the. The photograph of the contributor makes him look so painfully sincere I mean like a nice guy who really means well and his name is Bill Bloch He's the former director of the committee to end homelessness in King County Well that's going well I mean the committee to and why he's the former director. Yeah the one thing about the Committee to End Homelessness I would imagine that you have a very secure future if your job is working for the Committee to end homelessness because nothing is going to end homelessness not in King County not anywhere he writes under the headline howls and help don't criminalize the homeless he writes about what he sees a very negative trend with a growing number of jurisdictions he writes even those who are also building housing are responding to the homeless crisis by treating people experiencing homelessness as less worthy of respect and protection than those of us fortunate enough to have escaped the medical crisis loss of work or severe depression that forced our neighbor into homelessness and by the way it's stunning that the official government estimate is now 554000 people. Are currently experiencing homelessness in this country that of course includes people who are living in homeless shelters people are living in homeless encampments people living in their cars people who lack conventional housing and the idea that you might treat someone who was pitching a tent illegally in a city park or in his sleeping bag and throwing trash everywhere under a freeway overpass you might treat someone like that with a little bit less respect than oh I don't know than you'd treat a preschool teacher or you treat a police officer I think that's appropriate is it not appropriate to treat people with different levels of respect based upon their behavior he writes cities across Washington have been criminalizing people asking for donations they're not asking for donations this is not a a legitimate nonprofit they're not asking for donations what kind of language is this they're asking for handouts again if you often are holding a sign says donation requested Well what's the what's the wording nice charity here and what actually are you donating to provide events as governmental agencies have invaded people's encampments many people's encampments often taking in destroying key parts of the residents lives how absurd is that one of the homeless person puts his tent on public property and in the local park where you like to take your children to use the playground. Because that's the reality is this individual saying that there's nothing that you can do to protect your children from discarded needles and garbage and filth in public parks that we all pay for as extreme as the homeless situation has gotten and this is what troubles me about this contribution by Bill block Hausen help don't criminalize the homeless at no point does he recognize that there is a great majority and it's out there it's Republicans and Democrats and liberals and conservatives and moderates who are sick of it and really need action and know the action is not then vesting more billions and billions and billions in public housing because what we're talking about is people who often turn down the offer of shelter beds and housing and then says harassing people had the misfortune to become homeless destroying their possessions and arresting them for being on the streets when they have no other option are ineffective ways to deal with their problems and in the long run much more expensive than housing and services equally important such actions are as the Boise case reminds us a violation of the basic rights that each of us holds dear ignoring the rights of people experiencing homelessness creates a class of others that is toxic to the very fabric of our society you know it's toxic to the very fabric of our society the idea that the public has no right to clear away this mess while there are plenty of domestic and political problems that our nation we do well to remind ourselves of our great blessings but still about going back as far as over 26th in economic prosperity has been growing like that which has not been seen for more than 10 years one particularly refreshing point has been job growth among the quote underclass minority communities that often lag behind employment numbers for the nation at large Mike Gallagher verify business. We caught up with Alfredo Ortiz president of the job creators network with everything in turmoil and all the chaos one thing that is very clear jobs numbers job creation is profound Alfredo Ortiz knows a thing or 2 about creating jobs he was vice president of c.s.m. Bakery products food service division was a $2000000000.00 global food company he's testified before legislative committees about the impact of bad government policy on job creation He of course is the president and c.e.o. Of the job creators network one of our great partners here at the Mike Gallagher show and what a what a joy it is to welcome him back to the show on a day like today Alfredo the median household income for Hispanic households hit $50486.00 in 2017 that's another record we continue to see earlier this week middle class families record high median income Alfredo it's like we just can't get out of the way of this great economy right now or can we you know Mike if only I had known earlier that Armageddon sell like this I would have been trying to do this a lot earlier no kidding kidding I mean this is such great news in addition to some of the numbers we've just seen today you know when you look at Hispanic unemployment it continues to remain at record lows and in fact Hispanics are just continuing opening up small businesses which we know in the engine of our economy to hire people in local communities and when you actually even look in terms of surveys what Hispanics are feeling about the type of ministration of the tax cuts they are loving this and I'm so excited to see this because it's a great opportunity for Hispanics to really have a piece of the pie a piece of that American dream right and Americans this were $49.00 days away from the midterm election Alfredo I hate to go political on you but heaven forbid the Democrats have promised to take those tax cuts away we're going to be in for a world of hurt if there is the supposed Blue Wave on November the 6th Yeah that's right. And you know we are actually just starting this week our 3rd phase of tax cuts work Michel which is crazy if he stops in $25.00 states you know we're hearing from small business owners across the country every single one stop their optimism the sky high and they are deadly afraid of a takeover of the house by the Democrats because the fact that Warren and Schumer and close in all these characters have really basically point blank promise and tax cuts would be repealed that they took over and. They don't that's not a scare tactic on your part that's not hyperbole they are on record as saying that's what they want to do what tax cuts are repealed the well and that's the thing all of this is all of this great energy 4.2 percent g.d.p. Growth record low unemployment with Hispanic Asian black women all of this growth of small businesses investing back all of that frankly is all if they do take it back they have promised to repeal the tax cuts point thanks for joining us for this edition of. Catch up on earlier episodes on our website dot com and. In the past in talk radio let me say thanks again to our sponsors. Graduate School of Public Policy and. The Alliance Defending Freedom thank you for joining. The armed robber here Robert somebody burned. All really victims. In the backyard. Robert to State Farm cover my one true she said she turned to terror hideaway Robert Oh yeah that's covered here that Victor I'm getting a new She she or she she can. Go with him when it's here to help life go right State Farm. Back to an agent today. Now for 10 percent. 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