A Delhi court will on Thursday deliver the verdict on the appeal seeking restoration of the Hindu and Jain temples and the deities at the Qutub Minar complex. 📰 Delhi Court To Deliver Verdict on Plea for Restoration of Temples at Qutub Minar Today.
A vacation bench of the Delhi High Court on Monday refused an urgent listing of a petition challenging the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) order to stop the offering of namaz at a mosque near Qutub Minar.
A vacation bench of the Delhi High Court on Monday refused an urgent listing of a petition challenging the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) order to stop the offering of namaz at a mosque near Qutub Minar.A vacation bench of Justices .
Congress local leader Rashid Khan claimed that prayers were earlier held at the Charminar, an Archeological Survey of India protected site, but two decades ago Muslims were debarred from offering prayers at the site. Â
In today’s DNA, Zee News Editor In Chief Sudhir Chaudhary analysed the strategic demolition of Hindu and Jain temples and how Muslim rulers disrespected the Gods as they deliberately put the demolished monuments in such places that they are walked by people every day at Qutub Minar complex.