A Delhi court on Tuesday dismissed the intervention application moved by a man claiming to be heir of a royal family in Agra and seeking ownership of Qutub Minar.Additional District Judge Dinesh Kumar dismissed the plea moved by Kunwar Mahendra .
A Delhi court will on Thursday deliver the verdict on the appeal seeking restoration of the Hindu and Jain temples and the deities at the Qutub Minar complex.
A Delhi court will now take up the hearing on August 24 on the appeal seeking restoration of the Hindu and Jain temples and the deities at the Qutub Minar complex.
A Delhi court will on Thursday deliver the verdict on the appeal seeking restoration of the Hindu and Jain temples and the deities at the Qutub Minar complex. 📰 Delhi Court To Deliver Verdict on Plea for Restoration of Temples at Qutub Minar Today.