All right. Approval of the minutes of the april 16th and special april 2015 can i have a motion and second. So moved. Corrections second. Any corrections roll call vote. Thank you ms. Chin mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns mr. Haney 7 is. All right. I want to welcome everyone whos joined. Us we thank you very much for being here if anyone wants to address do bureaucratics speak out a card and give to ms. Casco before the item is called mr. Superintendent thank you president haney a number of announcements this evening this morning of the high school balboa got did Green School Award if the environment for their excellence in Environmental Education and green teams of teachers and students to include rainwater and much, much more other schools were demonstrating a commitment to the shipyard for the recycle programs we want to extend congratulations for the environmental effort and being acknowledged im proud to announce the district as
Thank you. If youll please join me in the pledge of allegiance all right. Approval of the minutes of the april 16th and special april 2015 can i have a motion and second. So moved. Corrections second. Any corrections roll call vote. Thank you ms. Chin mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns mr. Haney 7 is. All right. I want to welcome everyone whos joined. Us we thank you very much for being here if anyone wants to address do bureaucratics speak out a card and give to ms. Casco before the item is called mr. Superintendent thank you president haney a number of announcements this evening this morning of the high school balboa got did Green School Award if the environment for their excellence in Environmental Education and green teams of teachers and students to include rainwater and much, much more other schools were demonstrating a commitment to the shipyard for the recycle programs we want to extend congratulations for the environmental eff
Speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 6, 2015, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate and the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois mr. Gutierrez, for five minutes. Mr. Gutierrez mr. Speaker, im very proud of the president for speaking directly to the American People on immigration last night in a town hall on telemondayo and on msnbc. He telemundo and on msnbc. He is fighting a temporary injunction in federal court and is prepared to appeal those rulings all the way to the supreme court, if needed. He will comply with the injunction, but let me be clear to my republican frie
On January 17, 2024, the National Governors Association Children & Families team hosted the monthly Human Services Policy Advisors Institute on supporting the ECE workforce through early childhood apprenticeships.
“Participating in the series has helped me to look at the decisions we make about our instructional programming and school community through the lens of early learning and what is developmentally appropriate for our youngest learners.” –Quote from Cohort 1 participant As Maine elementary schools have added preschool programming and are promoting whole student approaches … Continue reading Leading Early Learning A Professional Learning Series for Elementary School Administrators