Thank you. If youll please join me in the pledge of allegiance all right. Approval of the minutes of the april 16th and special april 2015 can i have a motion and second. So moved. Corrections second. Any corrections roll call vote. Thank you ms. Chin mr. Totiano ms. Fewer ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Walton ms. Wynns mr. Haney 7 is. All right. I want to welcome everyone whos joined. Us we thank you very much for being here if anyone wants to address do bureaucratics speak out a card and give to ms. Casco before the item is called mr. Superintendent thank you president haney a number of announcements this evening this morning of the high school balboa got did Green School Award if the environment for their excellence in Environmental Education and green teams of teachers and students to include rainwater and much, much more other schools were demonstrating a commitment to the shipyard for the recycle programs we want to extend congratulations for the environmental effort and being acknowledged im proud to announce the district as a whole was recently selected as one of the California Green ribbon Unified School District by the board of education this was an honor given were one of 3 schools selected in california and 15 nationally so thank you to everyone in the schools 2 keeps our Community Green this friday approximately seven hundred students will participate in the sfusd Partnership Program with the Something Like olympics at the the stadium the 9th year with the Special Olympics provides i dont know equipment but the students have been training to throw and jump for this school year and athletes are encouraged to work and it this helps them get into shape and develop skills and selfesteem basis or best of luck at the caesar stadium the competition is at 2 00 p. M. I want to say thank you on behalf of did you suggest to the Fire Department and chief joanne hayeswhite that will be donating a working ambulance to the Galileo High School Health Academy students are about hands on learning with an actual working ambulance this friday at Galileo High School principal and i will be joined. By the fire chief kims for the turning over the keys along with the partnerships are the emergency technician class to pathways to help students and is another clock along the steps to vision 2025 so thank you to chief joanne hayeswhite and the San Francisco Fire Department for this generous donation in case may is the National Foster month well excited to celebrate in most as the fosters month our staff recognizes on the other hand, who make a definition here in children of foster care for, thank you for the education success and being acknowledged our caregiver that hesitate done great work to foster the students Foster Youth Services has a celebration from 4 30 to 6 at carveer Elementary School so congratulations to everyone im also happy to announce that we will be having a Graduation Ceremony yes. The first one of season this is for former sfusd from 2006 to 2015 who did not pass by some by mere points the cahsee and eligible to receive their diploma we lead the way to eliminate the cahsee as an comboobl for students to get their diploma this is a special new group of graduates bans the cahsee is not an impediment to receiving their diploma on may 19th in the greenroom at the war memorial professionalism Arts Building were very, very proud and 80 happy to congratulate your new students on may 19th clapping. lots going on so learning opportunities ill currently everyone to check out the summer stride guides the saturday with the partnerships are the Parks Service launched the City Learning program for hundreds of students that that present at christie field and the traveling book mobile are the city larger than and superintendant guerrero encouraged the students to explore there is more Information Available at h t p colon back slash files back slash pd sf stride guide underscore 2016 dot pdf ill not repeat but tends to superintendent has commissioned all students well encourage you all to checkout a link available with the sf ed you a shout out to the mayors teachers and principals of the year in partnerships are the Mayors Office the San Francisco Unified School District and the San Francisco ed fund the annual marries mayors teachers of the year honors 9 teachers and principals for their education for the city young people mayor ed lee has recognized the work of 9 indicators that each represents different grades from preschool to high school those awardee were in the mind by the people in their communities and indicators and other members made the nomination for the excellence in their classroom and before last night giant game mayor ed lee and interrecognized 5 our own indicators the teachers were all featured on the field and on the giants jumbo screen id like to recognize them so dont applause the teachers of the year from representing pre k and presidio ronda and teaching third grade march rosenfeld and argon elementary kathy and 6 grade social studies if eight amendment h James Lick Middle School and how about a big round of applause were fortunate to say a have a mayor that recognized mayor ed lee he recognizes principals of the year award and to celebrate their professionalism and hard work on behalf of the San Francisco students this special recognition a collaborative fetter would the unit administers the principal of the year residents are again well withhold our applause principal of the San Francisco public Elementary School lindsey the principal of Golden Gate Park Jean Robertson and principal at hushl hereafter and principal the intld how about a big round of applause for our principals. Just a cough more i want to direct your attention to sunday from 12 00 noon at Golden Gate Park this will be the first ever sfusd family welcome day and the whole intent to welcome all new families to our school board and to have kindergarteners we want to provide space and invite our community to come and meet theyre new community and play in their farther games and bring a blankets well have the treasurer to talk about kindergarten to College Program and a whole lot of other amazing activities so sunday june 5, 12 00 noon in the Golden Gate Park and commissioner dr. Murase will give details i want to make inform comments San Francisco magazine featured on the arts fair featured in sf magazine an article that outlined the feature the new art center if supportive of Arts Education and creativity in all the sfusds it excludes include with access to the remodeled city plain clothes with a new state of the art school of the arts campus is predecade old to complete the arts core he 6. To thank all the art supporters for their partnering in this vision and articles are widen eir written with a slant i want to be clear this is a dream that will moved not a matter of if but when i would like you to join with me. clapping. and feinstein for those of you tend of the meeting well adjourn with the memory of dr. Koffman he passed ill share with you the wonderful work to help the thousands of students not only in sfusd but in the great bay area with that, mr. President , the meeting is all yours. Item c recognitions and resolution of accommodations, there is none tonight. Student delegate report a little bit of an update on the student nominations we conducted the voting and currently now and then the next year 20162017 stay tuned well talk about that. Student voice el cap we have completed our el cap Student Input and plan to process the information to a digestible version to provide recommendation for the sfusd engagement also wanted to announce the 12 Asian Heritage street festival it is a street festival that welcomes everyone and the community and will be down by city hall theres going to a aortas and crafts and car shows and trojans area with a raffle drawing and Asian Art Museum pictures this is incredible may 21st from 11 to 6 00 p. M. And want to wish everyone all the students a good luck on your finals i know that is going to be a hard week good luck. Lately this friday may 24r7b, 2016 the entire student vcr will be having our awards ceremony to recognize and however the dedicated student leaders towards their volunteering hours to the Sustainability Advisory Council and i think every representative volunteered for 2 hesitate hours at least and each representative will be presented in outstanding Student Leadership award at the sfusd our next our next meeting is may 16 at 555 three story and is provided. If you would like to attend and make a presentation or would like a copy contact mr. Salvador lopez. Thank you. Thank you student delegates item e to the breblz any Advisory Board appoints. Ill move up if in objection to our 10 Year Anniversary report our master plan advisory meeting. Thank you permeating ill ask dr. Burn stop sign to come forward and introduce the members that will present as you come forward just a quick note it San Francisco Unified School District is one of the few Unified School Districts in the nation that had an arts master plan a source of pride but all things it is time to review and look at it what were doing and take to the the next level and proud to really lift the hood and look at it and make recommendations how we continue forward ill ask the committee to come forward. Members of the school board and members of the Unified School District community and sprfrt a great pleasure to open tonights education on the arts plan im judy with the San Francisco Arts Commission and cochair the Master Plan Advisory Committee we want to get this rightnd to the point tonight well start our presentation on the Unified School Districts student that has been an tuff recipient of the award with the Arts Education and master plan we kickoff by hearing in cameron in his junior year and Poetry Slam Team a finalist for the past two years as passport part of that exception and in addition to poetry heels interested in classic music founded in 1996 in San Francisco youth speaks provides expensive Educational Programming during the school day onstreet parking and a shout out to amy the social director of the Bay Area Program that is supporting our presentation well get down to what is important well hear from kim clapping. thank you this poem is called answer me this. Who is stronger in such to ever enough to going into teach whos fatigued when is bought and loss leave passports like sad like the red tongue every time is scanned who is 3 ringed blinder binders who is pencil shaving tomato and who is full stomach on there graded like the peach who is bloated belly bet rent roles by that who is delineated art and that hanging mediums of student port trait are your den rights growing whos the alumni made of concrete bloods of john o could only embracing black lives and who spell checks that and as to the constitution who tells me that the person who is political i move nations shuttler of any imagination whos hands mold the future guardian the mind who tells me change can be dealt with that he lets me screen any poem opens stage and who metrics to make the clamor doors wider and International History class and brown and black not only the binding of other peoples dilemma lets celebrate who gentle talk convinces us to write poetry and brownbag and installed families embrace our love and the check 2, 3, 4 of red eyeing who words with lyric drop do our suicidal and who books are gay rights who is my daytime solis when i oakland but every future and boilermaker if you can answer those and answer me that who is completely worthy of our reference. Thank you. clapping. you often have to follow richard that is more difficult to follow commissioners my name is bruce the coffee and my job this evening for the presentation only to provide a brief context for the work that will be presented by the people sitting behind me in 2006 San Francisco wrote arts master plan for the last 10 years a guiding vision we moved through the benefit of having funding to the Public Education Enrichment Fund but set the low star by way of an education that is for teachers that inspired our teachers for the education under theyre on curriculum and something weve done for a while 10 years the arts marts plan is something were proud p of in 2007 only a year into the plan superintendant the board commissions the superintendent to create the advising and the continuedcy a group of people inside and outside the district formed the plans and shepherded into his space that group on the tenth anniversary has done the instant work they essential expanded the ranks to include a boarder range of folks within the district to consider the question of whether or not we should engage collective as a community in reaching the master plan youll hear them present and should we engage the community 2, 3, 4 refreshing this plan weve enjoyed for the last 10 years youll hear the analysis and the way their knowledge about the opportunity to refresh this plan without further ado, ill bring up the speakers and take 60 seconds to make sure our proerj is set up for the public. Just warming up. Okay you know im going to begin because as to oh, great approval thank you cameron for the reminder of how important to not underestimate with stanford students are dissolution in the arts im thankful for that so my name is france the Program Director for the house fund been the chief executive officer of the masters advising and looking back over the last 10 years when we started down the road therapy art teachers they derived away from the schools there were 16 teachers that tried to serve every Elementary School and a handful of arts teachers a lot of partnerships with outdoor organizations music was the strongest discipline in the district there was also visual arts and some dance and theatre music was the strongest and the passage proposition h a great new opportunity to build on what was here the desire to have quality Arts Education it touches every child everyday in some way brent mentioned we have to master plan and the context is really changed in the 10 years ill be reminding you many of you lived through we had an era we have 4 or 5 restraint depends on the interns we hadnt counted and the resource that was fantastic and also for a while the states block grant for Arts Education and that was taken away for many years the star program that was serving schools with limited resources tea eventually that disappeared we had the adoption of common core and a lot of plans we had beyond the talk and the adoption of the required a g completion High School Graduation and the complication of 21st century and all the things we reinforced in the master plan but each 7, 8, 9 we had to adjust more recently, we had the passage of prop c that was exciting with a federal adoption of every Student Succeeds that is circling for Arts Education and newly fresh off the press not quite ready for prime time for the arts standards coming down the pike this is something weve not previously had so were now at a kind of crossroads with the community has changed and we all agree the master plan needed updating but go through and yet out the language that was now terribly why the and the common core or do we actually need to go deeper and make dramatic change in the master plan brent has mentioned that we formed working groups a lovely illustration of the thing 4 dense meetings where the existing Advisory Committee invited more to work with us with the masters plan we came up with that presentation i own youll like we worked with leap frogs and evaluated by the office that provided data how much students with or getting and at which school and kinds of programs were offered we had a kind of baseline to look at in the 10 years back i want to thank brent for the guidance we commissioner caen by using the mrorlz so they were the way that the master plan was outlined it seems like they held up the important subjects to be addressed so each of the committees that the Planning Committee divided into that 3 groups one of them youll hear if people looked at the Administration Resources one looked at professional development and partnerships and collections and one looked at Person Instruction and evaluation and each group was asked to identify the accomplishment of the last 10 years and the challenges the recommendations we would make and how on art subtract fits into the challenges the resolutions and recommendations moving forward. So im going to ruin the polygamist that that novel how we got to and hear from the other speakers that the thinking that led to it wire recommendations is this plan needs to be significantly refreshed is not an editing job advertised a job that needs to live deeper into looking at the continuity of the program between the elementary and high school how we look at that the and think about equitable on the on the other hand, we think a lot of good work was done in the first 10 years we see this as a plan that will stand on the shoulder of the first 10 years in the initial version what will happen youre going to get the essence of where each of the workshops that were choosing what they came up with as challenges and accomplishments and it is so im not going to linger theyre hard to read but take them home and read their meant to thank the people that put their effort into doing this work with the dlus youll hear in the working committees and ill introduce the special administrative folks. Good evening and im pleased to be here particularly i was on the original group that helped write the arts master plan it is fascinating to look back and see what weve got right and approved so im going to look at the Administration Leadership one of the most important things to have a strong administrative leadership that oversees the plan looking at the achievement first when you look at trying to build programs to us a large enterprise of having arts for all the children you have to have principle years that was one of the first ones that started that involved identifying and having programs that had professional development how to start so have an arts program and, what the resources are and know what at capacities are what are the challenges marry and so there were representative from middle school and high school and Elementary School that were selected to participate in the principals arts the other thing that happened we started with, you know, a very skeletal staff that were going to oversee the development of the arts master plan and the implementation so over the years theyve hired two supervisors in the professionalism Arts Department as well as 8 teachers for teachers on special assignment through music and 6 individual arts they helped with a lot of things they helped with special development they helped to collect data, they helped to create new programs like the superintendents one of his favorites so, so they did a lot of support for teachers in the classrooms and they do things like helping teachers under schools understand how to do a calibrated thing that is schedule and getting arts into our schools the other achievement the arts cooperating effort across the District Court so arts at every school Elementary Schools and middle school and high school they helped to work to be a hub for the arts at that school and to connect the arts with provider and do documentation and assessments as we look it we looked at and yeah, this was great we still have challenges one of the things that was identified earlier how do you address the issue of schedule and time and space another schools its still a challenge that we have to look at we have to look at how do you create a sequential learn and and one of the challenges we saw one of the things that touches we we have to make sure that students with the greatest needs have arts in their school every child particularly the students with the greatest needs and we have to gaurmg our parents and families as how to understand the importance of arts to learning so what are our recommendations we have a number of them one subsequential learning clear exceptions for all leaders to students continue to develop and two look at we have to have access and share models for creative switzerland we need parents engagement parents love the arts but parents need to have the experience and the understanding of the importance of arts and really critical connection to how our children learn particularly through the common core, and then creativity and collaboration we have to help our principals and strengthen the understanding for both the secretary. Quality arts integration that is the issue of the administrative leadership and now jackie. Hello clapping. hi can you hear me my name is jackie an artist with sfusd and he participated in the professional development and partnerships in clocks with teachers and ill be presenting the professional development so achievement offers yearround professional working groups for the Classroom Teachers our corridors determine the availability of the Proposal Development and other arts related opportunities voter approved prop a provided development for teachers and should some of the challenges to class the fosters and the quality of professional development in the arts is very inconsistent and teachers are overwhelmed with professional obligates and may not have time for the workshops our recommendations are incorporate Arts Professional Development and site plans, strengthen professional development in the arts for teachers in the english language learners with the education students and foster care, make visual those for each role and the state of the Art Technology or some hub to address the things we are finding. And now id like to introduce who will be introducing the staffing. clapping. good evening. Im gina principal im proud to be the principal for the arts tonight ill present on behalf of the medic leadership and resources and staff workshop and highlighted the four achievements our achievements 91. 4 credentials teachers have been hired. clapping. the teachers specialize in the additional arts and band and drama and music additional Musical Instruments are Art Materials and supplies have been procedure students performances and exhibit has expanded with the least participation in the sfusd Arts Festival and exhibits and professionalism and lastly increase spending in k through 12 school sites and district need to work in concert for the furnished school site skounldz can be inconsistent with the oversight as the process is laboring and time consuming it was suggested point administrator and teachers it is the students responsibly another challenge that our secondary students oftentimes lack the access to our opportunities the restrictions maybe due to conflicting retirements you guys need to be providing equal opportunities for all the students and lastly additional staffing is necessary to provide the essential support for students in school sites our workshop recommends target the district planning beyond peace to build equity in the arts and expand the common core curriculum by recruiting additional spoonfuls and support the sequential learning in the arts as well as the art as a secondary level ill introduce our coordinator of the parents Advisory Committee. clapping. good evening my name is georgia i have two children enrolled in two of the high schools in the district i participated in the criminal and workshop and share the achievements and champions we identified beginning with the achievements over the last 10 years weve gained access to the arts and all the Elementary School and k through 8 and many Million Dollar and high schools each school sites as identified the arts program as well as serves as an outdoor partnering weve seen ownership art form expand over the years to be more devised for the student populations in the schools and communities for example, as latino jazz weve also had now can relies open teachers for special assistants and coach and help the teachers such a distance theatre and music, art, teachers enrich the classes we now have standard benchmarks to help to guide did quality of switzerland and assisting of our arts programs the challenges weve identified around the curriculum instruction that given with weve seen a lot of success in terms of the advancing the arts programs and the secondary level the challenge of sequence learn because of the where that may or may not be a priority in terms of switzerland and in those same schools weve offered one of the challenges the fang limits the access for some of the students in particular the english language learners and received special Education Services weve also realized that we really have potential to maximize how to integrate arts into the other areas it is inconsistent across the district like some schools theyre doing that well the program diversities the fact weve been able to capitalized with the arts coerce that say, oh to our children we also have a challenge to adopt the curriculum so address some the challenges we identified those are the recommendations as a group that came up with we visit creative switzerland models how to address this period to considering the 7th day period and how we create that assess for all particularly the arts industry to receiving special education 2030 dont have access we need to insure the standards are driven driving the subsequently learn for the future we recommend that the special development and adopting the benchmarks for the teachers can measure students progress we really you know need to be intentional about making the connection with Arts Education to other areas particularly with the common core stat standards and vision 2025. At arts we need to make sure we are holding ourselves to the quality and rigor to the Arts Education and other areas we also, we broadened our assess in terms of the content we need to look at how we are supporting the learning and Development Skills over time for our students and finally looking at equity we need to look at how are we creating assess for all the students the English Learners having assess to the same type of arterials as their peers and well, they might have offstreet parking outside of the school make sure that is a priority during a curriculum today and now id like to introduce the student that had been presenting the next. Good evening, commissioners superintendent im leah during the course or director of the academy of science and worked with the group particularly been participating in the professional Development Group i was able to share my experience not only another sfusd partner but there the lens of sfusd parents tonight ill cover the section we celebrated a lot of the achievements through peace and through the Elementary Arts Program and funds that will generate the partnership arts providers and partnership provided learning opportunities and experiences the art Program Partners with the training in the arts for example, fed they help with the professional organization and with the Arts Community but it if come without challenges we need more opportunities for arts providers to develop part and parcel this is something that came up again and again and the finding link we are able to dont know which providers are providing the opportunity with the opportunity that we breaking and entering we need more professional learning on inclusion and accessibility that was a big won those are providers may not have the same assess and the information and training we also need better alignment for outdoor providers inform classrooms and back up so finally our recommendations around two things equity to provide with the arts and have eligibility and finally, the biggest takeaway those partnerships add value schools and classrooms we need to provide the mind for teachers to be able to collaborate this is one message to our students with the experience versus he were going coming in and heres one and other opportunities with more connections that came through thank you very much and hand it back to georgia. clapping. so navigation to curriculum i have on the evaluation assessment ill share the achievements and recommendations so first achievement we identified the peace office work to look at whom has assess and which plans are taught in the school and how many classes are offered and stay informed with the work with the working Group Decisions and one of the paternities that received professional development as surveyed how we need to improve our program and the aortas coordinators report on the limited and their vision and now moving forward our k through 12 report cards will look at the vision performing arts and our annual San Francisco San Francisco Unified School District Arts Festival has been advised with diversity and inclusion and represent the district wide portfolio some of the changes in the area is that you know the original plan didnt provide a lot of guidance with evaluation so the coaches were underdeveloped wire trying to catch up now, when assessing Arts Learning we need to capture the skills and the learning of our students such as experimentation and fatigue a creativity again you know with the diverse programming weve been able to expand it is hard to capture and measures those how were doing with just one single contributor tool so moving forward beyond looking at numbers in terms of measuring the number of programs and students that have seized we need to look at how were measuring the equity and system change what we are doing especially, as we move forward with looking at developing the social emotional component for example, capture what is the impact of Arts Education on the special development as academic so recommendations that caught out of that working group so we would like to see one way to address did equity how can we incorporate the arts plans within the ballot score card in a mature way the balanced squared is something that hsa has every school to provide with the spending of their money how to capture how we address the Arts Learning and tie it across the crime with the consent and assess and articulate how to continue to map what were keeping and what we continue our efforts to collect other tiefs data to inform were doing well we also need to look at developing and sharing the common vocabulary and in order to do this we 19 have collaborative terms for the quality and arts integration and finally we need to well, we need to look at the tools of redeveloping and look at it systems and quality qualitative at that time, we would like to collect meaningful data and finally we recommend taking advantage the Arts Festival formulateing the accomplishments. Im sheri recognize many of you and ill be here to speak about the arts center i want you guys to think the center as answering some of the questions that were brought up going to be a connecting institution and place that will be a visual sign that San Francisco Unified School District values the art and that the Center Provides broad access to all students and faculty of the San Francisco Unified School District we want to look at the center as being strategy about users it for things that the school sites are lacking and by lacking im talking about the creation of the arts things like vice chair having a venue so far the students to have their artwork or performances a lot of the School Facilities in the 30s and 40 echoing not the distance dan rooms for San Francisco studios and Music Equipment and tools for assessable for all students and faculty we like this is a place for the community to gather and that part of our plan is transportation that is provided were a school and community that is further out so having angle arts center that brings them in and we look at the center as a place where families gather and celebrate the future of this year young ones and grandmothers and grandparents assessable with wonderful this wonderful city we live in we realize we have employees and staff to go out and learn the new itself things and technologies we expect that as well as from the art we need our artist and art providers and scooter and our principals to experience art what is the kristen what young people are creating now this art Center Connection will is that special opportunity for information to share not only to enforcement but on a National Basis and then the most important part to create a line and young people develop and experience art they modestly might wanted to have access so this arts connection can be for training and jobs they didnt think of thirty or 40 years ago i wish i paid attention and this center what about that resource that is could be a pipeline to provide quality and Career Opportunity and council about art schools and scholarships and also a link to the Cultural Institution that is already here seeking the dan and the musicians and he visual artist i put out calls one hundred times a day not two great or small making that agency a pipeline not only into San Francisco arts but worldwide let me know if im talking too of. Initiative features ill read after a labor market for experimentation with the youngest programs and media use of art students and teacher resources districts to inform programming and institutional and were hiring young people amend and bringing them to our organizations they go off in other places then the industry of the costume design and production reporting to care ceramic why not let other schools share in the scenic design a library and kit team centers and having an afterschool programs for the 7 oclock time zone and the art it is big in the arts industry as well collaboration and activity partner with arts provider and facilities reducing their displacement serve all arts provider plus the Community Artist and develop robust offering and workshops for teachers now for the final recommendations i am going to pass to an to cyrus good evening board im currently. clapping. excuse me my name is cyrus currently and about to graduate at Galileo High School i would like to bring all the wonderful thing to a close with our final recommendations sfusd sitting rick like the local accountability and public Enrichment Fund i worked with and Work Together for the vision of infect and the goals for all students Strong Leadership Development at all levels this is a seismic commitment were working on with the part of the students and teachers and most importantly the administrative staff to have creativity within the students first entire the great creativity within ourselves and strengthen the articulate in the arts there are benchmarks communicate exist and potential concerning to parents and teachers and principals offer a fresh opportunity for arts integration and digital arts and excuseme. Career and arts programs with the accomplishment in the accountability line the score card in the plans programs called review and all that good stuff we have to report and be accountable for the arts of education and the commitment to quality and academic and integrated learning and cultural just and social and Emotional Wellbeing and vision 2025. clapping. now moving forward on behalf of the wonderful individual eyed ive had had the pleasure to work with and those who are not here and speaking id like to have the great honor to ask for a recommit from the San Francisco Unified School District to the Arts Education master plan based on the recommendations of the art Master Plan Advisory Committee and the workshops thank you very much. Thank you very much for that presentation we have two members the public that wanted to speak on the item calling names you have yeah 2 minutes each. My name is todd burman so i want to speak first, as a long term substitute teacher with the sfusd im an artist the substitute teacher as a day job i learned going into a classroom working in middle school and high school when i brought up any textbook they all reinforced and came to the most distracted and at least interested in the school work the arts captured their attendance and that led me to a professional teacher in arts and somethings ive noticed in studying art and integration and Arts Education especially with the Alameda County office of education the integrated Specialist Program which really exemplifies the latest research to teach any subject and now im also the Program Director of the Arts Educational alliance of the area weve been partnering with the San Francisco San Francisco Unified School District for long, long before i was involved well over 20 years doing unanimous Arts Education fair and involved in the process and id like to that the artist Master Plan Working Group has done an excellent job taking the double down and make a difference this is San Francisco our students should came out as creative and most Initiative Students for their generations and make those recommendations thank you. clapping. good evening bedandbreakfast commissioners and superintendent carranza ill ali speaking because im very supportive of the arts i would not be been an indicator not a College Graduate if it werent for the art im high supportive of them what is upsetting is that what ive hearing sounds like great but im hearing in the parents that is completely different what im hearing tonight he know as you are committed to arts and education i believe when is happening in my Daughters School ive Telegraph Hill advocating to know the basic stuff what is my daughter learn in school and can a teacher tell me thats the california Education Code as a parent i should be able to ask what is my child learning he still have not an answer to 311 that question and additionally information i requested to share with other parents at any school mostly speaking and not not provided in chinese my principal and i Radio Partners i have been been vocabulary and mr. Stevens i highly right he knows that i kept everyone in the loop i still do know answers to basic questions i as educator i guess any question is whether we implement the arts and education plaster plan the old plan is great im wondering how to trust from the first plan was not implemented how can the evaluate its success and at the school it is not just me the arts coordinator a the principal are asking for information were not getting if this plan relies our persistent and teacher and coordinator they are consistently telling me i assume this true at other sites im more happy to share information and be a partner in this i highly support the effort in the arts and education to make sure it is available to all students thank you. clapping. questions or comments from the board. Thank you so i want to thank you all for this presentation and the i guess i mean any question for you dr. Stephens you know the existing plan makes a simple and very profound; right . Every Child Every School everyday and from both the San Francisco Magazine Article that was referenced earlier the testimony of the Advisory Committee and the testimony of the public it doesnt seem like weve kept that i mean would you say weve providing arts quality Arts Education for every student everyday in every school. My answer to this having been a close observer working with the school were much close then are were 10 years ago and the that have the analyze it that when we Start Talking about the quality we have a ways to go still we talk about integration into the general curriculum of the art and we talk about really expanding the idea of the subsequential art but talk about the access across all schools we can work on the current plan and see this through so much has changed been the context in the last 10 years investing and reengage our communities will bring fresh legs to this. Im curious what that looks like so what is that so what we end up with you know if i mean the arts master plan the original plan with visionary i completely support it i really support the vision of arts center and the way that the panel you know characterized how it will bring us to the next level he completely agree with that and it is the way to go i also am worried well end up with a notebook it operationally is not implemented across the schools the testimony we should hear what they said how can i trust from the person didnt believe how can i trust in future plans what how does that work and how he realizes the promise of what we can do here and what we all want. So i can only im attempt a partial answer that so what im convinced of is the energy posed by the group sitting behind me is real and not about putting this presentation in front of a board condominium for years of effort to a deeply engage our community and thinking about the next level and getting us there the idea to reengage the Arts Education is real in part we now have an opportunity to been the arts center but really real estate there is synergy we need to do more by way of thinking about the dooifshgsing and how it plays outer in terms of assess and more to make sure that students undergo the curriculum into in other subject areas and in aortas we can dwooe certain milestone theyll be achieved those are things we apply to other curriculum we can apply to the arts and south america without a refresher the plan but feels like it gives us the Energy Moving forward. So how do you envision that coming back to the board with that is this like a Community Process like how long can you imagine that to be gained can you give sketch out what that looks like. So with the cochairs the committee well propose writing a plan for the refreshing taking a month or two to engage probable not as broadly as a decade ago but to present the board with the communities and establishing a timeline probably by the end of the next school year looking at the full refresher were not spending the time rewriting and having the community to move forward we are also same making some candidates right now with to the bring on a secondary art advisors for the high schools and how to bureau to liaison more effectively for the schools and so there are things roadway during the refreshing we can take steps on the basis of those recommendations. So finally we want to commend thank everyone for coming out and the siding for the great presentation thank you. President haney we say to keep in mind the curriculum because when you start writing the sequential writing what curriculum are you writing for what did it look like and are you inclusive of all art forms someone mentions this evening music if i am a parent we want to commend art and music curriculum for prek through 12 so, yes, i got one yeah. But i think what the point im trying to make dr. Stevens it talking about the arts master plan give us a mosque plan vision that allows us to tile advantage within the vision different we recognize that the should be benchmarks for musk and perform in the visual art we know when a student is a graduate of Public Schools and had the benefit of arts instruction whether visual or professionalism or visual that student will be able to demonstrate certain things i think that is what dr. Stevens is saying selfdefense an expansive look from the master plan for the art so we hear you and im really i as a parent would be dissatisfied with a moderate standard and quite frankly getting very inclusive i think outside the box what were trying to accomplish ms. Wynns. So i want to thank you all and everybody that worked on this was a monumental and significant accomplishment we did it 10 years ago and so and he also want to say the idea of the inclusiveness in the Community Working on that what we want and our work around the art and other things because that is, we have those credible resources and this remarkable commitment and commitment within the district i want to make a couple of observations one of the main themes of the recommendations more time more time more time and some of us maybe all of us are happy that the recommendations railroad more structural not enough time in a day for and youre a assessment of that is important to me i think to us we all have that i am not weve been talking about that at least in and out for a long time and didnt mean not a tremendous challenge i dont think you can get for structural time a couple of things the comments that need more time in the structural day for teachers and people at the school that decide to engage in professional development and work with the partners id like it took explored more i agree with all of that if not within a full day maybe within the school day but probably not that is really in conflict with our commitment were trying to do for the last pulling teachers out of school and find ways for professional development and in other structures that can be created within the school and that brings me to the on the big theme besides time time time the tension between high School Decisions and lets tell everybody to do the same thing the themes are the same things weve been discussing and continue to come up in every circular areas ill hope during the time youre making specific recommends and honestly it would be meaningfulless to say yes. I have we approve of all the recommendations and carry them out this is enforceable given the current circumstances and may not be possible and not exactly what we want it is the look introduce the Art Education lens at to structural issues in the school by the way, is your job to be looking that a what im hoping this is an opportunity for us to really take this same huge issues weve been discussing in every area and to really get down to talking about that ourselves with our staff about the structure of time both professional time and structural time and the this potential conflict that i described as tension between we want people to have everyone to be alike for me and everyone that is personal i have exactly that same intention so thats what i hope you know as you as a proposed refresher plan would be written that we would be taking the time to think about that has it is related to the Arts Education master plan and to our instructional ill say that one, the reasons that time structural certain time important in the 10 years since this ambitious wonderful plan was written and we were struggling to implement this we the board of education and previous board of education and administration have been imposing more and more things making it harder and harder to do what we said well do plan i will respectfully say i do believe well have the prelims that is spotty or perceived as not happening in some places not because people dont want to do it weve made that harder and harder for them to do that some of the end that is imposed by the force of time is the district has been more instructional and professional so and then he wanted to Say Something about the oven repeated by here and all of us and this is a discussion about Arts Education the sequential so maybe not the correct one id like to see is something that says heres the way we planned for students and we are commented it this and heres the resources that will take whatever to apply that for students to have those experiences and those skills but rather than say okay everybody is going to you know we can pick our favorite things in every grade theyre going to have the next stage or specific art forms instruction that well say in Elementary School to have an infrastructure of the various kinds hopefully choices by school sites and counsels and victim teachers by what choices they make and we loophole expect them to have to be exposed to have experience in digital arts and i think we have i think that we ought to, i kind of hope we already have that im thinking back but that should be on the school sites they should be asked to say what is your plan for a implementing the master plan because there is an educational master plan how does that work what are you going to do you know whats your focus and what resources are you applying for what can you do and cant you do we ought to be willing to anytime if weve told certain schools you youll outlook on this well telling them from above i have to i know my parents said we do less and less of that and have our way but still do that by saying certain schools are are not meeting their goals those are our priorities and dont think your accomplishing that but we you know dont give us a plan is that were giving it back to us unless it focuses on those areas so thats what i hope as the outline at the beginning the socalled sequential art and lastly ill say i really the issue of the what schools get to decide themselves is a huge issue no surprise i put myself i want the schools to decide as much as they can but this reexamination of the master plan is a Good Opportunity through the staff and probation officer people that are monitor that so we say what happened do what is schools actually done and where do we know there big holes off he get a bad mark ive not done any visual arts in the last 5 years but i think we should know that i think we shouldnt be hearing from other schools why they made those decisions and met the goals and how they get to the city halls and i think that is easy to get the information why they think they cant do it is really information we dont center this and that and time to do the music so thats my general sense of what the next steps and how we can think about what commitment to Arts Education master plan 2. 0 would be and you know if anyone wants to respond to that note now but in the feedback ill appreciate that and thank you guarantee again to everybody he permanent appreciate your participation so much. So i know this is a very, very important clapping. conversation i want to cut it off we want to get 7 oclock we want to get a Public Comment yeah. Commissioner murase. Im so excited this is like one the best presentations ive seen in the 5 years ive been on the board i really want to thank you every single for the process it transparent very inclusive the recommendations their actionable so i really appreciate the way you came to the board im thiefld i want to thank the voter without the voters we wouldnt have had the funding to continue the Arts Education and acknowledge cameron about the students and really want to acknowledge his contributions tonight just a couple of comments i have been advocating for extended learning days 7 period week or 7 course week i really appreciate that recommendation because we have all the offerings and students cant get it into our schedule he hope we make process and budget piloting. Really want to resurface that has as priority i want to thank many young for the vision for the art center definitely something i support w40er8d of how to have a resource for the arts center and under closing acknowledge someone not in the room that contributed to this effort it is soouflg who has been very much involved. Commissioner. Thank you for this presentation he like to recommend folks Arts Education is not a curriculum and that is that a vision for arts and i would advise us to look at especially what theyre doing in new york city so thankful created a blueprint for music, you know theatre and arts and dance and dance music and theatre and visual arts and within everyone one of those theres a blueprint thats what its all about we we talk about that it starts at pre k and grows as students grow so start with pre k and now continuing until the commencement of the achievement to students have a foundation from which the aortas and i think what were missing even though i feel this is a beginning we need to go deeper and what we expect the board of directors for i didnt get grade and 9th grade theyve had history and music and all those things but the teachers the blueprints i think that is ridiculous so say we hold the School Accountability one the bloopers first, we have not had that clapping. i want to say from new york city website our blips are giving the cities the opportunity to provide the artist teachers with the flexibility to create an ininstructional plan built on honors the tradition and demonstrates growth in the the scheme encourages the insurrection for media repertoire and styles providing the students with a acknowledge in and out of school we need the visual art to help the students with the arts and while nourishing the arts learn is a college and career learning enabling them for arts jobs and with the new york city and San Francisco more importantly it offers lifetime enjoyment with the patrons of the arts we talk about the arts curriculum is no the about you, do what you want to do it is about interests in art as a core subjects so we have under every january are theatre and dance and beneficiaries c through second eight grade and high school that is sequential to say offering every school had should be evaluated on the art ca hsa how can you do that i feel like we have creating from scratch we have a vision and i be many we founded on the vision, however, to get to the next and Bottle Foundation of it we need to have in blueprint so we can say a child that comes in and talks about vision 2025 when a child is in kindergarten or prek by the time they leave the eight grade they have a launch opt deeper knowledge and that is true quality true were topping talking about quantity and new york have done this they started this in 2005 and now refreshed it if 2015 theyre light years ahead of us ill encourage us to look at this oh, you can choose this but actually like what you think the arts curriculum showcase we define the Art Curriculum in our Unified School District; right . That is fabulous not a curriculum i want to remind the folks we need to give the teachers the resources to actually keep this curriculum so of course, create this ill encourage you to look at what is happening in our schools it is fabulous and think like new york they fund their education at a higher level they have an abundance of arts and theoretical of theatre thank you very much mr. Walton. Thank you for your presentation i have just two quick questions and one comment one as we look at the master plan over the next few years and know we have district wide performances and see what the young people and students are doing do we have information in terms of who is participating and district wide performances by neighborhoods and course if we can get that information to get a detailed look at it and secondly, we continue to move forward i know we talked about holding sites audible for their visions for the master plan i want to ask the from a leadership dr. Stevens that are in charge of making sure we accomplish our goals. I share that with many people so well make sure we have more exciting curriculum opportunity laughter . Im looking forward to all of them and the last thing that i want to make a comment that is come up before in terms of how we decipherment information so that is equitable i know were relying the language in spanish and most of time in chinese but make sure that our communication is equitable across the board with each and outline parents thank you. clapping. commissioner mendozamcdonnell thank you being the last board member to say anything ill try to keep media comments short but i wanted to piggyback on what the commissioner was saying this should be looked as core which is how weve described it we have been fortunate to have those dollars i oftentimes said to people our buthdz were about cut significantly we may not have you know math and we have arts because we are able to have that funding component was in place i guess my i have a lot of comments but my recommendations as the committee continues to work targeted bringing something forward and glad were refreshing this is a lot of expanding and supporting and i think you know we need and wanted to look at this definitely this is the first consideration of the tartar master plan and want to deeper dive into what it is our kids should be getting and having sequential work this happens so our kids can actually addiction theyve gotten their portfolio and not because someone needs to get classes outside of school i think that is include some of the ways we framed what we want to say so ill use i find this in all the recommendations but take curriculum instruction and say insure that standards are driving and insist the arts are talk about the or consider articulation those are passive words we need to be clear by a what it is we want and not those are not suggestion but those are exceptions that we have for our schools if in fact, were going to be talking about arts as being core otherwise, it sounds like this this is more you know things we can do what you have time and were for the assessing this is something we want to do abused we have time we want to make an investment for the young people that is part of what they should be learning and what we should teach and exactly what we want to do Going Forward so thank you, everyone four thank you for your time and we look forward to this. Thank you thank you. All right. So clapping. im just about to. clapping. yeah. Yeah, im just going to thank the committee and close it down for Public Comment it is happening now so i have you may want to respond thank you to the committee youve heard huge champions and superintendent that is himself an artist and educators in the room that will themselves embrace the art i left us there that last slide was a challenge were partners with you and theres more work to do and mr. Stevens and move to Public Comment. My thanks for the audience to hang in there thank you to a couple of people the cochairs of the Advisory Committee. Wait a minute youll not permit that in our classroom thank you to the committee and stop interrupting be educators and be professional youll not allow that in our classroom. Well close it off and call it right after. Thank you folks if worked very, very hard thank you to the cochair france and others that she wanted that work as folks calling names im thankful to all of them for in their leadership the ones out in the schools encouraging people that value the arts i value them and take advantage of time to say that. Thank you. clapping. all right without objection ill moving up to Public Comment. General Public Comment hi. I recognize that calling names we have a block of thirty minutes another set of cards about one minute per speaker. How much time are you give. So for i have another set of folks to call thirty minutes is about one minute per speaker. Thank you, everybody for waiting we went longer we expected im sorry. Good evening my name is a displacing i didnt a teacher at Washington High School im here to talk about an acute problem we know requires an income of one hundred and 19 thousand to live in San Francisco and our salaries are below that note at salary level with an annual income of 64 thousand you maifrntd be able to address that disparity month teachers are accepted the lack in poverty we understand if you want to understand with the students bands and mock trial and dozens of other activities teachers would like to remain at the parents teacher conference and seen at the requirement but the teachers children make that impossible you have forced us to ban abandon our children and living across the bay the exasperated need for the substitute teachers the teachers must leave theory school to take their children to appointment we how have the children in San Francisco we cant be in two cities at once we cant coach our students if we need to be thirty minute away i ask you to let the which afternoon able to take the bus to your classrooms while we conduct the afterschool programs teachers will become for invested in the San Francisco schools and actively support our effort to make the San Francisco schools better wouldnt you be more involved and work harder for the schools your children attend i want to say ive been teaching or coach in San Francisco for about thirty years and right now coaching Cross Country and swimming i love my school and love to be able to coach my children if he were able to copayment come to my high school i have two in bay city i hope it used to be you can live anywhere and have our kids go to the school they changed it i want to bring that back thank you clapping. wanting the united educator youll hear if a number of teachers and paraprofessionals and members of the community and family members beer all here were dedicated to our students to our children and to the Public Education were here to send a midnight message we be. That San Francisco Unified School District you find the funds to my our educators a living wage or Public Education risks a hallow implicitly comet find the fund to pay for the caseload classrooms or our policy will go down as an idea not funding look good on paper youll be voting on a budget in june we counting on you to do the right thing to ask if this is the budget to keep could our payrolls or paraprofessionals is this the budget pa a prioritize to insure our school sites are able to teach the children in the classrooms thank you. But first, let me actually the story full of allusions working as a teacher and promised to be a leader one child at that point but not have is that way and accept ridiculous working conditions i rose up to be a merger and bring for the teachers especially you dont know the pressure im tired of being a example of certificate it is the duty if you dont hear anything ive said tuneup and tune in to feel is instead open our hearts to oscillating last wortsdz those teacher is a selfinflicted course im not the enemy remember i worked along do you im not sorry this is the effect but that will not happen if we need to pay the rent clapping. im a second year teacher at lowells high school thank you for having us. This will be brief due to the high costs im forced to live with my parents it will not be feasible to live by myself with the affordable living with a living wage in San Francisco thank you for your time. clapping. miners a j. B. Im here personally and professionally my day job a coach a National Organization that brings 11 units and representing 15 Million People for climatic change most importantly a parent after a second grader at the at elementary and fifth grader that will be attending flint is 19 percent of our students nearly half of that are English Learners everyday i see paraprofessionals and teachers doing everything we can to help our kids succeed as educator help to make our kids face 60th high rent costs and time for educators it is bad for the students and bad for the environment we need to pay educators a wage to help them to live near the community they teach. We also have to invest the resources to support safe and Supportive Schools ive seen the negative impacts of the teacher turnover one teacher leaving is difficult and more than that that destabilize it is more factors for teachers to stay we need to make it easier for our teachers to stay in sfusd i hope you choose to invest in the save and Supportive Schools thanks. clapping. good evening guys im josh block im a current pta wanting a a cousin second grade a native san franciscan a product of you guys in school it is december haney to believe the teachers dont have your support we at longfellow embrace the teachers as 0 hero next to the parents those traefrnz with the role model our children are future dont he will the kids short on the opportunity and madam chair ma, the proper connects for generations i myself call the roll has role models that are passionate some of the teachers maybe retiring due to the concerns going on with the budget and everything that in itself is price also ofless i want you guys to good afternoon the teachers fingertip the hard they do and please provide the necessary resources and keep them safe and thank you guys for any time clapping. well, first good evening to the board commissioners superintendent carranza and galileo temperatures im todd i didnt im a Third Generation 44 plus year parents in the San Francisco Unified School District all my siblings went to school my children went to school and pay grandchildren are in school with the exception of the one that that had to move out because of the affordability countrys my older son im here on behalf of the paraprofessionals that work for an average of 25,000 or less a year and many of us live if paycheck to paycheck barely able to save and well losses the opportunities to see our families go and raised and go to sfusd the schools in San Francisco and our grandkids so i want to say is parents are a central part of School System we work hand in hand at 101 working with families helping to keep kids enrolled in school and for me a save and Supportive School a child cant be in a classroom if their excited were very essential to trying to get kids to settle down and be taught all im asking for we were taking time away from an hour from 7 hours we would like to have angle hour back but an affordable wage to live and work in San Francisco and the supportive education is doing a wonderful job by the way, do better thank you. clapping. good evening, commissioners im sulg solomon the Vice President of the usf and we our theme the next speakers will be addressing what that means a couple years ago had school board passed the resolution and ucsf the enthusiasm supported it in fact, our unit applied 40 for and received a 75 grant for the development on social behavior and those trainings are going on now more than two years of the package amongst we have to make changes in the districts for the students with disdisproportionality and x publications with the latino and africanamerican students and need to a quality special Education Services on the rise what other choices moot other choice besides the implementation of this policy disenfranchisesoutline our students it is true that good things take time but our students cant wait necessary cant wait until a vague time in the racism is eradicated in our country and cant wait nail their adults to get the education the time is now to give our students the education they need. Good evening. Im darcy im a first grade teacher at char done and a member of the safe house and Supportive Community thank you very much for bringing the social and emotional needs of our children to the spotlight it is its been a Long Time Coming but their needs are not met i speak for many educators when i say i walk in and feel i dont have the tools and support to keep my students safe ware theyre not safe they cant assess it training that provides the needed tools to help our students dealing with trauma balls those are the students that become overwhelmed and extremely disruptive we need this for parents and teachers and everything once given the tools we need support in the form of people if a student a unsafe another teacher must step in unrealistic to expect the lone teacher to help a student in crisis and teach the rest of the class im committed to my job please provide the educators and me with the tools we need to keep the students safe and have access to the learning they need. clapping. good evening, commissioners and student delegates im leslie the Community Coordinator and was previously i also serve on the Supportive School committee weve increased did achievement by focusing deity metrological, however, not meaningfully implemented the strategy of the constitution we struggle with seeing it come to an Adult Learning because of high turnover we have staff training to meet the learning needs of the staff in order to implement this resolution we fully support of the success of this resolution we want the practices and implements for practices and we want and we want staff at schools to make that support come alive and we are committed to meeting the social mediations of our youth we want to training and coaching and want to be able to increase the tool in the tool kit and the staff needed to be able to implement this resolution thank you. clapping. good evening. Im anthony from malcolm x ive been teaching there for 9 years and the Safe Committee and came here on behalf of my students at Hunters Point area and they cant wait anymore everyday they go to school and hallways fizzled filled with kids dryinging crying and screaming im coming here to ask to you support the Safe School Initiative that is happening right now a lot of hard work this is the harder year ive worked with the academy and having a difficult time going to might classroom and seeing the faces of kids that come to learn and cant i cant teach im trying to be daddy and counselor or find good and clothing or trying to take in other kids from classrooms that have teachers that are trying to learn the curriculum and not trained and others focal tools they need to have so thank you. clapping. good evening, commissioners im here to speak in support of our lovely Teacher Union were lucky to have a Teacher Union to protect the students students of color that sfusd has done a poor job educating the black students with a school with a remedy to fix that weve seen not enough dollars to support going into the classroom parents and teachers and other staff have left to volunteer their time and use their own resources to supplement so im here to ask to you support our teachers and students very the classrooms have what we they need yes, maam your black and latino widows not having the same access to be in the classroom to be successful thank you. clapping. hi, im a special paraprofessional im curtain in the paraprofessional Training Program i proposed a resolution to this that they give for recognitions to parents parents when i say the occasion none understand what a paraprofessional like a farmer cultivating and tends to soil we accommodate did taken care of the strong rapport allows the education to flow and assessable to children especially with children with special needs so, please provide funds for the paraprofessionals teacher Training Program i work two jobs i work for uber a paraprofessional and paraprofessional make 25,000 a year like toby said and we should we should be i was living in San Francisco now should be living in in the city that provides education. clapping. good evening. Im a speech Education Teacher in any second year and Department Head i the can talk about how unify affordable to live in San Francisco im here to speak into how the Current Crisis of staffing is effecting our 138 kaengs everyday quality teacher and Staff Support is providing education overall safety the students for the overall education this year it took 6 months for for paraprofessionals vacancy thats 2 3rds of the school year with not a lack of quality candidates but paraprofessionals vacancies are an understaffed their resulting in increased safety concerns and effects learning and quality staff for more i see no bay area

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