Delhi Police have gone on alert after receiving intelligence that gangster-turned-radical Lakha Sidhana was spotted around the protest site in Haryana, allegedly inciting the farmer groups to break the barricades. Officers said on Wednesday that they had received videos on Facebook featuring him trying to mobilise the farmers and instigating them to commit violence and use JCBs to break through the barriers.
Agitating high school teachers conducted Saraswati Puja at the protest site in Bhubaneswar. They are demanding grant-in-aid for 194 eligible high schools in the state. The government is working on fulfilling their demands.
Silchar: As many as six students among 2,000-odd students fell sick at the protest site on Wednesday as the hunger strike carried out by students of t.
haven t been able to go back to that protest site that brij bhushan sharan singh be arrested. and they argue it is because brij bhushan sharan singh is an extremely influential man, even though he has been asked to step away from administrative duties at the wrestling india organisation, he continues to be a member of parliament and until he is arrested, there cannot be a fair investigation. brij bhushan sharan singh denies all allegations, and he has repeated that denial time and again, including at a rally this weekend, where he was marking nine years of the ruling bjp party in central government. and he is a member of the ruling bjp party. now, the wrestlers have not reacted to the wrestlers have not reacted to the police charge sheet yet, but they have been outspoken and one of them spoke to me this monday about their hurt with the prime minister s silence on this issue. they said they have felicitated for the medals that they won for the country, one of the wrestlers spearheading