FreeIng up space was the only way to avert a crIsIs, after the PrIson PopulatIon reached record levels. MIllIons of pensIoners wIll lose WInter Fuel payments thIs year, followIng the faIlure of an attempt to block the cuts In parlIament. Payments wIll be restrIcted to all but the poorest pensIoners, after the government won a majorIty of 120 votes. An Inquest Into the death of steve dymond, who kIlled hImself a week after appearIng on thejeremy kyle show, has found InsuffIcIent evIdence to rule that partIcIpatIng In the programme caused hIs death. The coronor ruled hIs death was a suIcIde. VladImIr putIn has warned the UnIted States agaInst tryIng to outgun moscow In asIa, as he launched russIas bIggest Navy DrIlls of the post sovIet era. The russIan presIdent has accused washIngton of provokIng an arms race. If You ArejustjoInIng us, welcome to the programme. All eyes then, on phIladelpIa and the natIonal ConstItutIon Centre wHere tonIght, Donald Trump and Kamala HarrIs wIll debate fo
Shape. Why all eyes are now on a key race in montana. Trumps Election Interference Case is finally back in court. What the judge is now saying about the timeline is the 11th Hour gets underway on this thursday night. Good evening. Once again, i am stephanie ruhle. Can you believe that we are now just 61 days away from the Election And Campaign donations are still pouring in, at least for Kamala Harris. The Vice President raised more than 300 Million in the month of august. It is over twice as much as the Trump Campaign, which raised also a whole lot of money, 130 Million in the same time period. Today, harris arrived in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. The city will be her home for the next four days as she prepares for her first debate against trump on thursday night. This, as new reporting says the Trump Campaign is changing their strategy. Axes reports trump is scaling Back Campaigning in new hampshire, minnesota and virginia, three states he was targeting just six weeks ago and he is also
south carolina continue to recovery from rains wind and cataclysmic flooding. ian slammed into south carolina just shy of category 5. the current death toll of at least 45 people likely to come in the days as search and rescue cruise go through blocked floodwaters, as of this morning, 1.3 million homes and businesses still in the dark. according to the latest estimate ian may have caused as much as $47 billion in insured losses which could make it the most expensive storm in the state history. the figure comes from core logic, that s a research firm that estimates losses from natural disasters. the estimates, combined ensured losses through private insurance, which typically covers wind damage. and fema s national flood insurance program that covers water damage. their estimates as of thursday, wind damage, $20 billion to $32 billion. flood damage, $6 billion to $16 billion. so the low end of the combined estimate would be $28 billion. before we spend, let s ask ourselves, is
Antitrust claims in class action case against Amazon in Federal District Court will largely proceed. The Court dismissed a Sherman Act claim, but allowed most other claims to proceed. Of particular note, Amazon’s most favored nation policy will continue to be under scrutiny.
determined by market forces, not individual companies. and claims that the price at the pump is anything but a function of supply and demand are false. there are anti-price gouging laws on the books in the 48 states and the district of columbia. and plus, sellers have no incentive to expend extra effort to ramp-up supply which causes shortages for all. joining me now to discuss is raffy mohammed, he s a pricing strategy consultant and author of the book the art of pricing. and a harvard business review article called the problem with price gouging laws. remind us the case of john schepperman, post-katrina, the gentleman with generators. what s the short version? the short version, he was entrepreneurial, he got a bunch of generators, he went to florida and tried to sell it for