word with lawrence o donnell. president biden is heading to a fund raising event. making appearance at the home of new jersey governor phil murphy. now this veis not just an attempted lesson to appease anxiety. it is necessary. how did trump manage to out- raise biden? raise biden? one successful and cynical strategy has been raising money off all of his legal troubles ro including his 34 felony convictions. a trump fund raising email this week claims quote they torturedh me in fulton county jail and took my mug shot. do you need a hug? i think ■çhe does. i love you. and they want to sentence me to death but there might be more cynical fund raising. presidency pf his to the highest bidder. the washington post reported donald trump solicited one billion dollars to the top oil executives. his promise, giving these oil executives the opportunity to shape his environmental agenda n including rolling back biden administration achievements andn clean energy in electric vehicle
alarmed democrats in panic mode after joe biden appears confused and unfocused in last night s presidential debate. if we finally beat medicare he did beat medicare. he beat it to death. it was a slow start. no question about that. but i thought it was a strong finish. turning your back because ofç one performance? what kind of party does that? they talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the capital, and in many cases were ushered in by the police. mostly lying, and without much fact checking. after the debate he got more and more manic. i just won two club championships. to do that you have to be quite smart. i didn t have sex with a porn star. you would think the candidate who during the presidential debate said i didn t have sex with a porn star. who is the leader of that? donald trump isn t just a convicted felon, donald trump is a one-man crime wave. if that joe biden shut up last night there would be no question today.
welcome back to the weekend. editorial boards in two battleground states are weighing in on the future of the 2024 race. the atlanta journal- constitution argues, it is time for biden to pass the torch. but the philadelphia inquirer said that it is donald trump who should quit. quote the sooner trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be. and president biden said he will stay. nbc news has learned he is expected to discuss his campaign s future with family members at camp david today. the trip was planned before the debate and sources tell nbc news, and it is ■çnot a formal discussion. house democratic leader hakeem jeffries, it is a great pleasure to welcome you. thank you for being here. thank you for getting up with us. leader jeffries, i want to start by asking you about this headline in the new republic that reads that hakeem jeffries opened the door to replacing biden. that you did not answer directly when asked whether president biden was the d
to change the trajectory of this race. there are four months, what does he do? hopefully there is another debate in september if donald trump wants to do it. i ■çthink he needs to be much more visible. he needs to reassure people that have concerns that he is up for this. i think he needs to do interval interviews in hostile settings. it s not crazy to do things love that nature. he has to do something to demonstrate to people that he can handle hostile questioning and is up for the job and he has to make a compelling argument against donald trump, which he did not do on thursday. all of us can support that and surrogates can support that but joe biden needs to really step up his game dramatically. one speech is not enough. okay. you made your thoughts known and we appreciate them. thank you, my friend. in case you forgot where the spring court s ruling on presidential immunity is a big deal, in a few minutes, a sound bite that puts it into perspective. good da
thing. jeannie suk gerson, harvard law professor, thank you for weighing in and you can watch ao missions granted tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. that s going to do it for me. o back next saturday. prime weekend is next. welcome to prime time weekend. i m nicolle wallace. let s get right to the week s top stories. underscoring the stakes of the election in november even further, newly released decisions by the u.s. supreme court, the conservative super majority which includes three of the justices hand-picked by donald trump himself overturned a 40-year-old president taking aim at the power of federal agencies to function. the dechevron ruling as the blo puts it, cuts back sharply on s the power of federal agencies to interpret the laws they mr. andrew that courts should rely on their own interpretation of ambiguous laws. the decision will likely have er far-reaching effects across the country environmental regulation to healthcare cost. today also saw the