this is such a small infinitesimal amount. we ve had all this great news it s less than $3. gasoline less than $3 in the entire count nenlt are nen united states, so it s hard to make a snapshot decision right now and say that keystone is the thing to go forward with. of course they make those decisions based on longer-term estimates, but if you look at it right now, you have to say why would it be economical? tiernan, senator clobuchar says the project has merit. where is the merit? haz a good question. it s bad for climate change truly bad for our water. the only thing it might have done is pad the profits of a foreign oil company. and with the oil prices dropping, even that s in question. the good news is as you pointed out president obama has been
and democrats underestimate him at their own peril. he began his career as a tv evangelist, which means he s very good at lying to people on camera and making them feel good about it. i think huckabee was the only republican who could have beaten senator obama back in 2008. i look forward as a comedian to a hilarious two years of this clown car. speaking of jeb bush, he s in connecticut raising money this week. it is a race to the dollar isn t it? sure is. and as i say, time flies once that money starts moving around. you don t hear much from vice president biden who would logically be plan b if no hillary, because she s got that money on hold. no doubt. great to have you with us tonight. gentlemen, thank you. that s the ed show. politicsnation with reverend
reduction tips that can impact brain health. so he s ready for the real possibilities ahead. if you don t think top of my game when you think aarp then you don t know aarp . find more surprisng possibilities and get to know us at we only have time for the one question. it comes from james. should president obama be bipartisan or aggressive with the republicans in his state of the union speech in i think he can do both. first of all i think he can state the facts of what has happened on his watch. next lay out an agenda try to find some common ground but ask the republicans if they could come up with a job pack an and come up with a project that won t hurt the environment.
and get that done. instead they pick this issue that threatens our environment. senator how can the republicans be so excited about 42 thousands temporary jobs yet hardly say about the addition of 57 months of private sector growth. last month was pretty good over 200,000 jobs. we can t get a word out of them. the jobs as president obama pointed out are cribbs shun jobs. once it s constructed there s very few permanent jobs crated by this pipeline. the oil does not go to the united states. it s basically canadian oil, the dirtiest oil, going into the international marketplace. we have record-low gasoline prices today, so certainly not needed from the point of roof of our economic issues so this bill makes very, very sense. i don t know how you can have an amendment that would dictate that canadian oil would stay to the benefit of american consumers and it couldn t go
keystone. in conclusion we will have enough votes to sustain a presidential veto. so even if they amendments pass, you would still urge the president to veto this legislation? well yes, i don t think these amendments will make it better, but certainly not good enough at this point in time and i think there will be enough democratic votes to sustain the president s veto. president obama hasn t fiducially said how he s going to go whether he s going to vite it. although the president has given indications he s not a big fan. it s very good for canadian oil companies and it s good for the kay nailedian oil industry but it s not going to be a huge benefit to the u.s. consumers. it s not even going to be a nominal benefit to u.s. consumers. now, the construction of the