Reviewed by Tony Cummings
An interesting idea: take six tracks recorded in Britain by that worship collective known as Vineyard UK and space them out with six tracks cut in California under the Maranatha! banner. There is a notable difference in approaches, of course, with the Vineyard stuff being edgier and with more emphasis on full-on rock guitars while the Maranatha! tracks are mellower and with some deft acoustic guitar and cello work. Lots of excellent worship leaders including the Burn Band s Sam Lane, Trent s Nigel Briggs and the USA s Kate Miner while the standouts here, Sam Lane s All From You and Suzanne Courtney s Forever You , sound good enough to connect with the world Church.
Review: Phenomena - Planetshakers | Cross Rhythms. Online Christian radio, Christian music articles, reviews, news and artist profiles. Christian life articles, prayer rooms and much more!
Reviewed by Tony Cummings
The fact that two tracks from this set, Danica Bryan s haunting reading of Jamie Hill s mid tempo Lord I Receive Your Love and Dan Wheeler s gutsy interpretation of I Will Hold On penned by Vineyard UK s Nigel Briggs, are already getting radio exposure on the Cross Rhythms Verticality praise and worship programme shows that the claim of the sleeve, Passion fuelled worship for a new generation has been impressively achieved. For a start the songs have been wisely selected - Tim Hughes Giver Of Life , Johnny Parks Glory , Vicky Beeching s Extravagant Worship , Namelessmusic s My Everything . Secondly, that always reliable producer Paul Burton has pulled in Neil Wilson (of steve) and Mrs Burton (as well as Bryan and Wheeler) to handle the vocals and a great job they do. A fine studio album then that takes you easily into worship while never sacrificing crisp production values.
Jollily - Vin Deca - Digital Only | Cross Rhythms. Online Christian radio, Christian music articles, reviews, news and artist profiles. Christian life articles, prayer rooms and much more!
Spring Harvest Artist Profile. Online Christian radio, Christian music articles, reviews, news and artist profiles. Christian life articles, prayer rooms and much more!