Reviewed by Tony Cummings
This is surely one of the most important worship releases for many a long year. The Colorado-based musicianary defied all the odds to get permission to record and film a worship event and Beijing, China, and not only that took the opportunity to bring on to the platform local musicians playing indigenous instruments never previously heard in a contemporary worship setting. It is those sections of the DVD and CD which are therefore the most fascinating with Tingting playing the yangqin, Cui Yang playing the guzheng and Hong Li playing the hulusi giving the music a haunting, other worldly quality which demands repeated listening. Not that Mr Tedder doesn t have an excellent band himself. He and his fellow musicians sing songs of faith and justice with passion and impressive musicianship while the poetry, read by Britain s Gerard Kelly, fits beautifully. I ve no doubt that I ll be watching the DVD many times in coming years. If you ve got a bit jaded in your a
Mark Tedder Artist Profile. Online Christian radio, Christian music articles, reviews, news and artist profiles. Christian life articles, prayer rooms and much more!
Review: Revived - World Wide Message Tribe | Cross Rhythms. Online Christian radio, Christian music articles, reviews, news and artist profiles. Christian life articles, prayer rooms and much more!
Reviewed by Tony Cummings
Your reviewer is already feeling mild embarrassment at having failed to put the David Crowder Band s classic A Collision album in the 20 Best Albums Of The Year Cross Rhythms feature and now his embarrassment is exacerbated as he realises that Until My Heart Caves In should probably be in that list as well. Since there emergence in 1992 Audio Adrenaline have proven to be probably the most consistently excellent rock band on the national scene. With an eclectic sound that takes in everything from edgy neo hard rock through to acoustic pop balladry, the band have always stayed up there largely due to the excellence of their songwriting. On this new set Mark Stewart sings expressively and with as much passion as he s ever mustered while guitarist Tyler Burkum has a new zest and energy to his playing which at times resembles The Edge at his best. The theme of Until My Heart Caves In is about living for God until our body collapses and with such a radical
Reviewed by Tom Lennie
This venture sees Chris Eaton and John Hartley (and, on some tracks, Gareth Robinson) pick 13 from Charles Wesley s abundance of classic hymns, completely rewrite the melodies, while getting a bunch of diverse Christian musicians to perform the ageless lyrics in contemporary musical styles. The aim is to show that while 250 years have passed since Wesley s songs were first shared, they remain as powerful as ever today . There s certainly a great line-up of varied and talented artists, including former Tree63 frontman John Ellis, Brian (and on another track Jenn) Johnson, worship pastors at Bethel Church, Redding, California; Jesus Culture s songsters, Chris Quilala and Kim Walker-Smith and Brenton Brown. As has been well-proved, the Methodist writer s theology throughout is thoroughly orthodox, and his poetic lines both beautiful and ponderous. While I was previously aware of a number of these hymns, it shouldn t have surprised me that I would be unfamiliar w