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Sputnik International
Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) [India], January 6 (ANI): With over 2,400 birds dead so far in Himachal Pradesh, the state has been put on high alert for avian influenza and officials are monitoring the situation according to state forest minister Rakesh Pathania.
Bird flu: Over 2,400 birds dead in Himachal, state on high alert
Apart from Himachal Pradesh, Kerala issued a high alert against bird flu on Tuesday after declaring bird-flu as a state-specific disaster. Veterinary collects sample amid the outbreak of H5N8 bird flu on Tuesday. (ANI Photo)
Updated: Jan 6, 2021, 10:41 AM IST
With over 2,400 birds dead so far in Himachal Pradesh, the state has been put on high alert for avian influenza and officials are monitoring the situation according to state forest minister Rakesh Pathania. As many as 2,403 birds have died so far. We expect that this number will grow. We are on high alert and monitoring the situation very carefully, Pathania told ANI.
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Bird Flu Scare: Himachal Pradesh put on high alert after 2,403 birds deaths, number likely to increase
 Himachal Pradesh has been put on high alert for avian influenza after over 2,400 birds deaths so far, according to state forest minister Rakesh Pathania. Officials are monitoring the situation. As many as 2,403 birds have died so far. We expect that this number will grow. We are on high alert and monitoring the situation very carefully, Pathania told ANI.
Hundreds of winter migratory birds including bar-headed goose along with river tern, brown-headed gull, and cormorants were found dead in and around the Pong Dam Sanctuary area.
Forest department official picks up a sick crow from roadside in Jaipur.
NEW DELHI: Ministry of fisheries, animal husbandry and dairying on Wednesday confirmed avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, cases have been reported from Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala.
Meanwhile, other states sharing borders with the affected states have stepped up surviellance.
Centre has issued advisories to the state governments to follow guidelines of the National Action Plan of Avian Influenza.
The ministry also informed that it has set up a control room in New Delhi to keep watch on the situation and to take stock on a daily basis of preventive and control measures undertaken by state authorities.