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Sputnik International
Avian influenza occurs naturally among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species and do not infect humans.
(PTI photo)
NEW DELHI: More bird deaths were reported from several states, including those of 381 migratory species in Himachal Pradesh, amid cases of avian flu in parts of the country.
A central team, meanwhile, reached Kerala on Thursday to assess the situation in two districts where thousands of chickens and ducks were culled following an outbreak of the influenza.
With many states of north India on high alert following cases of the influenza, the Delhi government has asked its officials to keep a close watch on poultry birds coming in from neighbouring states to prevent any infection.
The Centre said bird flu has been confirmed only in Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh so far, but all states should be prepared for any eventuality.
Explained: What Is Avian Influenza, Symptoms, How Critical Is The Latest Outbreak, And More
Bird flu explained: Bird flu, also called avian influenza, is a viral infection that can infect not only birds, but also humans and other animals. Representational Image Outlook Web Bureau 2021-01-06T07:12:34+05:30 Explained: What Is Avian Influenza, Symptoms, How Critical Is The Latest Outbreak, And More 2021-01-06T10:02:35+05:30
Avian flu or bird flu cases have been reported in four states – Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala with hundreds of migratory birds and crows being found dead. In Haryana, though there have been suspected avian deaths, the cause is still to be confirmed.