Facilities down in south Texas one in a current city one in Dili and that s room for about 4000 individuals but this executive order says they re also looking calling on the Department of Defense to open up some military facilities for detained families as well N.P.R. s John Burnett the administration has also not explained how it s going to reignite families already separated President Trump defended his hardline immigration policies at a campaign rally last night into Luth Minnesota Matt Sepic of Minnesota Public Radio reports about a 1000 people gathered to protest the president outside the arena where he was speaking Trump took digs at the media Hillary Clinton hecklers in the crowd and people who crossed the Us Mexico border illegally he also defended his tariffs which are popular on Minnesota s Iron Range side the arena protesters including retired Teamster Roger running called Trump a bully and said Democrats need to win congressional majorities in November to rein him in somet
Collating trade spat between the u.s. And China it s the top story on the b.b.c. Business page just search b.b.c. Dot com for what the slash business will also be discussing that with out guests on business matters at midnight g.m.t. Joining me on the program Lucy Alexander a journalist based in Tokyo and Bridget but not who is a producer with Marketplace radio in Los Angeles apart from the trade spot will also be talking about b. And b. Japan has recently introduced new restrictions on the number of nights property owners can rent their properties will be looking at the problems there but that s it for this edition of well Business Report good night. You re listening to the b.b.c. World news on k or c c To southern Colorado s n.p.r. Station Kera c.c. Broadcasts on 91.5 f.m. From our studios in Colorado Springs Colorado you can also hear cares you see in the following communities 88.5 f.m. In West Cliff and Gardner 89 point one f.m. In La Hunter 89.9 f.m. In Lyman 90 point one f.m. In
I know I m Marion Marshall with the b.b.c. News president says Kim Jong un has committed North Korea to denuclearize ation in exchange for security guarantees following his own president is meeting with Mr Kim in Singapore he said the North Korean leader had agreed to destroy a major missile engine testing site in return he said the u.s. Would end military exercises directed against North Korea it s a very provocative. Situation one when I feel that and you have a country right next door so under the circumstances that we re negotiating a very comprehensive complete deal I think it s inappropriate to be having work so number one we save money a lot and number 2. It really is something that I think we very much appreciate most of the details of what president said had been agreed were not contained within the document he signed with Kim Jong un but came in an extraordinary news conference he gave afterwards analysts have already criticized the agreement is vague and lacking in substanc
a committee to draft the Declaration of Independence the news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington on Giles Snyder secretary of state Mike Pompei o is just wrapped up remarks to reporters in Singapore as u.s. And North Korean officials finalize preparations for the 1st ever summit between President Trump and Kim Jong on N.P.R. s Anthony Kuhn is in Singapore with Trump and Kim scheduled to meet tomorrow morning both leaders arrived here on Sunday and both met with the host country Singapore s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday u.s. Ambassador to the Philippines some Kim met with North Korean officials to hash out details of the talks Kim Jong un has said he s willing to give up his nuclear weapons but he s insisting on security guarantees from the u.s. In exchange Kim is already held 2 meetings with South Korean president moon j.n. As well as 2 with China s leaders Xi Jinping details of Tuesday s summit schedule are vague there have been suggestions that the summit could
Hi everyone it s a beautiful Monday May 14th for those of you who are celebrated Mother s Day yesterday Happy Mother s Day a little belated but you know every day is Mother s Day because we don t get time off from our job anyway this is the editor without an artisan and co-host using brute both of us are happy mothers and what are we doing today we re doing a little bit of history I do a little bit of poetry are we celebrating some great females of course there s so many of them that we never mention and anyway what s going on today we are doing some poetry by a female Oh I got it to flow again yes I do it s called What s happenin by Peggy Trojan might happen and I love it sell no Michela printed all the news fit to print the homeless had a baby boy Eriksson s cow was hit by lightning the Polks motored to Chicago for their grandson s graduation nothing to cause you anger or take to bed wary when you saw Willard at the feed store you could ask how Mildred s broken leg was coming along