vice president and group manager at teledine marine systems which makes some of the pinger locators that have been used in this search for the flight. also mary schiavo, aviation analyst and former inspector general for the u.s. transportation department. thomas, i want to start with you. first, are you surprised about this latest news that the pings didn t come from the black boxes? no. i mean, that was always a possibility. i think we talked about this over the last couple of months, that the frequency was slightly lower than what is the prescribed 37.5 kilohertz requirement for the aviation pinger. there are a whole bunch of reasons that could potentially be, but there are also other man made sources that could generate that type of signal. so it was an attractive target, let s say, to look at, but it wasn t a definitive target. and so the failure and the lack of finding a real item on the bottom is not necessarily surprising. and lots of time and effort
indicating the pings didn t come from the black box. you are not sure the mathematical calculations are correct at this point. a lot of these things are estimates. as i mentioned before, best guess scenarios and unfortunately those best guesses are based on information coming from various sources that are not necessarily accurate. also, we know that acoustically sound can travel in strange ways. acoustics underwater are a nightmare. travels faster under water. sound does. and you have those valleys and mountains and anyone who has been hiking in mountain ranges knows that sound travels all over the place. stick with us. we ll touch on your expertise more. you know about this underwater stuff through vast exploration where you stay under water for
looked at it and said we can t make sense of this. it doesn t add up. the chart that supposedly shows the data matching the south better than the north doesn t really match what they are saying at all. so then we are spending, i shouldn t say we are, but millions of us are spending millions of dollars on this search effort. so what s the best way to reboot here, if you say with the fuzzy math, because according to you and the experts, we may not be searching in the right place. indeed. we spent all month looking for these ping that is the australian prime minister said was very confident the pings came from the black box, but we finally got down to blue fin 21 and searched the area, so the pings didn t come from the black box. they believe to say it came from the black box with the audio expert that will talk later, but you don t believe it came from the black box. they looked in a six-mile radius, because the pings can
asia. down ending in the remote corner of the southern indian ocean. basically, though, what you re saying is they are looking in this teeny corner where our breaking news banner is and that could be the wrong place to look. this is what s significant. you ll recall last saturday, big, big breaking piece of news was that malaysian prime minister himself announced that basically announced this data that they were able to create these two axes. that s big. biggest clue we ve had so far. that was based on the last ping. a lot of us were wondering what did the earlier pings tell us. we could deduce more about the path of this plane based on earlier pings. these pings didn t contain any data. so, what we learned today is simply this, each of the seven