credible information. they re heavily reliant on what the prime minister said in parliament today. they believe that, you know, if the prime minister of australia is telling parliament that they believe these objects, these two objects in the indian ocean, could well be linked to flight mh-370, then it s credible information. but they also applied a lot of caution today because they reminded everyone that there is no proof yet. there is no identification. and so we re hanging on these words, could be, might be, we simply don t know yet, wolf. and all those aircraft and ships have to first get to the location, locate those two objects and then identify them. a lot of hopes and fears of family members hanging on all of these events as they ll come through, we ll keep you updated on that, wolf. saima, mohsin in kuala lumpur. so why don t the flight
sensors on them would be a very good use of that asset. the one thing that drones don t do well are fly low at low altitudes. so if they have a cloud deck, let s say the cloud deck is 500 feet, the p-3s are able to penetrate the cloud deck and then fly just under 500 feet and continue to search. and that might be a little riskier for the drones. we re not talking small drones. we re talking like predator drones that have long duration 22 hours of air time. good point. ken christiansen, thanks very much for helping us. you re welcome. the pressure and the anguish of waiting, we re going to hear from what malaysia s government is now saying to families and others concerned about the passengers. remember, there were 239 passengers and crew members aboard this missing flight 370. this is for you. [ male announcer ] bob s heart attack
really orange even then. why do you say even then? because the voice cockpit recorder will have been written over if the plane stayed in the air that much longer, they re not going to be able to go back to listen to what happened in the cockpit. it will be silent. the last two hours they ll still have a lot of data. it will go up, down or sideways and won t tell you what s being said in the cockpit. but that data would be useful. it would be extremely useful. but it really raises the issue with what tom said. we need to have the data recorders and the voice recorders looked at again. longer batteries so that they can be recovered over a longer period of time, longer time on the voice recorder. should be a 24-hour period. why don t they have that? what s the problem? well, there s been a variety of oppositional positions. pilots don t like it. that s the main reason. that s not a good reason. well, it s a tough one. it s their work environment.
is significant. but i d like to go back to one other point that was made earlier. whether this turn was the result of a mechanic malfunction on the airplane or something else, i have to say, at 1:07 when the acars system reported that there was a program change for the heading in the airplane followed by 12 minutes later when the pilot made his infamous remark all right, good night, pilots don t make their change in course mid-flight without getting permission from air traffic control. they had 12 minutes to talk to air traffic control and did not do that. i think that this this was a well-made plan. i think the fact that they said all right, good night, putting the whole sequence of events together, you have an airplane
my theory is that the plane flew south into the indian ocean and landed on christmas island. it fits and it explains everything. what people are doing, don, is looking at those two red arcs. here s one here and another one here. they are looking at those arcs and trying to find a runway in those arcs and the closest one that you would find on the southern route would be christmas island. so here s where we are here. here s the last contact we had. here s kuala lumpur. the plane took left. at least we know that. after that, we don t know much. so the christmas island people believe that the plane took a left again and went farther to the south. let me take you down to christmas island because it s a very short flight. it s an hour or two hours away from where they were up here. this would not take very long to get to christmas island. so what were they doing for the other two or three hours that they weren t flying around? which don t know that.