A column I published earlier this year in January, about my encounter last fall with cherished fig trees grown on the Canadian border of Niagara Falls, attracted the keen eye of reader Gina Geiss of Schererville
Welcome to May and memories of how different life was just three years ago in May 2020, when six weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear society’s “pivot” and shutdown wasn’t going to be just two weeks, or two months, but more likely, two years.
Purdue Northwest Intramurals Director Matt Dudzik at the Hammond campus is always dreaming up clever themes and ideas for the annual Spring Intramural Baking Contest.For 16 years I’ve served as a judge, sampling and scoring baked goods to bestow the tasty top owners for contestants making cookies, brownies, pies and cakes.“This year, not only did I want students to submit their favorite cookie recipe, I also asked for both the origin of the recipe to be provided, as well as for each of the contestants to dream up an urban legend or lore they could attach to their recipe,” Dudzik said.