Veronica bogma will tell the military how the Selection Process is carried out. We put things away, take slippers, they will have to change their barracks clothes from civilian clothes to military uniforms, and from their customary rhythm of life to a cheerful, regimented army one. That means, carefully, im quickly explaining to you now , you quickly understand, some still receive comments about their hands in their pockets, others demonstrate quite decent bearing, well, in general, i graduated from the shakhty cossack school corps, well, its like youve been in the military all your life. You spin around in the sphere and how you get used to it and how you have a biological alarm clock to get up at 7 am, its all familiar, conscription teams are gradually formed and sent to the military unit of the Southern Military district, preparations have begun , everyone liked it, everyone already wants to leave for the unit faster, testing, professional selection, they passed it earlier in their
, of extending work activity, if a person wants to continue his work activity, having already reached retirement age, all possible conditions are also created for this, and the next point is, of course, education throughout life, and this area is also envisaged as one of the key ones within the framework of the implementation of the National Strategy , of course, these are issues of physical activity, health issues, issues of participation in all kinds of cultural events, and, of course, for people who. Today needs Additional Support measures from the state, these are people with reduced physical activity due to health conditions, yes, then these are social support measures, social services of our social institutions services, support measures are aimed at all kinds of aspects of life, our elderly citizens, yes, this is directly, as we have already noted, issues of care in case a person needs additional. Outside help, yes, that is, these are social services, social services of Territor
Poslika. But this activity was curtailed long ago, and the island was completely turned into a nature reserve, so belarus had its own islanders, its a pity that there is no one now, by the way, is there anyone now, do people come here . Quite often, lately young people have come here, so to speak, because the second name of the island is du, under this name, well, somehow mysterious, people come, they are interested, we have prepared two campsites here, tents, people come, equipped place, fire pit , you can put up tents, relax, spend the night, go fishing, Wander Around the island, see how the old cemetery with burials from the beginning of the last century has been preserved, you can also meet wild animals, there is a wild boar, roe deer, elk, but the latter is actually not better at all to meet, you can look from afar somewhere, here you dont even need to look very closely to see the real edge, not the whole earth. Of course, but belarus for sure, here it is, the socalled bearish cor
A broken garden, and a great garden park, with ceremonial alleys, where the gardens smothered the gardens. On the slopes of the abaron valleys , waterways were broken up, for the descent of the neman , a boat ramp and bathing areas were created. When the castle ceased to be turned off by the abaronic revival and stopped washing the rock and the ditch, there scenes. The palace is on the first street. Geta palace, a hundred percent of the battles, and in the 19th century, when the pennies appeared and in the future, they were published in the style of nonpredicament, nonpreparedness in the syaredzina of the 19th century, which has not yet experienced its splendor tu, but the very first time i was talking, well, say such a grammatical , meat dwarfs, i was proud of my labor and adnance to the region, and potassium was in this style, this meant nothing. Tym is big, hours 86070th bastards, period uzvyazennya getaga palace, geta period pastal 863 years, what a great change in the mood and the
Pieces of equipment were involved in the strangulation, it was not possible to defeat the fire for more than an hour, the fire was assigned an increased level of complexity. As a result, the situation was brought under control and there were no casualties. A new method for diagnosing tuberculosis has begun to be introduced in transbaikalia; it allows identifying the disease faster and more accurately than the common mantoux test. About the advantages of the thespod test, report by yegor butin. Tuberculosis is a disease that is socially significant and at the same time the most dangerous for humans. His exciter is calling. Koch bacillus is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact, and therefore it is easy to become infected, but it is not easy to cure it, therefore doctors pay great attention to preventive measures, work is actively carried out on early diagnosis, detection, tuberculosis infection, including latent, latent tuberculosis infection , that is, without clinical manifesta