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, of extending work activity, if a person wants to continue his work activity, having already reached retirement age, all possible conditions are also created for this, and the next point is, of course, education throughout life, and this area is also envisaged as one of the key ones within the framework of the implementation of the National Strategy , of course, these are issues of physical activity, health issues, issues of participation in all kinds of cultural events, and, of course, for people who. Today needs Additional Support measures from the state, these are people with reduced physical activity due to health conditions, yes, then these are social support measures, social services of our social institutions services, support measures are aimed at all kinds of aspects of life, our elderly citizens, yes, this is directly, as we have already noted, issues of care in case a person needs additional. Outside help, yes, that is, these are social services, social services of Territorial Centers, our social workers and nurses, if a person needs roundtheclock constant care, these are our boarding homes. In addition, today the state also supports family members who are carrying out care for their relatives, disabled people of the first group or persons who are over 80 years old, but who need constant care, and through the payment of benefits. Such citizens, if we talk about citizens who today are in demand for the widest possible range of different activities, yes, this includes physical education, sports, yes, uh, then today, on the basis of our Territorial Centers , older citizens can realize themselves absolutely as part of volunteer activities, and directly be participants in classes that either our specialists conduct, or our elderly citizens themselves, as volunteers, conduct various. Classes aimed at physical activity, these are yoga classes, this is nordic walking, well, the belarusian employer probably also provides certain support measures, what are they . Yes , of course, for people who want to work, yes, additional Protection Measures are also provided for people who have reached preretirement age, yes, today in our legislation it is stipulated that if. A person who has reached preretirement age ends his contract or employment contract, then the employer is obliged to extend this Employment Relationship with him until the person reaches retirement age. Watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. This includes news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, territories of the countries finland , sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. Set up a satellite dish for the express satellite am8, tv channel signal. Broadcast in the clear and available 24 hours a day every day. Be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. Hello everyone, my name is sultan gadzhiev, i came to the republic of belarus from azerbaijan, now i live and work in agrogordki samokhvalovichi. I came from the republic of azerbaijan, i really had a desire to study, yes, when i was choosing where to study , belarus turned out to be very attractive to me, i had to work, live, and so on before entering. In order to then enter the academy to study, at first i lived in hotel, for now there was enough money, but time passed, i had to live for a couple, well, a few days, minsk, minsk1 airport at the station, spend the night at the airport, but it turned out that every day i was looking for a new job, workplace, one fine day when i came to station and i see that it was very fashionable at the station at that time, people were looking for work, molodechensk directions were being built very actively, so i saw small bakeries, which , well, i just wanted to eat, there are small bakeries there, where they sold fresh bread for when the bakeries came , i see at the top it says we are looking for a loader, i think, how good, they will hire me and i will stay here, well, there was a woman standing behind the cash registers who says, you know, im a saleswoman, i cant, well, thats the solution to the problem. The manager will decide this with you, but it has come the manager asks where i came from, what, who i am, do i have a registration in minsk , but unfortunately, i didnt have a registration, nothing, she says i dont have a registration, we dont hire, we didnt register for a job, that was the problem , i really remember this story, why, because when i was about to leave, this is a woman who saw me for the first time in her life, and i probably felt very sorry for her, she says you know, i can, i dont know, i i cant hire you, but i can solve your problem, ill try in any case, she says, now ill write a small piece of paper, youll go to one place, give it to me, and there everything will be decided. Youre the one working, theyll hire you, i was so shocked, well, i agreed, because i had Nothing Better to do lose in the end, she wrote this piece of paper, i didnt even open this piece of paper, what did she write there . There is a farm here next to the sdanovsky greenhouse complex, there is a very wonderful director, a sympathetic person, you give this piece of paper to him, and he will decide your fate when he arrives there, there was a meeting with the director , i waited, after the meeting, when i asked to see him, he received me with pleasure, the man really turned out to be very responsive, he listened to my story, where i came from, i also tell him, they gave you this a piece of paper, read this, please, he took this piece of paper, opened it and was amazed, of course, says god loves you, because you know who wrote this piece of paper, it was written by a woman who worked for us for a long time as the chief agronomist, it was the wife of this chief agronomist, he then took me to work and i stayed on this collective farm to work from this same collective farm i was sent to study at the academy, and i am grateful to all the people who in belarus. Met my path and helped me in order to get on my feet and become like this i am today, this incident decided my fate, minsk became my hometown, belarus is like a second home to me. We are now in the building of the institute of Fruit Growing, this is the place where i now work and make friends, do science, my main work is both science and production, science is the opportunity to theoretically substantiate something, and practice is to apply it purely practically, i came to the institute in 1994, when i graduated from the belarusian agricultural academy, i entered graduate school, in 99 i defended myself and until 2009 what is better to apply in practice receiving. I already have the knowledge, i can show myself in practice, plant a good garden, create a nursery there, and then we created farms, i left to head this farm, it seemed to me that i had left science, but nothing similar, the atmosphere that i delved into the scientific atmosphere, it haunted me when i worked in production, you know why, because all the time i dreamed of these experiments there, i always wanted some kind of experiments in my garden experiments, although he tells me. Why do you need these experiments, you are already engaged in production, i am a man of science more than production, although i believe that any science, just pure science, is meaningless if it is not confirmed by production, therefore leaving for i am still a farmer, i returned to science, again, i returned to my own department, my team, because this is my native team, when i returned, i realized that it was as if i had never left, you know, how it happens, sometimes you leave, then. The team is different, the people are different, some, but it turned out, no , the team that i work now, i just adore them, in the sense that these are people, likeminded people, they, i now want to do something fruitful, something more significant and deal with more global problems that will help raise the republics Fruit Growing, the republic belarus and achieve success no worse than in europe, many say, you know there, you are not finishing something somewhere, you are lagging behind. There is something there somehow, i think that all this is not true, because if you compare our climatic conditions, yes, here in belarus and compare the conditions of europe, relatively speaking, and in gardening, they are different, we are on different scales, yes , everything is softer there, the climate, everything there, but here everything is tough, so in those conditions that are ours, if we get results no worse than european ones, then we are doing more than them, we have to work harder. Do more, think more, because we still have, we have one favorite professor, says santa claus , who comes to us, and thats all, you know, how they ultimately give their imprints, Fruit Growing in belarus is considered a risky zone Fruit Growing, thanks to the institute of Fruit Growing, since 2005, several Fruit Growing programs have already been adopted by the initiator of this program, all programs. There was an institute of Fruit Growing and thanks to scientific personnel, lets say, to the leadership of the institute of Fruit Growing, these programs were developed, adopted by the ministry of agriculture, specific Financial Resources were allocated for the establishment of industrial gardens, and the institute takes upon itself the supervision of these gardens. We are located on the territory of the institutes breeding department. This particular area for growing seedlings, stone fruit crops, a specific crop is an apricot, any crop, it doesnt matter, an apricot, an apple tree, an apple tree is grafted onto an apple tree, an apricot is grafted onto an apricot, a pear is grafted onto a pear or onto aivo, there are specific wildflowers for growing specific seedlings, the wildflower should be both oneyear and twoyear old, and you see here, each row they look different, firstly they are different varieties, secondly here we used. Pruning methods, you see, one is cut so high, the other is lower, you see the side shoots there, how long they are, in this case , look how short they are, that is , it is being developed here, too, there is one, well, get seedlings, here is the approach to get seedlings specific parameters, yes here we have this specifically for apricots, most of all we work on apple trees, but in this case we got papricots, so these are the mother trees that we get from. Cuttings for grafting, we have a mother plant, we have clonal rootstocks that we grow wild ones, we have the queen cell, which is taken from cuttings, in this case, these are special queen cells that are grown and where these cuttings come from, at the moment of accumulation or grafting, we approach the tree, cut the cutting, then we remove these leaves, and we get this petiole with a bud, exactly this bud. We we graft onto the wildflower that we, say, have, and thus then we get such seedlings, or we take such wildflowers, they are used for rooting specifically, this is the mother plant, if we look, this is the mother plant specifically for producing wildflowers, so we take such wild ones, we root them specially, we get them, so we take pruning, do it, and cut off the leaf again, they are, as it were, placed in the ground, here in the ground and there is a special condition for it to let out the food, this section, the oywa section, the clonal rootstock for the pear, specially for this wildflower, the pear turns out to be lowgrowing pear trees, lets say, which lately it has been very fashionable to plant pears, lowgrowing trees, they are fastgrowing and very dense gardens, so we are developing special technologies for such wildflowers, what kind of seedlings to get, here as i told you, and how exactly you can get it from them, this is what you can do, if you take seed seedlings that were previously grown, it is very difficult to do this on them, because they are genetically diverse, so these are. Genetically identical, similar to each other, so it is very easy to develop all sorts of technological processes on them. Here in this area we are specifically studying scientific work, very, i tell you, responsible work, the study of crown rootstocks, different forms of rootstocks, how they affect the survival rate, the safety of rootstocks of pear seedlings, here in this area there are about 60 forms of rootstocks, from this area in the future there will be one or two belarusian rootstocks for quince and pear, but today it turns out that we only use. Foreign ones introduced rootstocks, so by highlighting one or two dwarf and semidwarf forms from here, we will get the belarusian form, and these forms will be used in the future for planting industrial gardens, so if you notice that here each row is a separate form, and you see one form, the seedlings are all are practically standing, they have not taken root, on another form there are dead ones, which are forms that. Completely died, so we study here, we weed out completely unnecessary rootstocks, from many we choose only one or two, in the future everything this will be planted in the garden, they will still study it in the garden, this is still a few years before the harvest, when we get the harvest, naturally, we will see which form of the close one is specifically suitable for getting normal fruits from them, and which form is stunted, what form is mediumsized, thus making a final analysis in the garden after planting this particular garden, obtaining real fruits on these trees, this is still an intermediate stage, but without this stage it is almost impossible to go to the garden, we are at section of the study of columnar varieties, revealed on different rootstocks of clonal selection, these varieties are called columnar varieties because they bear fruit closer to the trunk, on the trunk, lets say, they grow columns, look, these trees are almost 810 years old, but the lateral guards there are no long ones as such, so they are called columnar. And here we are specifically studying which disks, on which rootstocks these particular columnar varieties are grown, and what we can then recommend to production, because now farmers are interested in these varieties, you see, they can be planted very densely, and thus, if one tree produces an average of 8 to 10 kg of harvest, about 2020 can be planted per hectare. Trees and they say that there are orchards where from 1 hectare you can get up to 100 tons of such apples, from these varieties, and today , here in this area, we are studying the nursery, how the individual affects the height, the shape of the fruit, and all other parameters namely of these varieties, columnar apple trees, the end result of our work is the fruits, here we can see the real fruits of our. This the variety is called tolgar beauty, this tree is about 56 years old, so you can see that in reality there can be from 5 to 10 kg of these fruits per tree. Our work, which is the work of nurseries and breeders, ultimately ends up here, the most important thing is to get fruit, this is our main work. In general, the region of cuba itself, where i was born, is a horticultural region, we had a family of eight children, and four, besides me , Four Brothers and three or three sisters, my father worked in the garden, that collective farm, which, well, that is gardening, zardabi village, 2,000 hectares of gardens, starting from the fifth grade we went to help our parents, well, our father most of all, we helped with planting, pruning, doing something, cleaning up. Gradually, my father instilled in us a love for this work, when i finished the tenth grade, i already understood how to cut more or less wood, i want to say, it is in this village, there. The institute of Fruit Growing of azerbaijan is located today the institute also exists there and my friends work there, which is where we are closely we are in contact today, we met as scientists there when i was still young, i didnt understand there, well, they came to the gardens there and did some accounting when i was already here as a graduate student studying, i remembered about them and when they actually offered me the institute of Fruit Growing, they said that there is a village, and there is one where i have my own village, for some reason, well, i kind of compared it, and there is also an institute of Fruit Growing, ill tell you honestly, the buildings of the institute of Fruit Growing, they are the same, similar, a copy of when they probably built the same ones in the soviet Union Building institutes of institutes were built, i dont know, but the buildings, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, they are so similar, as if they were a copy of this building, which is in azerbaijan, then of course, during my graduate studies i was at the Azerbaijan Institute of Fruit Growing. Connections have been established, today there is a specific contract between our institute of Fruit Growing in belarus and the institute of tea growing in azerbaijan, a cooperation agreement, when i finally decided to get on my feet here i realized that my destiny is already connected with belarus and then i, too, well, lets say so, by chance, or lets say by fate, they offered me a plot of land right next to samokhvalovich, the institute gave me this plot to build a house, then there were projects such that young personnel, thats who defended themselves or were given an apartment, we were given plots just for construction, starting in 2000, i began to build, well, my own little house, uh, i understand that my destiny is connected with the institute of Fruit Growing of belarus, i will stay here for a long time, then i went to my family and came here, due to the fact that i. Family, of course, my family is also large, i have four children, three girls, a little son is growing up, we named the children elvira, the eldest daughter, she is already 15 years old, then aysel, this daughter is 12 years old, then elvina, period 10 years old, and the youngest son, this means it turns out, today it will soon be 6 years old, i am proud of my children, because i love them, and my wife, of course, when i came from azerbaijan, from such a warm climate, here the climatic adaptation was a little difficult, but i am grateful to her that she, well, lets say, wasnt scared because of the difficulty, but didnt leave there, lets say, or didnt say, lets move to azerbaijan to live, because thats the same thing, she adapted gradually, she herself is a russian speaker, she speaks russian very well, because she graduated from a russianlanguage school, thank god, all this turned out so well and there is development, where to develop, yes, there are plans, prospects, thats why, especially since i m now further developing my scientific activity, already enrolling as a doctoral student, i will write a doctoral dissertation, so there is also some direction, prospects development, already purely scientific work, then there is another work, which is my own economy, which i develop, so one thing and the other is good, we work together, we work, and this work turns out, belarus is the country that should have natural resources, such wonderful people, this is a country for life, for joy, for peace and tranquility, and i am sure that it is so, so it was, so it will be. In general, its surprising, yes, in the 19th century, instead of. The whole world was exploring new planets, thats right evolve, develop technology, we are once again forced to face this social monstrosity called fascism , we all see how the situation is developing on our southern borders, on the western borders, the level of terrorist danger is really high, there will be more provocations, attempted terrorist attacks on the territory of belarus there will be more, there will be more attempts to destabilize, especially by the year twentyfour, by the elections by the twentyfifth year, under no circumstances should we relax. Interest to demonize it doesnt work out, we have created such a unique model of our state that, during the turbulence that the whole world has found itself in, we

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