Pieces of equipment were involved in the strangulation, it was not possible to defeat the fire for more than an hour, the fire was assigned an increased level of complexity. As a result, the situation was brought under control and there were no casualties. A new method for diagnosing tuberculosis has begun to be introduced in transbaikalia; it allows identifying the disease faster and more accurately than the common mantoux test. About the advantages of the thespod test, report by yegor butin. Tuberculosis is a disease that is socially significant and at the same time the most dangerous for humans. His exciter is calling. Koch bacillus is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact, and therefore it is easy to become infected, but it is not easy to cure it, therefore doctors pay great attention to preventive measures, work is actively carried out on early diagnosis, detection, tuberculosis infection, including latent, latent tuberculosis infection , that is, without clinical manifestations, for many years in transbaikalia for skin methods were used to identify infected people. Tests, however, they are not always applicable to everyone, and the result can be influenced by many factors, for example, allergies or weakened immunity can distort the picture, therefore the regional Infectious Diseases department has introduced a new method for the region called tespot. Unlike skin tests, for example, mantoux, the tespot diagnostic system, firstly, is not capable of harming human health, and secondly, it gives a more accurate result, because the analysis is carried out in what is called invitro, which means outside body and this method is especially applicable for patients at risk. Among them are people with autoimmune and allergic diseases, hivinfected people, pregnant women, children and more; besides, this procedure does not require special preparation. Blood is simply taken, there is no need to prepare the patient, it is done on an empty stomach, does not depend on the vaccination calendar, advantages, does not depend on bcg vaccination, this test does not require any preparation, well, the biggest advantage is that it is not common. Foreign proteins, just taken blood, the result is quite fast, it will be ready in 34 days, specialists examine the samples under a microscope and count the number of spots. If there are more than eight, then the result is positive and it is necessary to begin treatment of the patient as soon as possible. The study is not yet included in the list of procedures under compulsory medical insurance, therefore it is carried out free of charge only upon the referral of a therapist. Egor butin, vitali kvashnin and sergei tkachenko, read. In the center of moscow. To close a unique childrens theater, which for a quarter of a century gave a start to the Creative Life for a huge number of actors. At one point, the teacher told their students, the performance is over, vacate the premises , the local manager decided that it was unsuitable for classes, but all the parents of young talents, teachers, even famous actors throughout the country of theater and cinema were shocked. Denis vaskovsky found out why the curtain on the childrens stage can fall forever, and whether eviction can be prevented. Today in childrens musical theater the reflection in khamovniki is not sung; the battle from pushkins tale of gold is perceived much more convincingly cockerel, lets go to the embrasure, nowhere in the 39th kingdom, in the 30th state. Despite the still seemingly incredible news about the closure of the theater, peoples artist Tatyana Vladimirova continues to conduct classes, and every now and then the neighbors were offended boldly, but the parents of the children were aged. From 5 to 17 years old, a total of 60 students study in the reflection studio theater, they do not hide their feelings. This will be a tragedy; dozens of children will simply end up in the yard on the street. In a confrontation lasting several months, a childs corpse supported by actors and directors from other moscow theaters, who in their free time conduct master classes on the art of impersonation here. I have already staged nine performances here, this is a sacred place, a sacred place, there is a Different Energy here. This is not a figure of speech for. For 25 years, together with their mascot the duck mallard, the team has won dozens of prizes at competitions and festivals, but literally tomorrow all this could end in the prefecture of the central administrative district, unexpectedly. Announced the activities of the center unsafe. Due to unsatisfactory sanitary, technical and fire safety conditions, namely the lack of a ventilation system for fire exits. There is no emergency exit, and it is not possible to conduct classes in the abovementioned room. Officials refer to the fact that there is supposedly no emergency exit in the basement, but we have one, we can look at this cardboard wall that now separates us from the exit to the other side of the street. In fact, nothing to cut through or repair its not required at all, theres always been a second doorway here, its just that in the nineties it was walled up by the Utility Company for some reason, however, the false wall and plaster are only on the inside, the outside entrance lobby has been preserved in its original form. For some reason , the City Administration closed it; this entrance was constructed from the very beginning of the construction of the building and we have it on the bti plans. In their letter, officials also mention some supposedly regularly occurring body breaks out of the flooded basement. But neither the students, nor their parents, nor the leader theater Olga Matveeva simply does not understand what is being said in a solid document with seals. I have known olya for a very long time, she puts on wonderful plays at the moscow theater, poetry performances, works with my artists, and i know how responsible and wonderful a person she is, i hope that the situation will be resolved, children, adults, and so far the last ones keep hope in their hearts , even if ghostly chances remain, the wave is moving, the pebbles are rustling, and suddenly a crab comes out and says i dont know, something dangerous about the crab, thats right, dangerous, were close we wont come close, for a quarter of a century, hundreds of children and teenagers have received a ticket to life on stage in a cozy basement on the second frunzinskaya 7. Nikolai tarasyuk, today an actor at the shalom theater, once learned the basics of recitation and stage performance in this tiny hall. The orchestra, a stranger, watched as the violin cried, that the childrens theater is in danger from the whole yard already knows , about the reasons for what is happening, local residents say without a shadow of a doubt, well, someone just needed a room, thats probably why they are moving in, in the apartment located above the theater issued an official announcement of sale with written requests to preserve the theater to the head of the khomovniki administration , famous figures of cinema and theater have already addressed more than once, until all of them remained unanswered. Maxim alexandrovich, you understand that childrens theater schools are nature reserves where a love of russian is instilled. Language, russian culture, great literature , enthusiasts work in these schools, and you are closing the childrens musical theater, but this is incomprehensible to the mind, do not make shame the norms of your life, please, every day in the childrens theater reflection is met as the last one, denis vaskovsky, sergey zanin, ilona gasieva, alexey mustafin, news, an observatory, an Engineering Laboratory and an interactive museum, a childrens Technology Park, are being built. In komsomolsk namur. About a thousand schoolchildren from different cities will study physics, programming and other subjects there. All work is planned to be completed at the end of next year. Report by ina monina. The center for future scientists and inventors has already been built under the roof. The contractor completed all concrete work before the cold weather. The monolithic building will soon be decorated huge stained glass windows. After which they will begin to connect the thermal circuit and begin finishing. On an area of about 4,000 square meters. Meters will house engineering laboratories in the field of aircraft construction, work and computer centers, a large conference hall, an interactive science museum, and in the ivristika Innovation Center, kamsom residents will be able to get closer to the stars; the building will install an observatory and a planetarium, which will allow them to comprehend the secrets of the universe. The childrens Technology Park is being built with federal funds, about 1 billion 300 million rubles. Why is the cost so high . Saturation of the facility with complex technological , knowledgeintensive equipment for the education of children. Heuristics will train specialists for various industries, starting from school. In komsomolsk, such training is today carried out in the center of Digital Education on the basis of the Engineering School in the childrens Technology Park quantorium, but these areas are no longer enough. The Innovation Center is scheduled to be commissioned at the end of next year; plans are well underway until then. Where zones will appear for testing radiocontrolled models and for Holding Public events. Inna monina, alexander garelov, vesti khabarovsk. Noble estates, car repair shops, ships, all made from multicolored cubes, production of childrens construction sets was established in novorossiysk. The first 5,500 sets have already gone to different regions of russia, as well as to belarus, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, which are produced for Young Builders in kuban, vidilata. This is how adults build their childhood; in a shift that lasts 12 hours, up to 14,000 parts for a childrens construction set can come off one conveyor, such the sets are not hidden at the factory until. They must replace the famous world brand that left russia, so the process at the plant in novorossiysk was taken seriously. To eliminate any external risks for production, only domestic Raw Materials are used. All parts of the designer are made of hypoallergenic material, polypropylene and harmless dyes. This can be understood by bright colors; dull, cloudy ones indicate low quality materials. The plant currently produces nine sets. From them, for example, you can assemble a farm familiar to kuban, and also in there is a ship in the line. And cars. In just a couple of months, 5,500 sets came off these lines. Childrens toys are supplied not only to the domestic market of russia, but to neighboring countries, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. Such a common big kuban project, this is the first kuban childrens construction set. We did not expect that our first delivery would be for export, that is, in fact, the first car of our designer went to the republic of kazakhstan. One more weight. Argument in favor of the iznovorossiysk designer quality mark made on kuban, which indicates the positive result of all the examinations passed, all this , together with a more affordable price of completely russian Raw Materials, makes the childrens designer set from the krasnodar territory a model for import substitution. Vialet abaibekov ivan muronov, vesti. The Moscow Region is setting another agricultural record. The region is already growing more wheat than at any time in history. Farmers have taken first place in the country in cheese, and now. And the number of dairy farms began to grow sharply, this is a real hightech production, where they are going to take excursions, without waiting for the start of sales of milk tors, alexey knor visited the cows. Milk rivers, modern technologies, hundreds of jobs. This is the largest investment project for dairy farming in the Moscow Region. First of all, i convey my word of gratitude to the leadership of the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Moscow Region to everyone who. Is already helping vietnam and thrup in the implementation of this important production. Moscow and hanoi are now like foster brothers, livestock complex is the First Agricultural project implemented by a company from vietnam in volokalsk near moscow. Almost eight years passed from idea to implementation; many no longer believed that everything would work out. Whats nice is that no one gave up on their plans, its nice that they are putting together teams of very powerful, modern, young engineers and breeders. Everyone who understands agricultural technology, we, for our part, will direct all state programs, regional ones, as much as possible to support such modern enterprises. Three cowsheds, a milking and dairy block and a feed warehouse are just the first stage; the second and third are planned to be opened next year, then the farm will produce almost 66,000 tons of products per year, approximately a tenth of the total milk production in the region. Holstein cows are considered record holders for milk yield, each of them on average. Is capable of producing up to 8. 5 tons of milk per year, now there are 3,000 such animals here, but in the future they plan to double their number. Dairy production in the region is growing, today there are 216 enterprises operating in this area, their number is constantly increasing, just the other day a new livestock complex appeared in stupino. 700 calves, each with their own enclosure, this is a kind of cow nursery. The little ones are kept here, so its easier for livestock specialists to monitor their health and appetite. It will be very difficult to give milk to drink if there are more than ten heads in one cage, everyone will put it in one bucket and it will be unclear who drank and who did not drink. Here there is an individual approach, they poured it, drank it, put it away. Feeding strictly according to schedule, milk temperature strictly according to degrees. We must have milk at a certain temperature for calves, otherwise they will have digestive problems. We have a certain temperature but the most ideal is 39. In such conditions , newborns are kept for 75 days, then the young animals are transferred to common pens of 10 animals. However, adult cows feel no less at ease. This is how, for example, the process of giving takes place, as if in an amusement park. Rolling the milking carousel not only calms the animals, which is positive affects milk yields, but speeds up the process of their maintenance. We milk 72 heads at a time. Carousels data is served by six. That is, six people provide 3,200 animals three times a day. The bortnikovo livestock complex is designed for 9,000 cows and will eventually produce 34,000 tons of milk, which will be supplied to processing plants in the Moscow Region and neighboring regions. The investment amounted to 4 billion rubles, and the investor received a preferential loan and subsidies from the regional budget of 550 million rubles. Here on it in this place, since 1918, there was once an abandoned state farm, a collective farm, but thanks to technology, thanks to the team, thanks to the federal program, today we have the opportunity to open something new. With the prospect of expansion. Thanks to the support of such enterprises and the Dairy Industry Development program, next year the Moscow Region will receive a million tons of milk per year. Alexey knor, boris agapov, egor litvinov, oleg dobin, news. Never put your child in a food basket. I already understood this. Excuse me, whats going on here . Im in the past year for this. I handed over the money, my son graduated last year, so what . Well, we still have to study at the university, i ask you, be careful, dont break it, well go with our money to a completely different institution, okay . Its better this way than to call silitsiya keryu ryadna every day at the poltnik, stankevich vinberg, or anyone else by color, you will have such a demand, you wont see the will for a century. By the way, the guy who cant understand that you cant drill anything until 80 in the morning wont call you anymore, by the way, dont let him out yet, i havent slept yet, stories of a big country, premiere, on friday on rtr, lets take a photo, rtr. Very bad connection. Anh, hello, we need to talk urgently. Maria kulikova. I am to blame for your death. Come on, put it aside. Its not your fault. Dmitry miller. Sometimes people do unpredictable things. Ivan zhitkov, such a death is incredible. Alexander ratnikov. Bastard, lives somewhere nearby, sleeps, eats, drinks, you need to catch these criminals with a cool head and calculation, olga pavlovets, be careful, dont go where youre not asked, a mirror of lies, to me i think i know who had the motive to take revenge on our angers, skoda on rtr, we continue the investigation and are trying to understand what caused the death of. Grishichkin. Let us remind you that vyacheslav became ill on september 6, then his daughter and the director decided to admit the actor to a private clinic. A couple of days later, the artist became worse; he was urgently transported to the city hospital, but they could not save him. Who benefited from his death . Polygraph for loved ones. New details of this highprofile case, as well as some other famous actors i was in this private clinic. Malakov, today on rtr, love, this. Look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look, lets look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me , understands, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time, for two, three, unsubscribe, lets look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. We gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they they carried me away, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, lets say this is my trophy, we were hungry then, and here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but shes carrying this kurpa comes and says baby, feed the dog, extend your hand. Help, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, to support me in word , hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help we would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, that you do, its just amazing, from monday to thursday, on. Rtr. In shakhtersk, donetsk peoples republic , two kindergartens opened after major renovations. One of them has not been repaired for almost 60 years. Builders from the sakhalin region helped repair the roof, replace windows, landscape the area, and perform other work. Read more, alexander poda prigara. Nursery garden number five is one of the largest preschool institutions in shakhtersk, just six months ago. It was difficult to conduct classes there, especially in winter, when most of the premises resembled refrigeration room. Recently. The restoration work was completed and the yard was again filled with childrens laughter. They got up like buckthorns and ran again. The institution opened 58 years ago , from that moment they had not even heard of the concept of largescale repairs. On the initiative of the regional chief of the sahal region, the roof was restored in yaslesad , new window blocks were installed, the old asphalt surface was removed and replaced with paving slabs. The capacity of our institution is 107 places, but nevertheless there are 117 children in the preschool institution, that is, we are the most a full preschool kindergarten in the city of shakhtersk, our thanks to the specialists from the chefs region, to the adults, well say thank you to everyone for the gift in the childrens home, the new house is so beautiful inside the yard. Not only the children are happy, but also the parents; nina letunovskaya has been taking her son here for 4 years. And he was really looking forward to the opening. And he was very impressed when he saw how the renovation was going, and how everything was changing , it became colorful, and he was very pleased. The same work is carried out by specialists. In kindergarten number 14, landscaping, exterior decoration, roof repair, installation of new glazing, all according to modern standards. In addition to time, damage to the building was also caused by military actions, or rather by ukrainian militants, who last year fired several longrange artillery shells at the city. It was necessary to restore the kindergarten as quickly as possible. All restoration work on two kindergartens, taking into account the design, was carried out in just 3 months. Plans have already been made for the next one. Year on the territory of preschool institutions, specialists will build modern playgrounds to replace the old ones. Alexander podoprigora, denis vedyaev, lead donetsk, shakhtersk. The traditions of russian masters of the 16th century are being revived in the city of vorsma, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where hot enamel is used to decorate icons, this allows you to create colorful frames that retain their color for many years, about one of the most delicate types of jewelry art, report by evgeny karpov. Riza or. Treasure is a special type of icon decoration; it covers the entire icon board, on top of the paint layer already on it, with the exception of a few significant elements. The Russian School of making frames originates from byzantium, when the base, brass or bronze , was richly decorated with enamel. You have a hydraulic saw in your hands, right . Yes, special things to apply enamel. Next, the parts of the future frame are sent to bake, and the same part can be in the oven several times. Well take this part here. Then how many times can it turn up, because we have the ninetythird malt on the way, it is very sensitive, the melting point is 820, and we have another eightyfourth on the way. With taking into account the fact that set frames can take weeks or even months to make, but the most difficult thing was to recreate the technology of the 16th17th centuries, the different thickness of the enamel coating due to the unevenness of the relief. Should create a semblance of a play of light and shadow, since here the chemical composition of the metal must be taken into account; the specifics are complex, that is, both chemists and , naturally, designers and growers were involved; the manufacture of products with enamels is traditionally considered one of the subtle types of jewelry craftsmanship with many secrets, the vorsma masters managed to unravel one more, as a result, emal retains its original for many years. So that when you look at the icon, when it is made, so that it glows, it somehow goes into your soul, back in the days of kievan rus the enamel technique was used in the manufacture of church utensils; today , thanks to the masters of folk art , the ancient enamel tradition is gaining new life. Evgey karov, vladimir siganov, galina terikhova, vesti privolzhyu. All news is always available on media platform, look in the application or on the website smotrim. Ru. Thats it by this time, see you, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become. Or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 34 years old, we can do pullups taster, i like to eat a lot always or lifeguard. But he is a doctor that everyone needs; treatment should not be selfmedication, it should be. Contact a specialist. Doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. It turned out that i am a loner in life, i was unlucky with my wife. Well, and you, why . What why . You defend your personal boundaries so fiercely. Roses and thorns premiere, saturday on rtr. Youre looking at 100 to one. What is our task . Open, well handle it, if you ask, then theres a catch, the name of which character from pushkins works everyone knows, how much it will be 7. 8, 7. 8, 7. 8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, not, pinch, problems. With water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i dont know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, we watch it before everyone else, i wrote off an important matter urgently, i cant trust anyone, only you, ekaterina. Favorites. If the empress is not found by morning, you will go to the chopping block. Subscribe and watch. I thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, you cant think it through here, here its all. To play or not to play. Yes, yes, thats it. There cannot be two opinions, because we have five of them. This is a dangerous fairytale belly. But when it comes to fleas, i. Am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check , seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, lets go, it must have been, i meant, of course, a bear, when he said, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five onone program, fiveonone on saturdays on rtr, in in the depths of your heart, purity, like a babys sleep, purity in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe, we are leaving, defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls, hello, this is our program. Military doctors perform complex operations in the northern military district zone. Operations proceed nonstop, and sometimes two teams can work in one operating room at once. Lets. Today well talk about heroes in white coats, but first lets watch the video. I dialed everyone, called, fivesecond conversations, 2 days later we got into the car and left. In march 2022, the worldfamous surgeon Badma Bashankaev assembled a Group Russian doctors and went with them to help donetsk doctors. Everyone knows the kalinin hospital in donbass ; it treats victims of military operations; in the evening there was snowfall, a gazelle arrived with eight doctors in it, in this team i saw my old friend, bashinkaev nikolaevich. The gazelle was fully loaded to the roof with medicines, instruments, bashankaevs group immediately got involved in the work, the doctors settled straight into the hospital. Because help was needed day and night, we slept in wards, but ate in the common dining room and helped people every day, both military and civilian , basically, as they left, arrived, either to work places, or if they went to positions, they provided assistance there, that is, how would these people practically did not sleep, maybe 2. 5 hours, maybe a day, at first , because yes, there was a very big workload, they tried to help everywhere, the main thing, i say, in this situation, is not to reflect much, the surgeons are about the result, about the action , so we have to work, we have to work, we have to do, what is needed, and what will be, what will be, first of a special military operation, friends of donbass medicine visited many hospitals and clinics, saved hundreds of lives, conducted a lot of consultations and delivered tons of humanitarian aid, and most importantly, gave people hope. Of course, we felt support, some kind of joy, probably, from the fact that they had arrived, and that finally we would have people, those who would help us, raised our spirits, replaced us a little, gave us the opportunity to rest, and most importantly, they made us understand that we are not alone, they are always ready for us to help, well, when your neighbor is feeling bad, a friend of yours, a person you know there, who shares your worldview, then in the russian tradition, he throws everything away and lets go help, in our studio we have natalia zhantimirova, the elder sister of the donetsk clinical territorial medical association, oh, like in the past kalinino hospital, and now it is a large association. Please tell us at what point did the doctors from russia come to you . Well, they passed almost immediately after the start of the special operation, literally a few days there, thats when we had a need for this, well, apparently they found out about it, thats because we began to have a large outflow of personnel, there werent enough hands, that people were leaving, people were leaving, the evacuation began, yes, the evacuation began, as it were, for various reasons. We were leaving, some had no one to leave their children with, some lived in more shelled areas, so the actual workload doubled, or even tripled, and there werent enough hands, who came, how many people came . There were probably eight people, as far as i remember, this is their first visit, surgeons, traumatologists, but to be honest, we didnt know who was coming, my task was to meet them, they said that volunteers would come, what kind of help, that, well, we were not informed, at least they didnt inform me , they said, accommodate them, well, how to provide at least some kind of living conditions, but please tell me how much you really needed the help of russian doctors, i was very sorry, you needed help, because our doctors simply fell off their feet, well, this is invaluable help, surgeons, doctors, those who can operate, can provide assistance precisely in military conditions, it was probably around the clock, but it happened, what kind of duty there are for how many hours, 12, you know, they dont have normalized , irregular hours. No, well, a person gets tired, he needs to sleep, get enough sleep in order to function normally, work, i dont know when they slept, to be honest, well, im amazed by the doctor, i performed in military hospitals in the donbass, these are people who they work 24 7, thats how it is, these are heroic people, a holy profession, and how many they spent time with you on the first trip , well, on the first trip for about two weeks, then they left and after a while they came back longer, bringing more of their colleagues with them, how were your human relationships . They charged us with their optimism, gave us hope, faith that everything would be fine with us and that we were not alone. What was the flow of patients . What kind of injuries, wounds there were, well , the flow was huge, there were also various injuries and wounds, there was a constant, constant flow of patients, here are our employees, we therapeutic department, but nevertheless, girls, its as if they threw us a cry, they say who can. Help the surgical departments, who can help the sanitary inspection room, because there is a very large flow of wounded, a very large flow of injured civilians, for that the moment was the liberation of mariupol, it all just coincided, here are the people who were evacuated, relatives of the evacuees, relatives of the wounded, we also received them in our department, so natalya, what struck you most about the work of the russians doctors, their dedication. They have this, you know, such a sincere desire to help, they are constantly at work , you know, that is, they are constantly, lets go there, lets go here, in general, a constant desire to be where they are needed, tell me how you met boss bashankaev, right away, in the first stream , yes, yes, as if our meetings were short, because he worked more in the surgical department, well, well, the first meeting was like that, they burst in like a breath of fresh air, you know, they brought with yourself. Some kind of positive, good mood, probably because we havent experienced this mood for a long time, badma nikolaevich is such a person with a lot of humor, and he also smiled all the time and such, you know, such communication that it was as if they had not come to war, yes, but its just that we met in peacetime, for us every doctor is a hero, lets see the story about how a doctor organized doctors and called this group modestly, friends, meditsyns of donbass. Badma bashankaev Legendary Russian doctor, colopracologist surgeon, unique a specialist known all over the world. I was born a doctor, i grew up as a doctor, i was formed as a person, and people respect me as a doctor, first of all, see, this is for you. Oh, what is it . This is a motorcyclist, a cat. And vladmay nikolaevich is a special person for me and my family, because once we met with him, he helped me cope with my illness, which was found during pregnancy, with my second child, and accordingly this saved the life of both me and my child. Vadma nikolaevich was born to help people, and of course, the special military operation could not leave him indifferent. If you come to donbass at least once, you will immediately see that this is our donbass, this is russian. These are people who spoke russian, thought in russian, and for almost a decade they were humiliated in every possible way, you remember how one of the former president s of ukraine clearly said that we will live well, and the children of these people will rot in basements, this wont work, so the beginning is a struggle for our people to live as they should, they could not be humiliated in any way, there was no such thing fascistnazi attitude towards the Selective Group that lives in the donbass. Badma nikolaevich began traveling to donbass as a volunteer, and on october 26, 2022, dr. Bashankaev signed up as a volunteer. At the beginning it was scary, but then the main thing is not to think about it, then work completely takes over you and, well, explosions, well, arrivals, well, god bless him, it didnt come to us , no, everyone went on to work, from september to march, i actually worked there, he served, call it what you want, well, this is a hospital, this is a hospital. These are civilian military personnel, now badman nikolaevich heads state Duma Committee on health protection, a lot of important innovations, many new projects, something needs to be changed in primary care, something needs to be added somewhere in vocational education, in personnel policy, i cant decide everything from the front line, thats why theres such a healthy balance there should be, but i honestly admit, there is an incredible, immense pull there, they are waiting for him everywhere, in hospitals, in the duma, in new territories, and badma shankaev gets on his motorcycle again and rushes to where his help is now needed. I know that victory will be ours, i know for sure that we will celebrate it together, rejoice together, friends, we are always with you, and i am always with you, today with us is badva nikolaevich bashankaev, russian surgeon, state duma deputy, how did you even come up with this idea . To become a volunteer, in general, it came to our minds at the same time, when the special operation began, we had long been Close Friends with the guys from donbass, with surgeons, but more professionally at conferences, they came to russia, such was the established contact , it was nice to see familiar faces when, actually, uh, february began, then from there came a call, guys, we need to help, because we have an outflow of personnel , we dont have enough meters, now theres not enough influx of patients, we didnt think for long with the chairman of the health care committee, who worked before me, dmitry anbezov, professor, the strongest surgeon, he left for lugansk from the brigade, and i left from the brigade, which we assembled from friends, from relatives, he from his ryazan doctors, with whom he worked for a long time all his life, and i, in fact, with those with whom i stand side by side , either participated in conferences or worked in operating rooms with someone there was such an emotional friendship, and there were. short fivesecond calls, as i call it before tirification, that is, i didnt even receive billing for this on my cell phone, because it was, were going to donetsk, are you with us . Yes, when, how many people did you have, we gathered about ten people in the first group , but due to technical capabilities , only eight could be loaded into the car, so we loaded eight, we thought that we would fit in one minivan, nothing like that, we had to take more one car, because we are with us they grabbed so many consumables , which by the way, are still needed. That is, you didnt go emptyhanded, we never went emptyhanded, we always come with gifts, what did you bring . Transposition of what we did with the guys there, based on small figures, who are in the subject, who worked with us, they recognize andryusha there, someone there vova, andrey, there is another, kostya, in my opinion, is not here in this group , but we have another diorama, so i see you in a green jacket, and with a dissatisfied face, something we military, we discuss, this is how we worked, in fact, this is even our uaz, which was given to me by our friend alexey, who was given by our friend from anapa, it was orange, it was a special mountain one. So that we could drive on muddy roads, when we arrived there, i brought it from rostov, brought it to donetsk, and when we started driving it, they looked at us with such eyes, because well, its orange to ride on the front line, well, it was, and we right there a week later they poured green paint somewhere, this is our dear uaz, and what kind of situation is this here . Evacuation, evacuation of children, when it was necessary to help, when we arrived, helped, helped do triage, we started as civilian doctors in peaceful hospitals. We managed to extinguish the first wave of need for anesthesiologists, traumatologists, surgeons, there were enough guys, then more groups came , there were many, not just our one group, in general, the volunteer medical movement is sacred in our country, we have many people who sincerely help each other, then, since already civilian hospitals were provided with help, thank god, then we somehow unexpectedly they switched gears, they even started working closely with the military, because they also needed a helping hand, sometimes its a little more difficult to work within the framework of the law and orders, and when. Volunteers and humanitarian workers arrive, you can do something faster, minus the bureaucracy , yes . Yes, but then naturally, the state machine closes everything down, everything works out, but at the beginning , these caring, caring people take the first steps, and here is one of the stages of evacuation, when the guys and i arrived in the uaz, the uaz, by the way, is now in Good Condition hands, i gave it away kalmyk unit, we came to the kalmyks, who stood next to donetsk, they looked at the uaz like that, but by the eyes of the kolmyks, they immediately recognize the kolmyks, i. I see that they really liked him, gave him the keys, now he is doing his job role there because they know him, the military really likes him, hes passable, its a good car, well, kalmyks grow up in uazs, before on horseback, now in uazs, now this uaz has served us well, and now it helps the guys and give god bless him, he is doing a good job, and i remember some special cases , from your surgical practice there, for me it all feels like we. We entered there on march 3, before i recently returned there 2 weeks ago, it feels like this is one big event , one big situation, that is, i cannot directly isolate, but what is most striking, of course, is when there are injuries with children, when there is a mine injury and children, in our hospital where we worked, we mostly fought there, thank god with the children, well it was rare there, there was neurotrauma only more, in the Childrens Hospital, which is headed by sergei markov or in the center, which is andrei borik, well, we came there, helped, also when there was a need, our traumatologists worked there, there when you see a child, your whole heart breaks, and even talking about this, well, its hard, its hard, there were some, well, miraculous healings, or something, after complex operations, injuries that the soldiers received, there were, by the way, we even wrote scientific articles about this, a young man, twentysomething something years old, will be wounded by shrapnel in the Neck Department of the spine, well, in reality, life should remain completely paralyzed, but thanks to the fact that we have on our team an excellent neurosurgeon, a neuroorthopedisttraumatologist, a fifth generation doctor, a mighty russian bear, you ever see, he is a man in everything , hes a man in surgery, a man in life, hes just a real man, a descendant of the sochennikovs , he got it in an ultramodern way, which is endoscopic. Well, the first in the world, no one had ever done this before him, but how is that . Here is a puncture smaller than mine little finger, and he took it all out, carefully with a tweezer everything, a day later the boy was already walking there, and after 2 days he gave evidence, because this soldier was in the ssu, ah, what, but we are doctors, we have been kippocrates for how many years we dont give it, we have an oath of a soviet doctor or a russian doctor, but we provide help over everything. Endoscopy, you said that there are such, there is such equipment there to carry out all this, it was partially acquired before the start of all the complex ups and downs in donetsk history, but there was no specialist, our visits, they are what, as far as im concerned it seems that i see everything in a promising way, what is good not only, well, emotionally, of course, its natalyas words that touched my heart, not only in simple cases of mineexplosion trauma, routine cases, but to show new. Developments that even in russia not everyone knows, laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic surgery, the time will come now , we will show robotic surgery there, its like what is it with robots and in general robotic surgery was invented by the military, robotic, robot, robot, when on submarines, it takes 6 months on a hike, appenicitis happens, you wont be transporting the operating room, there will be a robot surgeon, a manipulator that the nurse will take to the patient, and a military doctor thousands of kilometers away. Will be able to do it remotely, thats where robotic surgery came from, and thats us too we can do it, it already works, right . Its already working, im certified in russia and abroad in this specialty. Badmai nikolaevich, as a human being, i want to ask go back to this vssu officer whom you saved, and what moved you, what did you experience at that moment, its just the wound its complicated, we need to help, but hes a dry guy, like, so what, a dry guy, a dry guy, okay , lets go, they operated on, thats it, rejection from doctors, physicians, ive never seen at all, but i saw when a woman from mariupol, her husband in the next room and their matchmaker, in the far wing, there were long corridors where the sniper who shot them lay, its amazing, it was Something Like that, she recognized it, recognized his eyes, yes, well, very characteristic such a wolf look, she didnt go forging, ill get up now, ill go now, ill strangle him with a pillow, well, thats why, apparently, they began to take them out to another unit somehow, because, well, anger began to overflow the cup of patience, this fighter . With all, he once thanked you, you know, its an amazing thing, when we generally think in retrospect again, he asks , what incidents do you remember, and what about you , i dont remember anything, as ivan sanovich plokhotnik says, our business to help people, this is my close friend, for whom, maybe even i came, actually to donetsk, this is just a brother to me by blood, this man, just for me the man of donetsk is ivan sanovich plokhotnikov, and he says, we help people, all this series. Help merges into one and i cant even remember anyone personally, and you dont expect any gratitude , listen, natalya fed us like that in her department, you slept a day, how much, well, for surgeons who have been in the profession for a long time and professionally profession, we did not immediately become deputies, i worked as a surgeon until the twentyfirst year and will work as a surgeon all my life, it is not customary for us sleep at night, but this is a routine, the work is like bodma nikolavich, and now you are operating, of course, yes, i am an assistant professor at the department in the third mi. At the institute, which has a history, we also have activities in buryat, i now operated, in kalmykia, naturally by default, because this is my home region, where we have not operated, as they say, who came up with the name, friends of medicine in donbass, but i think the girls came up with an idea, by the way, we got together for dinner in the evening, shared our impressions of what was happening, and somehow it was born on its own, i cant say, someone wrote it on purpose, well, probably, maybe vova ivanov, hes so smart here. This is a group, yes yes this is a good group, who was part of this group or is part of it, we started with the core of the first eight people who arrived, then we have our own separate chat , of course, like a family chat, there are jokes and videos and news now its more of a group like always the rules of the fight club no one knows about the fight club but of course there are more than ten people, more twenty, more than thirty, these are all those people who were on different trips , but we came here every 2 weeks, a group, you wont remember how many trains i dont remember, i can only note that ilya linevich denisov, he came 20 times in total, he left on thursday evening, got into the car, 16 hours by car, a fully loaded small jeep, with a roof, with a trunk, came, gave the consumables that were needed, gave a lecture, helped operationally, sunday i left again to be at work on monday, what do you think . Keeps you afloat, what helps you accumulate these forces, so that you also sparkle with energy, we have love , how we differ from you, please tell me, this land, youve been there too many times, you come there, it remains like a good infection that is always in you and you cant live without it, a good infection, thats well said. These are different relationships, maybe more strained, more honest, they sincerely love russia, sometimes more than some residents of our capitals, they are patriots of the homeland of our great russia, from whom again you are charged with energy, so who was in this group after all, well, the first core, then this is probably, its natural for us andryusha peredonov, this is a sufa man, a military medical doctor, a Service Major or a captain, well now for me. In general, a general, we call him a general for ourselves, because he is the only one of us who had real combat experience, this is chechnya, and dagestan, and so on and so forth, tajikistan, uh, boris sychennikov, who i already said is a fifth generation doctor , Vladimir Vasilievich ivanov, the smartest doctor, now in donetsk works here, and these were my two fellow kalmyks, of course, where kalmyks go without their own, yes, but how do you need to talk to someone in kalmyk there, sing songs there, drink kalmyk tea, this madrid tea . Its unique, weve never drunk anything like this, nadasy tea, your humor definitely invigorates, sanau manzhiev, hes a topnotch traumatologist. We have the chief doctor at the Republican Hospital in alest, this is arslan musharyaev, he is now the deputy head of surgery, also in voleste, this is natural, sarmat arrived with us already then samat with us too orthopedisttraumatologist, this is such a person , well, ossetians, these are the defenders of russia, they were the ones who defended the border of russia, from all sorts of supastats , and andryusha was with us too, also a colleague of vladimir vasilyevich. From pervogradskaya , well, i forgot someone else, there were also guys next to us, the bashkirs arrived at the same time, a lot of interesting guys came, there is of course the geography of travel , we now have st. Petersburg, chelyabinsk, ufa, kazan, kalmykia, kaliningrad, well that is, our entire huge country, everyone in this group of friends of donbass medicine, lets now lets call the person with whom you worked there in your zone to the studio. Sarmat allenbevi, where would we be without traumatologists . We first arrived at the makeevka hospital, it was probably about 11 oclock, rain, slush, explosions were heard somewhere in the distance, we were distributed among the hospitals, then our comrade sanzhieev stayed in the makeevka hospital, we went further, to the kalinino hospital, some of the doctors, the orthopedic traumatology center, since we are traumatologists, and of course, the first trip was most memorable, since, lets say, i didnt have that much experience working in such military conditions and receiving such specific , patients with explosive wounds, which are the most severe injuries and you need to be psychologically prepared for them, and since we are all, in principle, doctors who deal with planned diseases, later in the program, in the studio there will be people who want to say thank you to the surgeon with the world in the name of badme bashankaev, for the fact that he does not abandon his own people in trouble, a very complex tedious operation was required, as a result of which my mothers life. Well, lets say, was saved. Fever, in previous episodes. The doctors here will simply be torn to pieces, mr. President , the russians know how to survive, they will come up with something. Russian myologists continue to fight enbova, which is rampant in africa. No, the brigade needs discipline. If it doesnt exist, we will lose this battle. My russian colleagues and i are doing Everything Possible and even more. Their colleagues in moscow, without sparing themselves, they are creating a new vaccine, i will worry and call, please raise the corpse, there is a step for creating a vaccine, well, there is, as i alone will be responsible for everything, but the real difficulties are still ahead, we are very much in the way of someone Nikolai Ivanovich , which means the stakes are high, it looks like war has been declared on us, but we will win, fever. Continuation today on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio, lets go, birthday, Favorite Music never gets old, real songs are playing, wonderful, real feelings dont know borders, im sitting here and barely holding back tears, theres so much beauty, soul, reverence , words of love are clear to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet, from the first note, beauty, repetitiousness, from the first phrase, better than a bird in your hands, than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or what . We ve been together since first grade, were also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, ive got your back, the team, stop the car, run, everything crew, were just looking at the platform. The floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation , a Slight Movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely without any glamor, creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art volume, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are in sight. I adore plants, im generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, what do you want, girl , im following an ad, a cat is for sale here, redhaired girls are sometimes very stubborn, i thought it was you who is my mother, beautiful brunettes are sometimes very determined, im going nowhere from here i wont leave until i get the information i need, i say, its a long way to go, to struggle to find it why did you get into the water . Find, hello, mom, and what happens next . Well, then i went, a cat is for sale, on sunday on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle. 3p, by the way, this has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat away stress . We need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medications are like crutches for us, and the right habits, and shouldnt we slap a little kefir, and im not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, tomorrow on. Earlier in the program, the Legendary Russian surgeon Badma Bashankaev said, how he and his colleagues decided to go to donbass to help doctors and save the lives of soldiers and civilians. There were short calls, fivesend calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us . Yes, when, thats it. And this help became a breath of freshness. Air for doctors from donetsk, because there is a very large flow of wounded, a very large flow of injured civilians. Sarmat olimbekovich, its true that in 5 minutes you agreed to go, as it was, but seconds, well, actually yes, in general there was no time to think as such, that is, call, we are going tomorrow, that is, either yes or no, we gathered overnight, then boris and i were operating, just in the clinic, and after the operation in the evening at about 80 oclock they collected humanitarian aid, as bodman nikolaevich says, there were 10 of us there people, but there was room for eight, because taking a separate car was also full, well, thats a different story, but why did they make this decision, it s badma nikolaevichs authority, professional interest, what was on your mind . Probably all together and i wanted. To help, too, to go with my own to see with your own eyes what is happening there, because after all, this situation, it has already lasted not one, not 2 years, not three, and when you see you are participating in this, we have such a multidisciplinary group, that is, we could, in principle , to close the department with our group, there was such a big reception, well, thats what we did, yes, but we were distributed , i remember how we went to mariupol, when he was literally just liberated, there were about 50 people there, in my opinion, in the building of the conservatory civilians, there are old people, children, women, about there, some. Two weeks without medical care, did you provide it there . Yes, and we just went, in such extreme conditions . Yes, we saw all this with our own people, there were some serious cases there, but such, among, say, these civilians whom we examined, these were mostly chronic diseases, that is, medical care was not provided for a long time, and mine explosions, of course , there was a large number, but this was directly when we worked, hospitals in hospitals, yes, in such military field conditions. There was one like that case, this is when in donetsk, in the daytime, point u arrived and a large number of civilians were injured in donetsk, thats all the civilians, thats exactly what im talking about, the first time i saw such injuries, all of them were practically brought to the Republican Center traumatology, there are about 40 people there, probably yes, when, for example, badmai nikolaevich and his colleagues learned about this, they immediately came from the kalinino hospital. To help us, in principle, doctors, local, yes, donetsk doctors, they worked very quickly, that is literally in 2030 minutes all the patients were distributed, everyone was in the operating rooms, some were receiving Outpatient Care , some were being cast, some were being operated on, yes, all the surgeons were involved, in 30 minutes all the wounded were sorted out, and this certainly. Its also a unique experience and i admire the local donetsk doctors, theyre great guys and theres a lot to learn from them. Padma nikolaevich, have you ever had to work at the risk of your own life, go somewhere under fire . Very good question, very simple answer working in a hospital, you get the same load of risks as on the front line. In december alone, we received five flights to the hospital, six buildings were destroyed. Yes, one of them is still under major repairs, because it doesnt work at all, and this happened, well, five flights a month, its like little or a lot, we went, sarmat says, mariupol, but it hasnt been yet liberated to the end, azovstal was still underway, and we arrived when we were looking for a maternity hospital, when we found the chief doctor, svetlana, all these people were still flying there, something very loud and very large, something was flying, and the Hospital Area had not yet been cleared of mines, we were somehow honest. Now, again, in retrospect, you understand that we probably risked our lives, then there was a task, sarma and the guys walked through the basements there with advanced materials, and we were looking for a living hospital to get help back there, because the right bank is even more or less and the left bank was there, there were fewer hospitals there, the Emergency Hospital worked, and evgeniy, the chief doctor from orlyandi there, they delivered babies there in the basement and they still shot there, but we found by the way, the hospital is now operating successfully, thank god, yours, how did you get released . We are kalmyks, a nomadic people, this kalmyk humor, he says, there is english humor, and there is kolmyssk humor, its a little narrower, yes, let s now look at the story from the person you saved, your group, well, the war had already begun when i was studying at school, so it was very scary, danili surenko from gorlovka. 21 years old, nine of which there is a war going on in his native donbass, shots are heard, shells are exploding, it was not good, since i got hit in a potato in the garden, well, no one suffered, but i feel sorry for the potatoes , i felt a little anger about it, why did they gallop us on their maidan with kostrum on their heads . On. The front, i understood that i was helping my homeland to defend it, well, i was defending it. When a special military operation began, danil was serving in his unit , enemy shells did not reach him, but the misfortune still happened, the shelling began, as soon as the shelling stopped, well , here is the evacuation, i have already collected my things and throw them in car, well, an accident happened that i was crushed by a car from behind, surprisingly. My legs werent broken, but my intestines were crushed, danili had two operations, a colostomy was put in, and she was actually discharged as disabled. Well, yes, i imagined what life would be like with this colostomy , i was already in strong apathy about this, but danil did not give up, he found the contacts of volunteers who helped me get treatment with dr. Bashankaev, i believe that badman nikolaevich played a very big role, well, essentially in my destiny, in in my life, in my health, in fact, he performed an operation on me, so now i can essentially live normally, oh, live normally, danil surenko is in our studio, nikolaevich, of course i didnt have time to tell you this in the hospital. Refused, but at least do it now, thank you very much, eat more sweets, thank you, a healthy treat, thank you, danila, your savior, badmai nikolaevich, yes, he saved me, literally, brought me back to a normal life, now i have found myself work, already, how do you feel, my life has become much its easier, but what actually happened, you can tell me how it happened, it was an accident, what an accident, well, i was crushed from behind by a car, also a urals, a urals, well, yes. This is a huge car, it was, it was literally crushed against another car, between cars, or what . Yes, lord, well , it was a man behind the wheel, well, there was shelling, everything was panicked, what happened next . Well, i was conscious, they took me to the kalinin hospital, well, they were local doctors, they essentially performed two operations on me, you said in the story that your intestines were crushed, well, i thats how i put it, it tore my intestines and they gave me a colostomy, badmai nikolavich, was it a serious case here . Heres an interesting situation the first lifesaving operations my colleagues performed, i should give them credit to the aerobatic surgeons, because such an injury, well, its something between a serious Road Accident and a mine explosion, its such an unpleasant injury, and they stabilized the guy, saved his life, but the quality of life of the young twentyyearold guy, of course, was completely worthless, why now, when we entered the studio, i i was a little surprised, because when i saw him, danya was. Probably , well, a kilogram, i dont know, 50, how much it was, about 60, yes, well, he was thin, all tortured, they handed him over to me according to volunteer requests, natalya helped, she said, be sure to help the guy, he is suffering so much, he is there and so on and so forth, i arrived, and it s natural when such a thin hero comes, because he really served, he is not just there he was kicking ass, surfing the internet somewhere on the couch, and he was under fire, naturally, this is a stressful situation. We dont the important fact is that we need the boy to come back to life, and he came back, and i brought him back with the help of our colleagues, ivan sanichatsionny plokhodnikov, many more of our guys, we performed a beautiful operation there, and how do you feel now, seeing daniel in good health, this is why we work, we did it, we saw it, we won, yes, im proud of our operating team in donetsk, amazing anesthesiologists, who sometimes with the lack of medicines or some important ones. Here its just one part of the operation, the whole team did a great job, now in the studio we will invite another person whom you helped, natalya skvortsova, natalya, please come in, hello, natalya, have a seat or dont pass by, hello, natalya, hello, tell us your story. How did vadma nikolaevich help you . When we met badma nikolaevich, i myself work in the field of medicine, we met more through work, i asked him to participate in the fate of my mother, uh, who at that time was in a condition, which she developed as a result of a series of operations that preceded this, and in order to restore, lets say, her normal , normal life activity, a very complex. Tedious operation was needed, which badman nikolaevich carried out together with Ivan Aleksandrovich plokhotnikov, as a result of which my mothers life, well, lets say, was saved, as you persuaded badma nikolaevich, you know, badma nikolaevich is a man, i associate one word with him, dedication, its not easy to persuade him, sometimes you dont even need to ask him, hes three words, the sentences are just beginning, he sees that a person needs help, he will. Help, regardless of the surrounding circumstances, this is what i saw in our joint work with him, this is what i saw in what he did in donetsk, this is true, therefore, i am incredibly grateful to bodmi nikolaevich for his, bami nikolaevich, and you remember this case, i remember that there was a series of operations that the patient needed, and since in our department, where i was educated, we generally have Reconstructive Surgery was a priority, and when natalya showed her mom, i said this is a cure, yes, it takes a long time, yes, it is difficult, but listen, we know how to do this , and most importantly, we have a good team, as always, without a good team i would not have gone to such an event, plus to give credit to our big friends, i wont name names, they are all trying to be incognito, by that time we had already been given so much equipment, because we went not the first, not the fifth, not the seventh time and gave me the opportunity to purchase equipment, there only surgical retractor, it costs about 2. 5 million rubles, this set of glands, without which its hard for me to operate, well, its hard, and by that time i already had it, so we very easily agreed to a reconstructive complex operation, but it also worked out, further in the program whose life could Badma Bashankaev change, who will come to studio to personally thank the doctor . Sanya, well, this is the surgeon alexander ermak, he is generally powerful, he changed the life of not only mine and my family. I need professional help to get this area in order. Well, youre just a magician and a wizard of the hearth, its good for you here, stay, fell in love, somehow i got confused with my sister, some very difficult friend, you never know what to expect from him in the next minute, i love you very much, but i have to confess something to you, roses and thorns, premiere on saturday on rtr, many of. Here will cheer you up, kesha wants to read, please read, kesha cant read, and a man has to earn money, but yesterday i earned such little money from my wife, post office and im her presenter , nikolay baskov. The most positive, morning mail with nikolai baskov, according to sunday on rtr. Today would be 19 years old, okay, enough, look at the weekend, your girl, she didnt die, kalya , we gave her to a childless family, tell me you re delusional, you want me to believe that we have an adult daughter, a mistake of youth , which you wont forget, can i talk to anya . Hello, which one of you is Galina Nikolaevna . You confessed to her, said that she was not an orphan, you came to see your daughter, a mistake of youth that you want to repeat again, that you are crazy . Anya is in the hallway, unconscious and there is blood, where is your mother, no please leave me, us, now you have a dad too, on saturday on rtr. Previously in the program Badma Bashankaev is a world famous surgeon, a member of the state duma, he is expected everywhere, especially in new regions. On october 26, 2022, badma nikolaevich signed up to volunteer and went to help donetsk doctors. For december only. We received five trips to the hospital. Nikolaevich, well, it seems that you can do everything, that there are such situations when you understand that you cannot do anything. Lets say for the first time, peaceful specialty, im an oncologist, unfortunately there are situations when oncological processes are well beyond my strength , honestly, here i need to moderate my humility and pride, not say that ill surgically cure everyone now, give space to a neighboring specialist, a chemotherapist, an oncologist, sometimes palliative care, and it seems to me that what natalya is doing now, she opened the first childrens hospice in donetsk, on donetsk soil. But now in the process, this is also important, this is the most painful, most subtle topic that it was not customary to talk about yet, but with the help of the millionaires faith, you know very well who im talking about, about nyuta, our dear friend, olga ebich, yours too, yes, my people close to me are very likeminded people, it has become not taboo, not closed about what to let a person live with dignity , this is also important, it seems to me that natalya saw in. The example of absolutely many patients, she is now doing this project in donetsk, she must be supported in every possible way, because the svo will end someday, life will come more differently, we have children will return to donetsk, now there is an outflow, but some will come, we have a lot what is the task, orphan diseases, to introduce them into the large family of the russian circle of good, to rehabilitate there, we have a whole commission in the state duma and the Federation Council assembled to help such children who suffered from the regime of the other side, so to speak, we work, we work, and we need a team, we all need a team , it seems you are now members of our team, next time we will come to you and give you medicine friends donbasa nikolaevich with an armature, but you didnt have any call sign, the call sign is very short, we have the whole group i have my own call signs, thats right, like the shortest toast, you know what kind of toast is in kalmykia, what kind of toast, that means, thats where it comes from in daneli, drink it four times, because it shouldnt be otherwise, i can imagine how much fun you had emotionally , i had to support you when we arrived , we saw the girls, they were, of course, extinguished , right at the beginning it was just the first big huge arrivals and they flew in near the hospital and someone had already begun to lose money around , the nurses houses were bombed, the doctors houses were bombed, and people were bombed. Were extinguished, it is impossible bring our own problems, so we always smiled, entertained as much as we could, fed us delicious sweets, and how, and how else, gave gifts, we always, we love to give gifts, yes, on march 8, for the new year, this year banma nikolaevich came to us with such huge gifts, to our children, and we ran around not only in our department, thats where they were, he said, natalya, lets quickly run through the other floors, see who has children, ask around, we are now our friends, i am the girls name i dont remember, katya, yes, she had these backpacks, there were bunnies , chocolate gifts, she said, lets donate thousands and we distributed them throughout the hospital, its just that everyone who needs something for a holiday needs the feeling that everything is going on, we definitely do, we will win, flowers, sweets on march 8, we are all women, and yes, we have a department, hugs, we have a womens department, of course, a mans shoulder was not enough, moreover, we were all exhausted, because the flow is huge, its coming, theyre coming active hostilities, people are being transported from everywhere, such emotional tension, here i am i say, such a block of fresh air, such a flow of doors opening, and badma nikolaevich with his humor, this was help from above for you, yes, so we are very grateful to them and i think that all people are very grateful to them, but we are doubly grateful, we we got so used to them during this time, it. You know, they lived with us, every morning, hello , if we were lucky, we met there, the meetings were just very short, they were constantly operating, constantly leaving somewhere, constantly having surgery it was a day, again i didnt count it, but it was from one a day more, respectively, depending on the flow of patients, this is the maximum limit, the maximum that can be, i remember something in a row that there was Something Like this at about five or seven, but its really not scary, because we are. Everything from emergency surgery sarmatian worked in emergency surgery, bor in emergency surgery, we are accustomed to emergency surgery, there may be 60 admissions, of which 1015 operations, about the childrens hospice, it is somehow called, childrens hospice workers, and there are dandelions, adandelions, in moscow too, you know, yes, well, you know what there is, a house with a sink, yes, we just take care of nikolavich too, a lot, he helps, tell us how you help, okay, we met natalya back in the Childrens Hospital, in the Childrens Hospital in donetsk, there is a wonderful team, great people, sergei nashmarkov, in general, artyom, well, sincere people, from surgery, thank god, its easier to negotiate with surgeons, and you know, they have a minimal outflow of the team, i went to the surgeons in the residents room , young, aspiring, but you can see their eyes are burning, guys, i say so where do you have the most difficult children . They covered it because, well, what to cover, listen. The whole of russia is helping people so much now and that everyone will write boasts about it, we have a lot of good people helping us now, the peoples front is collecting a lot of things, the young guard, guys, they are helping us in the emergency department, the young guard from united russia, these are guys , 1925 years old, they came for 23 weeks and work in the Reception Department in the Catering Department without salary, without anything, the same as we live in our wards, they eat the same. Im on sick leave and they work like bunnies in the emergency room, you hear, such help from all over the country , that is, its impossible to single out one person, the whole country is working there now, you know, i still want to single out one person who will now come into studio, who is very grateful to you, this is a surgeon, his name is alexander, sanya, well, this is the surgeon alexander ermak, this is actually power, tell me, alexander, what is it . Your story, well, you gathered, of course, warned, in general, we have the best team in the world, well, bodva nikolaevich, this is a man who, in fact, changed my life radically, for this i am incredibly grateful to him, because he changed my life not only mine, and my family, that is, i recently got married with my wife, in the end its not my fault, yes, in general, bakolaevich, as he said, came to donbass with help, im about i found out about this, and after some. Time on social networks, aba nikolaevich, an active user of social networks, telegram channel and so on, saw the post of his colleague, a year older than me, nikita tokarev, whom nikolaevich also helped, and thanks to whom nikita visited one of the largest clinics in moscow, where i completed my internship, i saw a footnote below, young surgeons who are ambitious, who strive to develop further, to grow professionally, write to me, do not hesitate, i will definitely help you too, i will immediately. What i im going under this description modest wrote personally to nikolaevich or to the reception i dont remember when i already wrote there i wrote this huge text there who i am where i work there and so on and a funny situation happened on the same day so i wrote a message half an hour later i went there literally half an hour later i went to the store, theres a milk store we have called near the kalinino hospital, where is it, yes, in donetsk , and i live there, half an hour has passed since i wrote the message, im walking through the store, doing some shopping there, meeting someone boduma nikolaev, okay, yes, just imagine, half an hour passes, banma nikolaevich, theres probably some kind of help there, hes collecting another one, they recognized him, but he doesnt know you, wait, ill tell you now, how big hes collecting huge carts, probably some kind of help, i passed nikolayevich three times, i was embarrassed to come up , well, in general, he didnt come up, so. For the first time alive for the first time now you see each other since meeting, well, i tell you so dear, i have such a feeling that i have known since childhood, my nephew, one might say, yes, he is similar, yes, i came home in the evening, i had some other things to do, i immediately saw nikolaevichs message, so now briefly, thats all i wrote, lets share it briefly, i wrote two messages, well do everything, the next day, badman nikolaevich arranged , an internship for me in the city. Moscow, the man is my idol, so to speak, the metro , ours, the metro of laparoscopic surgery, you know, there is a dream that you think about, but there is some kind of intangible concept that you you dont even think, you dont believe you even mention his name, this is a mentor, including mine, that this is dadvart abdulkhaevich golyamov, this is just a man, this is a pioneer of laparoscopic surgery in general in russia in the postsoviet space, a surgeon who operates through small punctures, you say, golyamov, and he rolls his eyes, falls into a frill, begins, begins to pray, so i saw this message, at first i didnt know who to write, honestly, i thought, golyamov, this, this, this is just some kind of peak, well, i wrote it, i wasnt shy, heres bunmai nikolaevich he says, ill call, well arrange everything, a week later professor glyamov calls me, cell phone, im there in the dressing room for the wounded, bandaging something, looking at some moscow number, answering. Hello sasha, this is eduardulkhavich, when will you, in general, you cant even imagine what a feeling, well , almost in the wound, right in the wound in the face, in my opinion its still a hostel. Yes , yes, if only nikolavich could have come to an agreement, we would always agree, money is hard for any person in moscow, well, its hard, you all are wonderful, you know that, i also came to moscow, but the remaining one, and i always come to a comprehensive agreement, not just a consultation there or what, i need to say, abdulkhaich, but maybe we can help the guy with accommodation, he says, call natalya zabrodina, our dear chief doctor there, we respect her very much, such a wonderful woman, she helps everyone, she is also sincere, they went to conferences together later, but abdukhaich is also his godfather. But now it turns out you re the godfather, alexander, im the godfather, the godfather, but of course you dont remember that milk store and the cart and the guy, were always doing something we were constantly purchasing and delivering somewhere, we got a car there, we finally started using the car, we purchased, delivered, purchased, delivered, well, we want to thank you all for the wonderful time you spent with us, for those actions, for that service , for that cause, for your feat, which by and large you do normally every day in the name of the health of our fellow citizens, help people live, people recover, and this is truly one of the most important and humane professions in the world, if not the best important. And i want to thank you for your humanity, for the emotions that you give to the team and your patients, to all of us, its priceless, for your kindness, thank you, and especially for your kalmyd humor. This was our program, real stories about our people. See you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. See you, see you. On the rossiya tv channel, in the studio of irina rossiu. Hello. Relations between russia and china are the foundation of Global Security and the expansion of brix is an objective process of forming a multipolar world. Offers the prc regarding ukraine can become the basis for peace agreements. These important statements by Vladimir Putin, which relate to the bilateral agenda and global issues, were made during an interview with a Chinese Media corporation on the eve of his visit to beijing. There the president will take part in the International One train forum. Many World Leaders are flying to beijing, but the main guest is expected to be the russian president , and an interview with putin on the eve of the visit will appear in every newscast of China Central television. 從了 。 frank conversation on the worlds most important issues and discussion of Global Chinese culture. She is 10 years old this year, its clear that without russia there is nowhere, another reason to remind about strong, bilateral relations. This is not the result of the current political situation in the world, russianchinese relations, they developed over the course of, well , two decades, at every step, and the russian and chinese sides proceeded primarily from their national interests. We always tried to find a compromise on any issue, even if these were some complex issues that we inherited from earlier times, good will was always at the core. I m not even talking about the role that russianchinese relations play in the cause of stability in the world; this is a fundamental factor. The peculiarity of these relations. Putin added that no one is imposing anything on anyone, but the chinese idea of the belt and road fits perfectly with the greater eurasia project that moscow is promoting; we should compare watches before the meeting of leaders at the forum in beijing already lavrov arrived. We consider this movement, this project as an important component of promoting cooperation on the basis of equal rights of Mutual Benefit throughout the eurasian continent ; relations between the belt and road project and the eurasian economic union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are moving in this direction. We are confident that the participation of Vladimir Putin will make a great contribution to the Successful Holding of the one train one track forum, and will be another confirmation of our strategic interaction, as well as add new energy russianchinese relations. The success of bilateral ties has a very tangible economic effect. Beijing is now moscows main trading partner, and the 200 billion target for this year will even be surpassed. Already every one has become bigger, bigger, bigger , we have become businesses, they have already become bigger, good. Shopping complex on the legendary beijing yabaulu street, also, to a certain extent, a symbol of russianchinese trade relations, because it was from here in the nineties that shuttle traders from all over the postsoviet space laid their own for chinese fat consumption silk road. During this time, of course, a lot has changed, and today relations between moscow and beijing are no longer limited exclusively to the market, bought, sold. Largescale projects in the energy sector, Nuclear Power plants, oil and gas supplies, following the power of siberia, which will reach the project in just a year and a half. The issue of capacity is being resolved for a new gas pipeline through mongolia, and mutual settlements are already taking place in National Currencies in less and investments in promising areas from agriculture to hightech, chinese cars to there are more and more russian roads, just yesterday i spoke with some, with people who can be called car enthusiasts with a huge amount of experience and quite sincerely, i dont know that we will have an interview with you today, my interlocutors told me, and you know , uh, chinese cars are not just establishing themselves in our market , because there are fewer others, not only because of this, but the quality of chinese cars is improving, so our consumers, especially with the pricequality ratio, are happy to focus on the products chinese manufacturers, for the western camp its like a bad dream , that s why china didnt even invite many. European leaders to the belt and road forum, although the same barel was here last week, but only to again try to dissuade beijing moscows support did not work out, and it is no coincidence that putin, when asked who is the chairman for him, answered definitely, friend. Our people say, tell me who your friend is, and i will tell you who you are, there is such a saying, so if i now praise the chairman. Ill be like its uncomfortable, its like im praising myself, thats why ill try to be objective , this is, of course, one of the recognized World Leaders, he assesses the situation, analyzes and looks into the future, this is very important, this is what distinguishes a real world leader from people, which we call temporary workers who come for 5 minutes in order to show off on the international platform. Also disappear unnoticed, as for our meetings, we were somewhere the other day, in indonesia, maybe it was my birthday, we celebrated my birthday with him, then in dushanbe at another event it was his birthday, we celebrated his birthday while working together, we had a very good trip, the chairman visited russia and then we went to st. Petersburg and we went to the cruiser arora together, which means we rode a boat there on the niva river, it was probably such a calm , friendly, friendly atmosphere where we talked a lot, i can say, playing as a team this is also about moscow and beijing , and the team is becoming stronger and more representative, new participants in the sco, brix with uniform and clear rules that are not imposed by individual countries. Recently at the valdai forum you mentioned fair multipolarity, that there is a need for it. You also said that rulebased order is a manifestation of colonial thinking. Have you ever seen these rules . No, because no one has ever written them and no one has ever agreed with anyone. How can we talk about an order based on rules that no one did not see. Well, from the point of view of common sense , this is nonsense. Some kind of nonsense, but it is beneficial for those who propagandize this approach, those who talk about it, come up with these rules themselves from case to case in a way that is beneficial to them, this is the colonial approach, because colonial countries , they always believed that they were firstclass people, because they. always said that they bring enlightenment to their colonies, that they are civilized people, and bring the benefit of civilization to other peoples, who are considered secondclass people, so its not surprising that today s political elite, say in the usa, talks about its exclusivity, this is. The approach is completely different, we proceed from the fact that all people are equal, everyone has the same rights. And the rights of freedom of one country and one people end where the rights of freedom of another person or an entire state appear, and this is how a multipolar world should gradually be born. The wests acceptance of this multipolarity was largely provoked by the ukrainian conflict; china is closely watching it and advocating for an early resolution by peace, and we have never objected to this, moreover, we even agreed in istanbul at one time that we are ready for this, while ensuring, i want to emphasize this, the laws of russias interests in the security sphere, and there is the ukrainian side drew up a very strict framework for ensuring security, and we practically agreed with it, but as soon as our troops retreated from the capital of ukraine from kiev, the ukrainian side immediately threw all these agreements into the oven and announced that they would seek a strategic defeat of russia. Now the military operations have begun, active , counteroffensives, the socalled, it has been going on since june 4, so far there are no results, there are only huge losses, the losses are simply huge, approximately one in eight, if in ratio. Well, we know , of course, the proposals of our chinese friends, i believe that they are quite realistic, but unfortunately, the other side does not want to conduct any negotiations. Moreover, the president of ukraine issued a decree prohibiting peace negotiations with us, everyone and himself for ourselves, apparently we need to start by canceling this decree and declaring our readiness for these negotiations, we are ready, the west does not like chinese neutrality, the peoples republic of china and the United States even called for preparations for a nuclear war with moscow and beijing. After such revelations , it will be even easier for the chinese to understand russia, although there is already an understanding and a course for mutually beneficial cooperation, just proposals for joint projects with china, putin admitted. They presented him with several sheets of plans, and these were plans not even for years, but for decades. Alexandralsky, nikolai zakharov, maria radimova nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. On military infrastructure. That night, further blows were struck. Explosions occurred in the dnepropetrovsk and kirovograd regions in the occupied territory of zaporozhye. Uaf air bases in mirgorod near poltava and stara konstantinov, khmelnitsky region were attacked by drones and missiles. Russian su30 multirole fighters destroyed a stronghold in the southern donetsk direction. The Russian Ministry of defense also published footage of the destruction of the polish selfpropelled guns crab in highprecision artillery. Shell krasnopol. Well, this is a video of objective control of the operation of the lancet using the american gaub777. The drones impact detonated the ammunition, and then the gun itself exploded. In the artyomovsk direction , the airspace is guarded by crews of the strela10 antiaircraft missile systems. Over the course of a month, the pvu unit of the ivanovo paratroopers destroyed 50 enemy drones. This is the news of what will happen next in our Program Israel announced the evacuation of 28 settlements at once, a superlaser will help clean up the waters of the sea of okhotsk in yakutia, its already 30, whether to expect frost in the center of russia, youll find out after the advertisement, see you soon. Watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. Dont miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes, today. Nart, i got the tender, we need to have time to put the park in order one day in the city, you now have a serious competitor, you need to remove it, set it up, asshole, everyone will immediately think of us, yes, no, well, not with my own hands, i m ready to start work right today. I i understand the logistics of supplies in the organization of work, some stupid guy, be careful with him, i want us to be together, a real man should be manifested in actions, i dont understand, this cant be, no one has ever disgraced me like that , if you want to prosper, get rid of the weeds, its that you arranged everything, only all the facts are against you, i cant see you. Rosie and shipi premiere on saturday on rtr. There are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, squad ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnameses favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here. Taste it. Oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says eat your mind, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, according to secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. Provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why dont you care, continuation. Of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation the first podcasts we watch, friends, always understand you without words, they dont care who you are and how old you are, whether youre a star or the most ordinary man, they are always ready to play with you, no away to have a snack. And they want to be scratched behind the ear, they give you the most precious thing, they come to your aid, and they trust you, limitlessly, everything they need from you, so that you are close, among friends, a program for the whole family, according to saturdays on rtr. If it doesnt exist, we will lose this battle, my russian colleagues and i are doing Everything Possible and even more. Their colleagues in moscow, without sparing themselves, are creating a new vaccine. I will worry and call, please pick up the corpse. A step towards creating a vaccine. Well, there are roasts, after all. Im alone for everything i will answer. But the real difficulties are yet to come. We are very disturbing to someone, Nikolai Ivanovich. This means the stakes are high. It looks like they have declared war on us, but we will win it. Fever. Continuation today on rtr, this news, we continue the release israel announced the evacuation of twenty eight settlements, whose residents live within a radius of 2 km from the lebanese border. And our embassy in the republic recommended that russians refrain from traveling to the country. The situation there escalated sharply after several attacks by shiite militants. Hezbollah organization and returned fire. On the other hand. Tel aviv and other cities do not stop shelling hamas. Now our correspondent, sergey pashkov, is in direct contact with the studio. Sergey, greetings, what is known about the development of the conflict up to this hour . Despite the fact that the situation remains tense, this night passed and was quite quiet for the residents of israeli cities, and we are not only talking about the cities of the israeli center, where the air raid signals did not sound that night, but we are talking about populated points, towns, kibbutzim and cities of the israeli south, directly adjacent to the gaza strip, apparently the actions of the israeli. Air force, naval artillery against hamas targets in the palestinian enclave were so strong last night that the rocket launchers of the zadimalkosam brigade did not have the ability to fire at israeli territory. All this happened against the backdrop of the completion of clearing israeli territories from militants, terrorists and saboteurs who broke into the country starting on 7 october, more than a week ago, there was one of the most powerful attacks of the Israeli Air Force on the gaza strip in recent days, at night the bombing lasted almost 8 hours straight, hitting targets related to the military infrastructure of Islamic Jihad and hamas, political and military offices, headquarters and warehouses weapons of militants, first of all, strikes were carried out on the northern gaza region, from where, at the request of the Israeli Military authorities the day before. Once again, israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu said in a television statement. I saw our wonderful the fighters who are now on the front line, they know that the whole nation is behind them, they understand the enormity of the task, they are ready to rush into it at any moment. If hamas thought that we would fall apart, then no, we will tear hamas apart , a powerful armored fist has been assembled near the borders of the palestinian enclave , obviously the army is completing preparations for the possible start of a ground operation, in any case, yesterday there was a message from the general staff that the armed strength is ready for the next one. Conditions with hamas and militants in gaza sector, perhaps this means a message from the army about its readiness to move on to a ground operation, but at the same time israel is taking into account the factor of the northern borders, where over the past few days mutual shelling with hezbollah militants has not stopped, on the eve of israel, after a number of shelling attacks on its territory, raided the military installations of this shiite organization based in southern lebanon, today information came that residents of 28 villages and towns in northern israel, located near the lebanese border , it was proposed to evacuate during this day, this is a twokilometer zone, obviously, we are not talking about largescale military operations, but apparently in anticipation of similar intense firefights along the border strip, the authorities are trying to protect civilians. Sergey, thank you, with the latest news from. About the situation in the gas sector alexandrov has a picture that has not changed in the gas sector for a week now. The palestinian enclave remains under constant and ongoing bombing by the Israeli Air Force, as a result of which more than 3,000 houses have already been destroyed. The attacks that the sector suffered last night. Were the most severe and destructive since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict. In response to the attack by hamas militants, the israeli army literally wipes out the palestinian enclave from the face of the earth, and the intensity of the fire is only increasing every day, as is the number of civilian casualties. The number of those killed, according to official data alone, has already exceeded 2,000 people. Rescuers are continuously clearing away the rubble at the sites of israeli strikes, but getting there to many of those. Who found themselves under piles of concrete is simply impossible, which means it is impossible to determine the exact number of victims. The morgues of gas hospitals are overcrowded, there is simply nowhere to put the bodies, the dead are buried in such spontaneous mass graves, the scale is such that heavy equipment is involved in the funeral work. There are children in this grave; many of the bodies cannot be identified because they were badly damaged. We assign a number to each body, thats all we can do for now. The Healthcare System is collapsing. Already wounded more than 9,000 every hour, with every new strike by israeli planes, this figure is only increasing, the hospitals are packed to capacity, there are no longer any free places even in the corridors on the floor. The situation on the west bank of the jordan river remains uneasy. Israeli units entered bei julu. Army special forces are clearing tanks and Armored Vehicles from the streets. Liwa tensions on the Israeli Border are growing every day. My house and four or five of my neighbors houses came under fire. Bedroom storage room were damaged, but these are just walls of glass. The main thing is that no one was hurt. According to lebanese media, there are already first casualties as a result of israeli shelling in the south of the country. Among the civilian population, in response, the military wing of the hazbal Party Strikes at the evergrowing group of idf troops in the north of israel, which incurs losses in equipment and personnel, but this is still not a second front, although the parties are determined, mutual shelling is very fast may develop into fullfledged hostilities. Alexander bilibov and Polina Fedorova in vesti. In poland , after the parliamentary elections, the current authorities also declare their victory and readiness to form a government. Opposition, the ruling party of law and justice received the most votes, but it received only 37 , which is not enough to appoint its ministers, and three opposition associations, including the Civil Coalition of exPrime Minister donald tusk, together received 53 . Now the question is will they be able to unite and compete for the right to create their own cabinet . To other topics. Small mediumsized businesses that implement socially significant projects in new regions will receive a grant. Michael announced this at a meeting with deputy Prime Ministers; companies in the fields of education, medicine, culture and social services will be able to receive subsidies of up to 3,000 rubles. The government will allocate more than 2 billion rubles for the development of Technology Parks in the electronics sector. Another topic of the meeting the creation of a single resource with information about all water bodies of the country. The government is launching an experiment to create a single information resource. It will have to enter as much as possible. Detailed and reliable information about rivers, lakes, and groundwater, which will allow us to develop common approaches for caring for our reserves, especially Drinking Water sources. Lets start with three pilot regions the tula region, the stavropol region and the chechen republic. Victoria valerievna, i would like you to report in more detail on how this work will be organized. A unified register of water bodies will help solve the problems of waterscarce regions. Thanks to improved water efficiency launching new wells, ensuring control over the use of water bodies. The lowest air temperature in the country recorded in yakutia in the north of the republic of sakha last weekend was 30, but the residents of the center are not yet in danger of winter, but Weather Forecasters promise us colder weather, rains with sleet. Tatyana antonova is already in the studio, tatyana, well, i hope it wont get too cold in our center . Overwhelmed by freezing nights. Then during the day the weak plus will still remain. Well, the weather has a blue mood in eastern siberia in kyzyl, in in krasnoyarsk it is not higher than 8 and it rains, but in the west in omsk it is still up to 15, up to 15 in the urals. On european territory, such a temperature is perhaps only in the south; in the krasnodar region in the crimea, cyclones take root in the middle zone and , as a result of precipitation in the form of rain and snow , the temperature is very invigorating, from yaroslavl to belgor only 58, colder only in the russian north in just above zero all kinds of precipitation in st. Petersburg on tuesday 7 light rain in places in moscow also with light rains, so far 57 degrees warm, closer to the weekend only 2 4 and also mixed precipitation. It was a Weather Forecast in a country on which the sun never sets. Tinkov admires his clients, of whom there are already more than 38 million people, and does everything to have the right to say. Tinkov, bank of the year in russia. Tinkov, he s the only one. We have always admired you, who believe in yourself and reach for the stars , who live in a vast country on which the sun never sets, and we do everything to have the right to say tinkov, bank of the year in russia. In primorye, two people died, another 40 were injured today in an accident with by tourist bus. According to preliminary data, the driver lost control and drove into a ditch, after which the multiton vehicle tipped onto its side. In place immediately. All Emergency Services have already arrived, including a disaster medicine helicopter. 20 passengers were hospitalized, and a criminal case was initiated. In the new episode of the program, we learn the story of a famous surgeon who gathered a group of russian doctors and went to help donetsk doctors, how they saved lives and helped victims of hostilities. Today at 15 00, working in a hospital, you receive the same load of risks as on the front line. For december only. We received five trips to the hospital. Immediately after the big evening news, watch the continuation of the spy drama fever on our channel. Scientists will have to fight not only for their own. Viewers can expect dramatic turns in the relationship between the characters. Daria okuneva watched the new episodes. The epidemic in west africa is entering a new phase with a new strain of the virus and the vaccine seems to be unable to cope. Deadly enbal one after another, our virologists become infected. How did you get infected . And against this background there are protests, murders of doctors, their relatives and theft of drugs. It looks like war has been declared on us. Moscow scientists are conducting an entire investigation to understand why their drug does not help. The virus was not just modified, someone deliberately worked with it. And now the most important question is, who benefits from the outbreak of a deadly infection, my heroine initially thinks that she is fighting exclusively against this epidemic, but life turns out to be more voluminous, more complicated, we will to find out who else we are fighting with, what other pitfalls, the picture is increasingly reminiscent of a detective story and even a thriller. Clouds are gathering over our heads, low, evil, the heroes have to solve a whole series of brutal murders, lets go, and also remove false accusations from the russian mission, find the one who is stealing data from a laboratory in moscow, and most importantly stop the infection, our heroes are opposed very serious rivals are international corporations, sometimes it is not even always clear who it is, what it is, but it is clear that the fight will be a serious opponent. Dramatic turns in the relationships of the characters, like shakespeare, go hand in hand with love and death. It combines many different aspects , including drama, some detective genre, and lyrics, in general, it seems to me that there is such a cocktail of different genres. An actionpacked spy drama in the exotic scenery of west africa, a continuation of the series fever, watch on our channel immediately after the evening program. All news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website look. Ru, well, the news continues to monitor developments, stay with us. Good afternoon everyone, we are continuing our investigation to understand what caused the death of the honored artist of russia. Let us remind you that on september 15 , Vyacheslav Grishechkin, who had more than 150 roles in films and tv series, died under mysterious circumstances. The actor suddenly became ill on september 6. In the evening , director maxim meler discovered him in the apartment. The young man called the artists daughter olga. It was decided to send vyacheslav to private clinic. Grishechkin was there for several days without communication, relatives and friends. And they didnt let him in, a couple of days later he was urgently taken to a state hospital, but the actor could not be saved. At the previous program, grishichkins director maxim miller simply could not hold back his tears. I walked slowly and saw legs in the kitchen, i felt very scared, i thought i was already dead, i took the phone, i think i should call an ambulance, but thank god, he showed some signs of life. However, others immediately began to appear in the print media. Stopped because he was abandoned young lover that the former fiancee and the director teamed up and simply used the artist. Slava, he lost his mother that year, many of us dont talk about it, there was one more blow, then this fidgety girl appeared, oh , slavochka, i love you, i love you, naturally, as a trusting person, he believed her , she believed me too i said in those days that i really really love fame, and then when she realized that there was nothing special with him. You couldnt cook, he wouldnt bring anything special, she left him, despite the directors accusation vyacheslava grishichkina insists that it was in a private clinic that they could have made a cancer mistake and chosen the wrong treatment , we managed to contact a woman whose husband was in the same clinic, thats what she said, they took him away fraudulently, she had no pressure , they did a cardiogram, 3 days passed, they transferred him to another hospital, where he died a day later. They say that this was not the first time that grishechkas were brought there, who benefited from it, and most importantly why , vyacheslavs former lover diana bicherova and maxim miller agreed to take a polygraph. Have you ever deceived people who trusted you . Could the story of vyacheslav grishichkin be similar to the story of the Famous Artist dmitry maryanov, who died in rehabilitation 6 years ago from improper treatment . Maxim miller, director of vyacheslav grishichkin , is visiting us again today, did you manage to find out something. What happened over the past time, tell me, well, i tried to do something, i tried to somehow talk to people, but all people are afraid to somehow reveal their anonymity, no one wants to come out connection, no one wants to give any comments, but i heard and read that four people have already died after their treatment, and what about olga, what about the daughter, now some time has passed, do you communicate, do not communicate, what is your relationship . Absolutely terrible, she began to blame me for drinking with him, she began to blame me for abandoning the dog, that the dog sits alone at home for weeks, drives, whines, does not eat, no one takes her to the toilet, although this is completely untrue, well, my daughter, as always, remains to her own opinion, that the doctors are not to blame, they did everything they could, who now lives in vyacheslavs apartment, i show up, i very often walk with benya, also Olga Mikhailovna is a caretaker, that is, benya, benyas dog, the actors favorite dog, is now in the same apartment, in the same apartment, she is not alone, she receives a lot of care, since the canned food sits on the ground floor, she always rises even more often than vyacheslav was, he could leave during the day of filming, take a walk with him in the morning, he would leave filming, and in the evening he will arrive, and Olga Mikhalovna is with him more often, she will take a walk in the morning, he will come during the day, sit with him for an hour, in the evening he will come and spend the night with him, the dog is abandoned, the dog is not abandoned, she receives excellent care, this is absolute in recent years. These are the shots that also appeared on the internet, which you cant watch without tears, this is where we hear a dog whining, what is this, where she whines, of course, she will bark, if people approach the apartment, she will barking, this is a normal phenomenon, all dogs bark at the entrance, this is absolutely correct, this dog was adopted from a shelter, she already brought the eyeball. Trauma when her first owners abandoned her, and here i also want to say that maxim is fighting for the dog, but as i understand, being in a difficult relationship with his daughter olga, this is what they write to each other, maxim, i want to take the dog because that i have a huge responsibility to my father and beniy, because i love him very much, so since you say so, im very happy to take her for. I have all the possibilities, time and money, my own apartment and full understanding animal care situations, i i already consulted with a zoopsychologist yesterday, my cat is also not an obstacle, i have a conclusion from a zoopsychologist that the dog needs to be taken away urgently and that it should live fully and constantly be a human being, this will happen to me, please just give up your son and i want a dog, this is very important for me , still, im sorry, but this is my father, i understand that he was very important to you, but nevertheless he is my father, okay, okay . Go ahead and kill the dog, but if the dog dies or ends up in a shelter or is sold in completely different hands, im with i wont tear you down, ill judge you in every way, ill force you to bear the punishment, ok, it wont be funny later, im blocking a good life for you everywhere , hurray, the dog doesnt know you, you didnt appear at his place often, he doesnt know you much, im with him i was there every day, fed, watered, walked, and where were you before during your life, glory, i was always here looking after two of them, and where are you . Was, you havent seen your father, the dog , especially, benya is a very sensitive boy, and any breakups are stressful for him, you think, what are you doing, why ruin a life, even for a dog, slava wouldnt understand you, he always said that after death he wouldnt stay with me, be careful with your words, otherwise ill take you to court, dad is turning over in his grave from what you do and tell me, youre crazy, maxim , why are you lying, glory, im shocked by you, you know everything, how it really was, who missed the opportunity to save him, you finally remembered. That you have a father after his death, you are a moron, the conversation is over, where does she get the conclusion, who and when missed the opportunity to save him, stories, when not, this is the same thing, that is, where do i get it, wait, where do i get the conclusion of a zoopsychologist that benya needs to be taken away urgently, if the zoo psychologist has never even seen the dog live, never, where from, secondly, benya hates cats, this is eternal their fight, well, thats it, she said, i have a project, i have work, i cant, on friday, sorry, fame dies, len, and what do the audience say about the first program, about the whole topic in general, Vyacheslav Grishechkins fans are very actively, they call and write a lot, they still have a lot of questions, like all of us, lets listen to one of these calls, good afternoon, my name is. Tatyana , i am a fan of Vyacheslav Grishechkin, i want to say, its very, very sad that such an artist left us, i watched the last program, so. Im watching now, and you know, im outraged, thats why maxim didnt immediately call an ambulance when he saw him, and why did he start calling his daughter, because he didnt go with him to the clinic, well, he could have taken a taxi, this is the absolute truth, i still blame myself for following the lead daughter and didnt call an ambulance, thats why its very difficult for me, if i had done that, i could have saved him, but i decided completely differently. Why did she tell you not to call or . That or, well, firstly, we didnt want any of this aggression from correspondents of various magazines, secondly , she said no need, lets wait, i ll come, wait, what kind of aggression, wait, if a person is faced with a question of life and death, oh what kind of aggression are we talking about, life of death, everything is wrong, when i found him, everything was fine, i gave him something to drink, fed him, gave him pills, it became much better, because there were already symptoms , you know this better than all of us, he didnt, no, he moved away, thats why i say that i brought him out on my feet. He walked away from him, he froze, well, we need to call an ambulance, we could be here now to congratulate him on his wellbeing, you know, i dont see people on the floor every day, this is my first job with a serious person, i was scared by this, so i called daughter, my daughter said, if everything is fine, put him to sleep, and after that we will send him to the clinic that i i found it, he was already there earlier in the spring, let s see, did you decide to show the correspondence with olga, how everything went and how she comments on dads condition in a private clinic . For a long time i could not decide to show the correspondence with solya, this is slavas daughter, but after hearing about myself for a while, i finally decided, in the correspondence there it is clear , it is clear who wanted slava to congratulate, who was simply busy with his workers affairs, correspondence begins on tuesday, september 12, i called the doctor, dad is better, we walked around with him a little, they held him, but a bedsore is actively forming in the lower back, the cuckoo is fine, yura came, he got scared and pissed off all the doctors, there is a feeling that dad needs to be put in rehabilitation for patients, like after a stroke, because the dynamics of recovery are very slow, i write hello, the bedsore is not processed, how much . While they are gone, while one is forming on the lower back, they ordered a special patch, i. Yesterday bought masya from them, but in general, yes, they are taking care of him, i am writing, ask the doctors why they rarely changed his diapers because of wet ones diapers, such a situation with a bedsore turned out, the treatment is not cheap in terms of money, they didnt even turn it over or wipe it off , im sure about this, and about compulsory medical insurance, i can ask them, i have no news, compulsory medical insurance doesnt matter to me that i need to treat it , max, i cant ask such questions, honestly, i got it, the doctor is catching up, they are doing everything they need, how can they . Do everything you need to do if he develops bedsores, how . Dmitry chishov, you recently performed with grishichkin, do you think its okay to write about father kukukh like that, no, of course, you cant do that about your parents, in general, its terrible, how can you tell your father that hes old and hes fine, this is not normal, we performed in the movement as artists for warriors, and he was absolutely adequate, no signs of alcoholism or anything it wasnt on his face, he was good. Just a good man, very , very friendly, and we communicated well with him, there were no hints of this matter, he was abandoned, andrey, he was abandoned, because he was surrounded by people, friends, visiting us today , star series margosha, tell me, did you meet him, on his anniversary, yes, we see a photograph, just when he turned 60, this is exactly when he told me about anechkas death. And he cried then, its just that i also knew anya personally, we traveled together, vacationed in egypt, and i saw their relationship, their reverent relationship, their love, they walked holding hands, and when he thought that she was lost, he cried , thats when he told me, i knew about it, but i deliberately didnt ask him, so as not to hurt him, once again and before leaving, cameras, so that he didnt worry too much, but he started a conversation and told me about it, he cried , he said that he just got a dog from a shelter, but he abused it, and ive known fame since 2004, and ive never, ever alone, who are you anyway, forgive me, im telling the truth, i also looked at the previous one, okay. Chain, i looked at the previous program, you are sitting here, throwing it at everyone, you have no basis. You have no basis, you are talking about a person with whom you did not communicate, you did not work with him, you did not know him personally, youre talking exactly the same way based on some peoples stories , what is this, its normal, but ive been watching the series margosha for 3 years, yes, he plays your boss, the executive director of the magazine mf, attention, interesting, then give me one second , margot, right . Sorry for the banality, but you are just super today, thank you, sorry for the banality, if you have any questions, im ready to answer them, you can immediately see a business woman, ops bc by the horns, well, you are the least like bc , about the horns, i heard hes not married, yes, well, bravo, bravo, oh witty women, i think we will work together, but i heard that you are also not married, but i must tell you that significant lifechanging decisions are made in a relaxed state, i will relax when we discuss the budget, we will have it approved , yes, i like women who know how to count money, i just remember, every time i think. In the budget youre getting straight into my pocket, well, actually, its usually my hair thats coming out, but i first of all think about the project, yes, well well, i mean, men like to pay for things something you can touch with your hands, something we can touch, and oh, sorry, i didnt interfere, yes , no, no, no, everything is fine, margot, think about my proposal, if you have any thoughts, im at my place. And something about his daughter olga, he said how they communicate and whether they are friends, to be honest , i only found out about olga at the anniversary, but from everyones attitude it was clear how much slava loved her and he was very proud of her, very, but you provided us with an audio message from your daughter, it was sent on september 6, when vyacheslav was in a private clinic, this is what he says, attention, and max, i i called, but i couldnt talk to him, because he doesnt speak, well, yes, because yesterday i added it to him, i paid for an additional one, that is, not yesterday, today i mean, god, its a very long day, but an iv with succinic acid, and then, today we talked to the doctor and added a certain number of droppers , because they are auxiliary for the liver, because everything is not very good there, but if there is not much need to transfer it to therapy and not add droppers, but many compare this story with the story of dmitry maryanov, who was also, lets say, treated in a private clinic at the phoenix rehabilitation center, yulia shustraya, correspondent for russia 24, do you see parallels in these stories . Well, i just heard about the ivs and there are not just parallels, i immediately had questions about what kind of ivs they were, why exactly they were prescribed, when there was a situation with maryanov, there, too , all this, what led to this whole situation was what they didnt want eye, at first they said that they were allegedly going to the dacha with friends, then something else, and this led to the fact that he was stabbed i dont know what they injected, but when i talked with the doctors of the ambulance , soon, by the way, it wasnt a phoenix employee who called him. Other patients called an ambulance for him when the ambulance we talked to the doctors, they say he was injected with something later during the even in my opinion , your programs revealed that the phoenix clinic specifically did not have access to these drugs, they did not have permission to treat with these drugs. Lena, what does our call center say . The fact is that vecheslav grishechkins friend, marina, called us and said that initially the initiator to admit vyacheslav to a private clinic. By the way, there was diana bicherova, supposedly he used to drink, but when he met her, she set a condition for him that he had to take charge of himself, they gave him something, she also wanted him to get a facelift and so, well to look younger and better, that it was diana who initiated all this, well, now we see screenshots and comments on the previous broadcast, when many accused diana of bringing the artist down, really. Vyacheslavs visits to the private clinic diana bicherova, exlover actors, today we are visiting again, lets invite her to the conversation, hello. Hello. So, did you know about this private clinic when he first went there . Andrey, im actually shocked that im now getting a wave of hate and a lot of comments after that program that you re to blame for the death, we havent been together for a year at all, that is, we broke up, we remained on friendly terms. I learned that vyacheslav is in the hospital from maxim and marina says that you put him there, you to sum it all up, who is marina . His girlfriend, not me. You ruined a great man, a great artist, because you didnt Pay Attention to the fact that he needed help, lets also see a lot of comments when the video, this one, im sorry, i want to return it to you, keep the necklace, when it was made , how long before his death he published it, this video was made for my wedding, that is, vyacheslav could not attend, he knew very well, we talked about the fact that i was getting married, vyacheslav sent this video, he was at tour in crimea at that moment, by the way, we were friends, we were on excellent terms, and i say, the last time i saw vyacheslav was on september 2, he was drinking, no, that is, you didnt see him drunk, no, well, he was drinking, we when we went somewhere to a restaurant or somewhere else, of course, but he. Sang like everyone else, let us now make a short advertisement, immediately after it the polygraph results for maxim and diana, as well as the star of the series dmb, who also underwent rehabilitation in the same clinic, where Vyacheslav Grishechkin knows personally, what happens behind the closed bars of this medical institution after the advertisement. I just want to be happy, the deadline is 3 days, the Warranty Period is 3 years, but whats your name, i didnt catch it . Nastya, tell me who he is, that he is a very interesting person, and can support a conversation about art and is talented, when everything is too good for a couple, you are the most amazing girl in the world, a third appears, are you okay . I think about him all the time, who are you anyway . Im a friend, yes, and im a groom . Or maybe its that i i was wrong, heaven decides everything, heaven decides everything, on friday on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio , lets go, real feelings know no boundaries, im sitting here and can barely hold back tears, beauty, soul, words of love are clear to everyone without translation, this is a layer culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian country, hello andrey, andrey malakhovs evening show on saturdays on rtr, lets take a photo, premiere on rtr, the connection is very bad, anh, hello, we need to talk, urgently, maria kulikova, i am to blame for my death, come on, put it aside, youre not good at anything its my fault, dmitry miller, sometimes people do unpredictable things, ivan zhitkov, such a death was not possible. Sorry, alexander ratnikov, this is a bastard, lives somewhere nearby, sleeps, eats, drinks, you need to catch these criminals with a cool head and calculation, olga pavlovets, be careful, dont go where youre not asked, a mirror of lies, it seems to me, i know who had the motive to take revenge on our targets, im crying soon at rtr, its very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said ill stay here, the military had to be informed of whats there they just simply die. Donets was shelled very heavily, but we decided to celebrate the wedding, the main thing is that we are together , ours, ours dont abandon ours, from monday to thursday, on rtr, once again, hello, on september 15, the honored artist of russia, a favorite of women, grishechkin, died suddenly , 150 roles, the mystery of death, we continue the investigation, let me remind you that the artist became ill on september 6 on the floor in his own apartment, director maxim miller discovered him, he called vyacheslavs daughter olga, according to the director, the woman arrived only in the evening and decided to call doctors from a private clinic, it turned out that an ordinary car had arrived at the ambulance site, the artists loaded it up and took it away. A few days later , vyacheslav became ill, he was transported to a regular city hospital, but he could no longer help the artist there. His exfiancee diana, who is 27 years younger than the artist, denies that it was after breaking up with her that the artists heart could not stand it, and his director maxim miller, who is also in our studio today, demands to conduct an investigation and figure out what happened in the private clinic and why vyacheslav felt bad. Now vyacheslav grishichkins acquaintance daria nikrasova will appear in this studio, who has her own point of view on what is happening. We meet dasha, hello, shameless, your whole life is pr, a wonderful artist died, well, at least you would have a conscience now, what are you doing here, you came, why come here to get drunk, because i want everyone to know that you are a mercantile piece of trash, admit that it was beneficial for you to be next to you, he was next to you solely because that he loved you, sincerely loved you, everyone around you saw how he treated you, you need to get to know him, you dont know denis, you interact with famous people, with media personalities, you only needed him as a consumable, no, yes youre going too far here, a decent person, theres no need to defend her, youre going too far, no, youre going too far, he didnt love her, surrounded by the way you use him, it was beneficial for you, yes, forgive me, you told the editor that you almost. Forced the actor to do Plastic Surgery and told him every time how bad he was looks, of course, she wanted a younger one next to her, because its interesting that our editor said that she wanted to do Plastic Surgery, so they hated her, they said that she was ugly, well, thats her personal business, shes also attracted to appearance, but she likes to manipulate people, not just men, i took up a persons health, and he lost 15 kg, led a healthy lifestyle, do you want me now . A man who is also friends with her, she never helped him even once, did she think he was in a sanatorium when vyachesl was hospitalized, but i it seems that he was very worried, he even went to the room. To you and yes, its true, diana and vyacheslav came to me several times, i did numerological calculations and, well , to be honest, vyacheslav is intoxicated, firstly, from the point of view of numbers , it is clear that he has a tendency, the second point, i kind of saw and felt the person, why are you saying this, that he came to you, well, this is because she brings you to clean water, i should have brought your couple out a long time ago. Well, i want to say that the accusations against director maxim and ex there are many lovers, and to prove their innocence, the guys even took a polygraph, lets look at a fragment, do you intend to answer the questions of this test truthfully . Yes. If it benefits you, will you lie . Yes, while in a relationship with vyacheslav grishichkin, did you have sex with another man . Are you afraid that i will ask you a question that we havent discussed . No, have you ever deceived people . Who trusted you, the polygraph results a little later, we. Contacted the clinic in