The guards claim that the stringent requirements, such as physical and written tests, educational qualifications, and driving licences are unfair and significant barriers to the regularisation of long-serving employees
he wasden, operating as unregisd foreign agent.ed they threw pau fl manfort in jat for the same thing maria: f for less. less than what hunter biden has been doing and going ony every oversense of aloha seajusa trip and shakingki down co overseas trip and shaking down foreign countries and the what s app message shows that fully. byron and i think it could be higher than $25 million.e 10 1023 form alone was $10 million and there s tens of millions of dollars here through multiple layered through, complicated so you can hide where the money was coming from and where it was going. we re talking about a lot of money more than anyone could ever dream of here and that sit why it s s not being investigatd and this could end up being theg biggesest political scandal in r nation s history in the white house. maria: i thought the biggest political scandal was the russih collusion lie but this tops even that. it s bigger than look, what a time to be members ofto the oversight com
Ludhiana: Dr Evgueni Victorovich Poliakov, a World Bank and FAO Economic Development consultant, held parleys with Punjab Agricultural University vice.