policing themselves especially when it comes to fisa where we've seen abuse after abuse after abuse like the agent who ran an american citizen through the 702 database and did a query on him because he was thinking about renting an apartment for him. or the guy who thought that the his dad was cheating op his mom, so he ran his dad through it. maria: wow. >> or the other agent who decided to run 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign through the fisa 702 database. those were all under the leadership of is the same people who will be in charge of overseeing these so-called reforms. it's kind of like handing the keys to the fox rain telling him to have fun with the henhouse. of he's in charge. maria: welsh senator, it just seemses like over and over again we hear so many complaints about the fbi and the fbi abused all of this during the trump era, and and yet, you know, your group just watched new money go to the fbi so that they can make