Norwich ― In its ongoing push to acquire more open space land in Norwich, the Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc. hopes to purchase 101 acres of forested land, including the former Benson Tree Farm, off O.
Norwich ― Local artist Candice Flewharty is painting a large mural with an even larger meaning on the exterior of the Reliance Health building at 2 Cliff St.
The 125-foot-long painting, inspired by V.
Norwich Puzzle pieces are colorful, and when people work together, the pieces can be interlocked to form a beautiful picture.
Those were the images and themes Norwich Free Academy students wanted to convey with their Project Outreach program, “We’re All a Piece of Norwich,” a community art project with students and staff in 11 schools and members of more than 30 community organizations participating. People from age 4 to 80 created colorful puzzle pieces cut out from sheets of paper.
In total, 687 participants submitted completed puzzle pieces to NFA Project Outreach student coordinators Ella Bean, a 10th grader from Preston, and Annika Savage, a senior from Voluntown.