Norwich ― From walking tours to efforts to preserve historic buildings, the Norwich Historical Society has taken a prominent role in promoting the city’s history.
Society leaders credit part-time Exec.
Norwich ― In its ongoing push to acquire more open space land in Norwich, the Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc. hopes to purchase 101 acres of forested land, including the former Benson Tree Farm, off O.
Norwich ― Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc., has announced it has acquired about 27 acres on Hunters Road to preserve as open space.
The Hunter Brook Preserve is named after the stream that goes through.
The new business park proposal in Norwich is both a questionable idea and one that the city is structurally ill equipped to make. (“Norwich approves purchase of land and financing for controversial se.
Norwich ― Carissa Decelles enjoys going on nature hikes with her friends, but they mostly end up going to city parks or along manicured paths, because Decelles can’t get her motorized wheelchair into .