Mumbai cheesemaker Mausam Narang recently won a gold and silver for her cheeses. She was joined by Namrata Sundaresan and Anuradha Krishnamoorthy from Chennai, who won the bronze. As they won for their cheddar, they talk about making the aged cheese and the changing Indian palate
After first trying it last year and being unable to complete it, Pune-based Pranav Joshi has taken on the task of making 31 dishes for 31 days of October based on the prompts provided by Inktober, the art challenge started by Jake Parker in 2009
Restaurants aren’t the only ones making pizza anymore. The trend of making the Italian speciality at home has been simmering in the city and the Covid-19 pandemic led Mumbaikars to make their own pizzas because they didn’t have access to it. Two years on, they are happily doing it at home but would love to get it right, with the help of a few tips