To lift his water. Yes. Happy wednesday, everybody. So president bidens erybody with theannel Weather Channel aired today. I know. And the forecastai partly senile with a chance of precipitation in his pants. The only things cloudy were joes memories, especially when it cammoriese to phone calls wih hunters business associates. The one thing he didnt s businw how to touch someone without their permission. Are you prepared to declare a National Emergency with respect to Climate Change . Im already done that. Is the Existential Threat to mankindexistent. So youve already declared that National Emergency . Well manity. , it practically you a bk on it. Thanks. Appreciate it. Yeah. Thats the first time any woman has said appreciate it. After Making Contact with. E is but if hes really concerned about the climate, you know what he should rd aboue climat. You should have eaten that bug. The tasty. Buaten thet tiny carbon footpri. But it is so cute. It reminds me of how joes is always brushing
we ll all be here. but first, only moments ago, former president donald trump wrapped up his speech fromump wr mar-a-lagoap. hir-a-lagoap. a history, all the unfairnessts unprecedented, frankly, that het has faced since coming down that escalator. s faced since c that escalator. s faced since c trump tower. one now, one man has no one man has ever been subjected to anything like this in the history ofhe this country. the media colluded, along with the democrats, to destroy him from day one . the president laid out what heds did successfully as president. i it was a powerful case and hetht five presidentful case and hetht nation in decline and five presidents combined could not messmess the country up more thl joe he also talked aboutou investigations. it never, ever g seemed to go away the entire time since he. came down.take a that escalator never stops. this ct escalator never stops. and i never thought anything like this could happen. n america. happe
doep gas prices down now on those stories. butwn. didn t someone else get impeached for that? now after the saudis stood up despite his embarrassing courtship, the president s vowinge his em to reassesslationsh our relationship with the oil rich nation. looks like with th was wrong whe said nobody messes with abbud. we find ourselves in a positiona as beggars. posimost powerful country in the world. it s now in a position ofd. having to beg these third ratets countries. eep ga the democrats will do anythings to try to keep gas from increasing before the election. incrhe s going hat in hand to dictatorships like venezuela, pleading with them to produce more oil at the same time that pl s alienating long time partners in places likace saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. if you think the president su done reassuring the saudis to t help him, november, stay tuned for oh, we got a lot to talk to you later. what do you say to. but it doesn t stop there. biden straight up
war. it s constant. they don t just say, oh, they did this, and now going o to do that. it s weird. anyway, i m off topic. cat, pull meffic back with some spot on analysis on on joe biden s performance okay i m so glad you about yes because i want to talk about oil cancer. okay. he brought it up again. i know. i know. wid he left the door wide open for us to finally get answers here. yes. for her to be like, mr. president, i m so glade like, you asked, do you in fact, have oil, cancer as you claim to have on july 20th, 2022? yes. he didn t do that. no. he said, let s talk about gen z. yeah, no, let s talkel bad about cancer. f b yes. i feel bad for joe biden atid this pointen. out he really wants to talk about this oil cancer issue. i know. what does he have to do to get someone to be like, you know what you you, keep talking about oil cancer. tell me more about thal cancert which is probably why of all the places that the leader oft th the world has platforms
a sitting president . so unless they indict and tryree him before the election, it s not clear how they would proceed. proceed. he can also, by thd.e way, self pardoned for federal s offenses on the state side. theseoffe two statens casese are exceptionally weak. the weakest is manhattanweak.. we don test is manhattanweak.. we don t even know what w the case is . even after the filing oft th the indictment, george ,georgi i think, is very weak. nt the argument that his statementt to go find me theseme votes constitutes a crime, doesn t ficonstitut with with the entire transcript. you know, the interpretation of donald trump will be obvious. he was just telling them that mu was just telling them that to overturn this election. he only needtus to finrnd that number of votes for the election to be overturned. now, you might not agree with that interpretation. rpretatibut there s certainly reasonable doubt there. so the two state the cases, i think, are really fairly anemic.