To lift his water. Yes. Happy wednesday, everybody. So president bidens erybody with theannel Weather Channel aired today. I know. And the forecastai partly senile with a chance of precipitation in his pants. The only things cloudy were joes memories, especially when it cammoriese to phone calls wih hunters business associates. The one thing he didnt s businw how to touch someone without their permission. Are you prepared to declare a National Emergency with respect to Climate Change . Im already done that. Is the Existential Threat to mankindexistent. So youve already declared that National Emergency . Well manity. , it practically you a bk on it. Thanks. Appreciate it. Yeah. Thats the first time any woman has said appreciate it. After Making Contact with. E is but if hes really concerned about the climate, you know what he should rd aboue climat. You should have eaten that bug. The tasty. Buaten thet tiny carbon footpri. But it is so cute. It reminds me of how joes is always brushing the cocaine off hunters lapelng the cs andl how he was raised in a town Called Claymont delaware. Dy i was raisemod in a i w town Called Claymont, delawareai. When you got up in the morning, my mother would drive uswould qs her little catholic school. We went to about two or three quarters of a mile up the philadelphia pik f e fight e. The first day of frost. She turned on the when she wanted to beth oil slick. L slic higher cancer rates than almoskt anywhere in. Americ yes. That infamous oia. L cancer, i believe you get it from corn pop. But hey, its like mom used to say. Out of everything bad, something will come. If you look hard enough for it. My momenough for used to say. Omt out of everything bad. Hing Something Good will come if you look hard enough. H for theres an enormous opportunity. The is oppy weres notm ,in fact. But its just not enough for e us to do. We have to changus e whole worlds attitude. And right now, russia and china are, very, very difficult partners. They sure are. S toan, they actually want to know what hunter does to get all that moneyll. Derstand apparently, they dont understand what a shakedown is. Shakedoand i dont mean when jf shut off the pe after a trip to the mens rootem. Weve all been there. Nope. He i but talk about timing. Hes doing the Weather Channel. After all thosg the conversatios with burmese mob over the weather, if i didnt know any better, i think the biden family is trolling the republicank the bi s, you know, all those phone calls to me during meetings with his business associatedurings. Thats just about the weather. Now, the excuse me, im going to the Weather Channelcuse me,s makes sense. Hunters always making it rainn. The strippersaround. Always and theres always a strong wind coming out of joes. Which raises a question. Has anyone eveses thr noticed tt while joe complains about fossil fuels and Climate Changeout fossil, his son hunter and brother jim are cutting oil deals with any foreigner who shows up with a sack ofsack cash for the world itsel of, carbons a threat. But for the biden bank account, its a necessity. And for the media, they see no discrepancy. But it seems as the facts out about the biden crime family, the dems are Squirmingthe Bide Y my pet dolphins during our Afternoon Napsn during. Democrat jamie raskin, who led one impeachment against trump, now claims to support investigating, but that wouldls also be supporting prosecutor david weiss, who offered huntere the most lopsided deal since we stold t lopse Manhattan Island m the indians. By the way, you think they take it back . What it back f we threw in San Francisco where the shot. E dojn meanwhile, the doj and fbiw the are now the democrats rentde. A cops mall. Security for the swamp. Alle Special Agent chan. Allegedly, he lied under oath about whether the fbi knew hunterer oats was genuine. Chan said last year that he had no internal knowledg e of thatn investigation when questioned under oath. But then Congress Just ioned un emails from 2020 in which chan wrote that he was up to speed on the case and that there was no Current Evidence to suggest any foreign connectione to. Of course, both facebook b and prelaw twitter Blockeotd Sharing the hunter laptop laptop story at the timee hu an, calling it misinformation. And we know how Many Americans sa know hoy wouldnt i voted for joe in this close election had they known the laptop was real. Add it up and thats interference that happenadded sy before you get to the ballot box. There are so many othee r examples of it. Its no wonder trump and many others assumes [ bld foul. Its like i said at the start, if you believe that the guy hitler, why wouldnt you cheat . They hid huntery wouldns whenee they knew it was a when it was w real. A year before the Storasy Brokee they suppress free speech on social media and Crossfire Hurricane the Yearslong Investigation of trumpshurrican involvement with russians. Turns out it was as real as joet mackies as re girlfriend. Well, thats not fair. So is it any wonder that Donaldy Trump and even recently said that trump could never get a fair trial d. C. , which ofo course, could only mean one thing racistul. The washington post, once a newspaper, but now the most populat r among Hobos Tweetedg o this. Formebor president trumpes and Governor Ron Desantis argued trump would not get a fair trialanti in the swamp, adding to a history intertwined with race and, partisan, politics. In other words, the swampy media. So other w desperate to bury tre they cant let that case move out of d. C. Meanwhile, the Bidens Roll Biden Merrily alons g with dems wondering whether theyll get away with it. Ther e is the weather again. Its always whether or not they lied, whethers or not they bribed, whether or not they moved cash from here to there, ved cash. Dont but for the rest of us, wen s dont need a weatherman to say that iayt blows away. Welcome. Hey, i guess shes bright, articulate, wellread. Ic party no wonder she left the democratic party. Fox news contributor tulsi. Gabbard. Right. Goes empty. His routine also suicidals. Thoughts. Comedian joe machicomedi. Raccoons avoid eating her trash. Fox news contributor kat timpfis and earthquakes have to go through high risk drills by. Massive side kick in the nwa world. Heavyweight champion round. Joe, welcome to the show. Thanks, gregme. T that was a cheap shot about my canadian girlfriend. I love you, beverln girlfry. Etr you. Ive never met her, though you keep you have a picture of her at the desk but it looks like a picture you might have got with the frame she she is ai frame. I know thats not what youe s make. Were going to have dinner. Actually, this man, shes coming to town. Wie this week,e aving tod we right . Youre going to say shes a frame model. Where are yowa ent youu. Shes a hand model. Great respect. So, joe, what did you make of bidens Weather Channel appearances . I think he should have gonete on oxygen, not the nottw the network. Not to me. I its just a Nonsense Ideat Isg that the government is going to change the weather. Greg, you cant even get them to work. Columbus day. Cos, thats true. You know, its funny. I thin youre right, though. 20, i think now weve upgradedkp the age ofda the earth likehow i 20 billion years. And somehow biden thinks hes going to save Earthdeks Hes 80 year span here. Thats what egotism. That is its a preposterous notion. The climates been changina parg forever. You know, the vikings went to greenland when it was warmefr and then it got colder and they all die because of the cold or. Its a coincidence. Yeah, its Probablyt Wa A coincidence. Tulsi, welcome back. I know things probs are going a little crazy in hawaii. You got any updates on the fires . Yeah. This any are running rampant, completely out of controlrily across primarily the island of maui, but also hawaii island. Its tragic to see how this entire communities, homes and schools, churches, Small Businesses are literally being burned to the ground. Sinessespeople jumping in the oa swim away from the fire justway to escape the flames. Thats the main street there you se main ste right right in lahaina on maui. I dont i dont know whats it. But it it has gone out of control because of Hurricane Dora moving south west of hawaii. And its continue to startffere to to move to different parts of the island. Soisland just for everybody, kea keep the folks in hawaii and your thoughts and prayeriis and were amassing support to be able to help them through what will be a Prettsuy Comprehensive Rebuildingthis some kind of recovery out of this. The worst is not over yet, unfortunatel. Y. Yeah. You know, think of wildfires. We you think of hawaii. Swhhe iw, the Islandf Wildfi are small. Its not like a wildfire can go and and run Arounslanred Toug people theres theres entire communities being destroyed right now well lets letsw. Pivot then to this topic, which is about, i guess, about another disaster that other by the name of joe biden. See how i did that . . Thats why im sittings why i o and you guys, the audience. No, you dont have to applaud, but well meetn. I have some things i need fixed. What are your thoughts on his Weather Channel appearanceought you know, it was interesting as hes talking about, you know, the Existential Threat of Climate Change. And i actually saw an interview dhat tony blinken di on 60 minutes australia a few days ago where he was askeaustrn directly by the 60 minutes reporter saying what is the biggest threat facing ig it nuclear war with russia or is Climate Change . He he basically said, oh, well, you know, theyre kind of equal, but theres no doubt weat Climate Change is the mosot Existential Threat we face in his entire four paragraph response, he did not once use the word s nuclear war. L th amazing. So theyre spending all this time focusing, telling we to be afraid for your lives because of Climate Change. And yeecause o t theyre doing so to hide the fact that they arert leading us to the brink of nuclear war that would destroy all of humanity. The strangest war ever, i havev, to say, because its like its not happening while its happening, it is strangest. They neveppening. R about ther talk about it. And when something happens in the warann , they then go, w, theyre going to retaliate this like. But thats not a war, right . War. Its constant. They dont just say, oh, they did this, and now going o to do that. Its weird. Anyway, im off topic. Cat, pull meffic back with some spot on analysis on on joe bidens performance okay im so glad you asked. Lk about yes because i want to talk about oil cancer. Okay. He brought it up again. I know. I know. Wid he left the Door Wide Open for us to finally get answers here. Yes. For her to be like, mr. President , im so glade like, you asked, do you in fact, have oil, cancer as you claim to have on july 20th, 2022 . Yes. He didnt do that. No. He said, lets talk about gen z. Yeah, no, lets talkel bad about cancer. F b yes. I feel bad for Joe Biden Atid this pointen. Out he really wants to talk about this oil cancer issue. I know. What does he have to do to get someone to be like, you know what you you, keep talking about oil cancer. Tell me more about Thal Cancert Which is probably why of all the places that the leader oft th the world has platforms p available for an interview, they chose the Weatherla Channel Airing at 6 a. M. Yes, thatschannel an audie first, thoughts on this Greatous Da Oy . I mean, first of all, just get u imagine that you get up in the morning. Its the mor first day of snow and the Windshield Wipers full of oil. Yeah, back and forth. And it causes more cancer than anything on the planet. And his mom had the temeritying to find Something Good in that. Yes. Whats the upsidate . Maybe ill get it last. Yeah. Like the fact that the day he comes up with that doesnt make sense. Now, im pretty sure there wase oil. Eld. The windshield. No one in the back of the car. Well, the good news is theres no feathers like this. Guys know. And heres the deal. We picked up that he had notes, right . Yeah. He had a cheat sheet when he did his speeches. Hes now so arrogantly holding cheat sheet in his hand. If hes going to flaunt it, it it was it, bro. Yeah. At some point, just go. Thats a great question. T questit, me get my glasses on here. Existential threat. Heres the dea. Istential. O if the president United States this threat, im going to pay attention. You dont need extra and then front of it. Yeah. You know, Climate Change is a threat. And herest of it. Thing about i yeah, its a threat. Its so hot here. Soere. Going to move. Yes. Because thats what everyone thse. Id yes. Arizona has been under water twice. Is that a glacier over . You know what the animals did . They didnt have cars, have c computers. They were like, lets go. And they movard e. D fo oh, see, that would be bad forc . The climate. What, nuclear war . Yeah, thats that is exactly. All right. T d. C. Wants the National Guard in oakland, wants the windows barred, the Timeless Gift stackable bands 189 Tennis Bracelets for 90 912 hearts become one pendant, 699 half carat bands, 399 and one carrot top white studs 599. 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The two policemen i have today and the mayor and My Colleaguest ,we have a long way to get there. We just know that police alone is not get it done. Were tired of this. Yes. Re tired ]. And enough is enoug. Excuse my language. Im he sounds like a republican. A republican rapper. Those are funny. I hope he didnt walk near the capitol on january six. He might get arrested. So police alone cant dolice alo the job. T the National Guard is needed to quell the crime. Where we heard that before. Oh, yeah. That guy before . , the man whose policies were so racist. They could have saved Thousandrs Of Black Lives in 2021. He called for the national to be deployed to San Francisco and other liberal to stop rampansco and holes tot smash ab robberies and lives lost. Whats left of their. But now they want the same National Guard to come to theirr rescue. Scue which proves the point. , whtrump is right again and its me pr. How dare you clap . How dare you clap . Meanwhile if youre thinking of visiting oakland, california, even visitinoaklant even their m left. And thats the raidersheir foo. So you think that would reduce some violence . But crime is so bad in oaklandpr ,people are telling residents to literally use air hornst to warn neighbors about intruders and add Security Barers to doors t and windows to keep criminals out. But i dont know. Herescrimins out to suggestion. How about putting bars around the criminals instead of the citizensg bars a and locking up the thieves instead of the ice cream . Remember . Yeah. Having the good old when we when we used the law to keep Criminals Oue lat. Now its to keep us in. Oakland is overrun by socalled drug tourists. Now weve turned it entire neighborhood into open air drug market, affectionately op. Ed fentanyl island i know it doesnt sound as fun as i thought it would be. I its like Fantasy Island of your fantasies to o. D. Yo on aged pile of garbage and. Its home to burned out cars fer homeless camps, drugaddled junkies. Jones in for a fix and. D wors worst ot f all, the oakland as. As i used to like the oakland as. I dont know why i put tha t in there. Its kind of interesting to see an entire party kind of play catch up on this, but it only because they just couldnt be seen as agreeing with any republican and especially trump. Yeah. Yeah this was one of the mostt frustrating things throughout my eight years in Congress Ating th wastantly f how very blatantly from the beginning, if there was a democratbeginn bill, republics were in charge. Theyre like, yeah, no, we like the idea. Well take the idea. Take the idea,t a Republican Wie and will support it and vice ia. F stuf this is the kind of stuff thatf the American People are so sick and tired of. Weican peoick an see it, especir with trump, how it doesnt matter the substance of ofum wha the or the proposal or what hes calling for. There is no chancehe is any of these democrat or whatever would ever Supporter Vote for it. Thsupport you who loses the pe . Yeah, you know it. T it. W tyrus he should have come out and supported really awfulld ideas like, we need more crime. Yeah, and the democrats say o were against crime, right . Youre me off. First of all, great monologue and going into this. We always leave out the key and greedy because everyone Wantout Thgredient s to blame the police. Yeah, the police are arresting these criminals. Th67 of them arent even charged. Thats more than half about thab same, which means that they can be back on the streets committing crimes just afterbac lunch. F so just think about that for a minute. And again, the democrats have not go e demot it, they have not got it. This councilman is finally getting mike time. Gettpeople i n the community. Colored people like myself who are getting Robbede Communpe and watch and their children are afraid of their grandparents or afraid odf their and all these horrible things are happening. And the Squa Rrible Td is hasnt changed. Yeah, theyre still saying no more police. They dont want them in their neighborhoodthey alice. T thems. They have security guards. Yeah, but the people are now saying enough. The sayin is wherewhere the councilman coming forward. If you looked at that Entireth Scene behind him, it was minorities. Yeah, but people that they representedwas minoriti trying to protect, they are screwing over because where is that mone y to ridiculous projects that things like Bankrupts Ba Electric Bus batteries and no one can find the money for thatw. I guarantee you theres a few cousins in the Biden Family Co make some good mone y on biden on bus and bus. Biden economics means pay a bunch of rich elites money that are supposed to go to the people in the community. Dvice so what my advice to theism is you need the National Guardul 1,000 . They should be there. But the National Guardbe there , the police, and youre still going to have 67 out. Yeah. So what you have to do is you have to stop voting with heart and start voting with your mind and get thest e people because right back to you. You suggested this morning that. Ested th we do a special fm fennel island. Im working on it. Mm. Yes, i know. You really want to g i kly wano . Yeah. No, its just crazy. Imagine i mean, imagine having so muchsm public enthusiasm and. And, you know, so much political power behind the idea of Crimina Idea Ofl justice refm and bungling it so badly thation left with no other option butom to, like, beg for the feds to come in. Yee. S. I mean, i was saying for a while that this would happen, that the pendulum would swing in the other directions because there is an argument for and i f make this argument all the timoe ,reform in areas like nonviolent, victimless crimes, o drug crimes, that sort of thing. But instead, what dc did was likertd what ddi stuff like cart is it that big of a deal . Big yeah, obviously its going to swing in the other direction and thats exactly what were seeing happen now. Joe mmhmm. Its true, joe, are you are you are you saddened by whats happened to our Nations Capital . I am, greg. But first, i want to talk t about this idea about fighting crime with air horns. Now, that is terrible idea, is it . Theyre loud. They can scare the people. Theyre good for meeting women at edm concert s. Thats about. Yeah, i. I even used to sleep with a ba t my bed. But then i realized if a burglar breaks in, he can get a free bat, shoots me upi will his gun. Well, illay this. This. I dont think it was an example of the democrats realizing a trump was right. I think it was an example ofplef trump and the democrat s both. Being wrong at the same time. Because what the government doesernment is, it gives itselt and it doesnt use that power. There are laws u already there are prosecutors that arent doing their jobs. And instead of holding those people accountable, like, oh, we need to get used to the idea of having troopst used t on the street. Of and i think thats just a case of more encroachment. We just need to hold some people accountable. There you goe. All righ all right. Air, horn, air horn. Theyre like car alarms. Happen know i have my Car Alarm Ifs . I want to yell fire. Yeah. So now you can hear beep beep. Was that too . Was that too for . But one for assault. Yeah. I didnt hear you beep. Would you sa y if i went open in youll hear it all through the night and therell be someone open a window going shutthet up, i. Im trying to sleep. Exactly. And when people holler fire, i run in the opposite direction. Yeah, because theres a fire. Bes. Thepposite up next, trump tests out a new line by calling Chris Christie a swine. South dakotas hiring as first state to bounce back from the pandemic. Weve got one of the nations strongest economies and more jobs than we can fill. Thats why im pitching in. The average starting salary for an apprentice is 77,000 a year without paying penny in personal state income tax. Plus, we honor apprenticeships from other states. Hey, arent you governor . No. Yes. And im a lousy plumber. South dakota. Freedom works here. An unthinkable took the lives of 6 Millionon Peopl and thousands. Jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort. And th, my people. Ich these elderlyis i are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day, which is impossible. They dont have enough money to buy food. 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Call 833 lee filter to get started and get the permanent gutter that ends clogs for good. They took the time to answer all of our questions. They really put us at ease and clogged gutters for good. Call 833 lead filter or visit filter. Com today its coming your way. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Yeah. Todays video of the daycoming. From new hampshire. Wheres that where trump took a shot at former a new jersey shot governor chrise over his weight. And i dont mean this as a pun, but roll it. No, christie is eating canno right now. He cant be Botheret Bothere sir, please daso not call him a fat pig. Thatsl very disrespectful. Call him. Se t call he, im trying to be nic. Dont call him a fat pig. You cant do you cant do that t. So now, because youre not allowed to do that and therefore were not going to dwed to dthero it. Okay. B we want to be very civil right. All right. So tires, i want to make t a little just preface my question to you. I want to ask you if you though to you. T this was a e or not. I am a Hypocrite Becauseam a thdidnt care for that, even though i peppered this show with a lot unnecessary jabs about body weight, generally directed people that have called called fox or me a racist, i always feel that foa in the hierarchy of insults, when somebody calls you a racist, all betssults wh off,h is why you go. Why dont you always talk About Stelter or the view . Why every intro ive evertr had in this show . P ] no, no, no. N thats a fact. Thats a bado, thats a that thats thats thats not thats literally, literally going with imerally saying youre fa. Im saying youre big. You know, i get that. You know, i did that becauseok i said, youre making me nervous as a joke. And he got cocky and he k he said, the brea g i make you nervous. And i just made him nervous. Yeah. Yeah made. At all right. But you see my point . Yeah. Noou see mt . , i love what trumpp because he didn dt it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, i do that. Yes. In wrestling in a crowd where ill be wrestling a guy and ill grab the mic and i got to call this lled thi guy a loser. Y are yes. Yo why are you making fun of his hair . Has, hes. And well let it go. But thats not your point to bring it up. What he did was phenomenalup. Hew because he was trying to dogh the right thing. Right. Exactly. Just kept t saying, if you do not call him a fat pig. Sir, i did not up here on stage tonight to talk about that, how fat he is and how he sweats. In his sleep. Im not here to talk about that. I amere toim disgusted by you. We will be civil. And for the record, we will not calle record Doug Christie a fag anymore. Its only going to you what it is. Yeah. Joe, know what he did . Own v he basically kind of like, did his own version ofer. En i say a sexist might say. Its like when i Say Something sexist. Your classes worked with him . Yes. Saggers dont taste fat. Thats bad at. As a i think it was a brilliant a brilliant idea for for trump to have a little bit of fun with it. But its also an opportunity for Chris Christie. Because fat people are americas Fastest Growing voting bloc. And its true. And this is a chance for Chris Christie to take a joke in and havoke in ae fun with it and say, hey, you know what . I could stand to lose a fewd tol pounds, know i personally could stand to lose one or £2 myself. F but this is a chance for Chris Christie to say i am overweight. Its tough being overweight. Std if im president , maybe we can start to explore why thats Happenint Isg to so many people. And if you vote for me, youll lose £10. That way he would start pulling higher. Thats he you know what . Ing po its an interesting point because a it in every housine. Yes so our is he will this turn off anybody i. I dont know Everything Butot i am pretty sure nobody wantst. To hear me speak on that. Well find it i will i will say i will say that this what he did being like oh dont call him. That kind of reminds mt call hif what its like for me to look at my own social media because i bloc k people say one meanthem. Things and i block them. So then what i see a lot ofee i instead is dont listen to alla those people who are saying shat youre ugly and stupit ard you had nothing to the show and you should be fired and like, oh, i guess people are saying that. Cant you just say good job instead . Yeah, but those if they said good job, then they would be an entirely different person. Thats true. Uld be aifferentyou there are d. For the record, he did not call doughboy christy back. Yeah, he did not. Thats true. All heall did was Chastise A Run in the front row who had to. Clearly, this is the whole new trump. Yes. You know, long calls, names and stuff. He calls people out for it. He he finds somebody in the crowd saying something naughty. Yeah. You said you wanted more responsible. Trump yeah wanted. Brought it up in the interviews. Yeah, took it. Hes changed. Hehanged. Y. See it . Yeah. You know, tulsi, i actually talked to christie. Okes. Ive made a couple of jokes, but and this is a literal i means litera, his weight is te elephant in the room. It is. Re the i mean, this is the case. This is a case wheregy the analogy is almost flat on top of what youre trying to describe. Like its like hes smothered by it. Yes, buthe where would you where did you do where do you put this in the kind of like we nown getting we reentering the world of the trump insult phrase where every day something new and fun just bubbles ug newc greg, i didom not come here onlyalk about the shenanigans, this political circus that is only going to continue getting worse. The reality is you saw in the podium he was there a veterans town hall, right . There are a lot of Challengesd B and a lot of problems thatle my brothers and sisters are dealing with. There are a lot of Sters Aropportunities and the tt that they bring when they lay down the uniform and move on in in life. I havent i havent read a single article thats come out of tharead at town Talking Aboue Real Challenges and opportunities that our veterans are facing. Thats thats the real travesty out of this. Yeah, you know what, though . Wers the re you can it yeah bt riddle me this. How petty are we that we actually do enjoy the othet we . More . I mean, you know this story is more fui men and wed like to think wed like to wed like to say our better selves wouldrs enjoy this article, but its more we laugh at that and it and its like a drug. I mean, its just entertaining. A one bad apple ruined it forpple everybody. Bad in the crowd, clearly. Yes. Make sure that guy doeke ss noue come back. Yeah, i guess not me for the record. C. All right. Coming up, will a. I. Make it common to Replacill Aie Local Sn Ride in an age of endless information, youre all sworn to secrecy. 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So the question is what can we do we got through the last hour is only down four to what a charming little number by our nelsle Friend Gene Nelso all right dont clap for himm to tariffs. What would you do . 1,000 . Yeah. I am surrounded by it. I need yes. I need to go home for a month at regular pay home fo regular t relaxed and maybe fish. Yes. Just hang out and drool. And play xbox. Just get all this races. I am s zoom off me. Ur im surrounded by judging white people. Yes. Everythingby judgi w i say. They laugh at like im being serious here, trying to get my plight of my people and they laugh at me. This is a dumb greg. U woul yeah. D no, he wouldnt get hired. Yeah , you agree . And if they were racist, theyd be like, you know what . The should stay hom e negre. Yeah. The last thing we want is him coming in the office. No, it. Its amazing. Stealing my water, that is. Drink is great. Driny watek it is because its delicious. No, it is. Hrits our the l. A. Times. Their h. R. Department going to like tulsa. How are they going to explain this when they say whitework and people coming to work . Black people say, oh, right, exactllackey. Xactly how is that not. Discrimination . This is this is so irrationat dl and unexplainable illogical. Im thinking about all the kids who are now and bei am like, ahn yeah, theres a good one. Todaow im not going to school today because i feel likey beca people are treatinusg me, likeot im different or theyre looking at me wrong or they might offend me or this or that. But like, cool like, likee he said, ill just stay home and play video games all. I day thats where im safe. You know, joe, imagine if you were dating anf you we africanamerican woman and sheiv this imagine its never going to happen. But but just imagine. And she comes, oh, says, hey, you know, they say workecau is racist because the white people andse o youre livingute. With her like, well, wait a minute, then its racist here to. Where is she going to go if shes married to. Youre living with a white guy w guy a. You see what im saying . This is also arguing against interraciam sayil relationships. Its a great point, greg. And ill havint. E you know, bevy in canada is canadian african, african, canadian. And this one of the issues wefae face. But, you know, i relatede relate to justin, to trudeau. No. S depends on what hes wearing. Woll, ill say this, too. Its like Working From Home can be a good thing, despite the reasoning. I mean, some people would do better jesome people do worse. But Jeffrey Toobin would probably get more done in thin e office. But bill clinton, you know, probably would be better Offying Staying home. Exactly. You know, cat ate. The i think there were people that that were saying the exact opposite. Sending workers home was racist. Yeah. Just obviously this doesnt make sense because the pandemic rememberoesnt m, were all at h. We were on the internet all the time, which is the meanest plache intere the world. Yeah. Watching thet . I didnt even think that one made sense. T. Yeah. Hes like the views ofw sock. Yeah. There you go. Did you want to complete . You hateand being. I had. You were in a war with your neighbors. I hate they were horrible. Rese i have no respect actt home. O literally were on the show with you, but you, ingrid, pic handed me a jar of pickles to open up while we were working. Yeah. What color . Whats her skin color . Shes white. See . What does that have to do . I have a child of every color, everywhere. I just ended up in white ville. Doesnt mean i didnt start there. Lets all right, lets move on to the next topic, shall we . Arperts claim a i fortune are better than human ones because they can act as a acces massive online database and are unaffected by emotions or preconceptions. Im going to go to you, kat, first, because youre a woman. You like that fortune telling . No, i dont. Yeah. You like the Paltuff You Lim Reading . No, i dont. I dont like the crystal ball. I doni dont t understand how the magic eight ball. Ill. Ill just. Ill let you lik. E, i can just beat him up. Yeah. All right. Go. Okay. Can i speak . Yes. Okay. No, actually, i dont. Nmmhmm. Because i dont know how more people are not concerned that theres no, like, client to psychic privilege. Mmhmm. They can juso Clientto Psycht in tell Everybody Everything you tell them. Right. Ever tell th e worst case, the best Case Scenario is that its not real. The worst Case Scenario is that they can see intthe worso your they see your all your secrets past, present and future. And then they can tell whoeverwe they want. Yeah. You pay for thisr you wa i know that. Thats crazy. Im with kat on this. Yeah i am wi. No, i literally never had any interest in going and doinyg palm reading or the the cards or. Or any of it cards or any of, y . Life is short lived. Your life to the fullest every w single day. And, like, dont stress out about whats going to happen tomorrow. Ll it didnt happen. Yeah. You think joe, you think the psychics would have seen this coming . A commong. Misconception, craig. Psychics dont know the future. Thats people who Inventedychice Machines and came back. Oh, yes. Huge difference. A hus. L say thi. You know, even the i psychic got asked, should you get married . And they answered very roundabout get and vague. You know, it was very open ended when they should have just said nold hav. D no yeah. Last word to iris. Okay. First of all, ive lied i to every psychic i was ever forced to go to. Gand they never picked up on i. Yeah, well, heres the thing about. Im excited about it. I am tarot card psychic reader. They will not lie to you. So in my former life waslie to a princess . No. You were a town clerk who was brutally murdere towd by. Her father . Why . Because you didnt. Is th to anything. And this is the sixth time youve been on this planet. Be on path again to be murdered for not amounting to anything. That would be another 1095, please. So itll be good to hear that not everyone was from. Yes, a famous person like most, you age under achiever who you raised, children that werechiev by your brother and hes going to be able to predict everythingwi that. Hat. No one ever do that because they have all the knowledge. You were the guy who sat nextexo to napoleon. He graduated went on to other things napold. You ended up working for him in the horse stable. All right. Speaking fim i of which the leas we most admire and the losers that inspire. Back in my day wouldnt have all of these types of fancy chicken. Sure. You have Buffalo Wings and fried chicken. Well, we didnt have garlic farm or Sweet Bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill both ways. And its not every time. Yeah, right. Where are you from . My hi, im mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. And im here today. 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Wonder why chief Justice Roberts dr. Jill biden and king charles missing from the list. Me . Sorry. Yep. I get the Prince William thing, actually. Why . Because hes a prince, but then hes bald, so that makes him relatable, right . Yeah. Dimme had grt be a gray hair. People would hate him, but theyre like, oh, hes a prince. But hes jus he t likeis a mei yeah, hes bald. Yeah, but what do you think titus . What you think of the list . Not one person that top five. Did anybody ever think about once today . Thiser ink abou is ridiculous. Uglie prince. The you picked the ugliest one. Yeah, thatsst. The guy thatkes . Everyone likes. Thats a lie. Thats absolutel y. It is its reversed. Its complete reverse. I hate pollsersed. Is dumb. Im pretty sure this was done by somewhere in england. Yes just so happens, probably somebody that old Prince William owes a favor to. Hes the only one of the royal family that goes places and never, ever gets recognizeed. Yeah, but hes so popular. Tell me one thing he did that you like. What . Whats it . Give me anyone in the audience. Cove me a quote. The really cool, awesome Prince William. Oh, waitole wi. All right, enough. Good enough. William bashing. Thaniam bashk god martha maccm isnt here. Thats the first time hes ever been based on tv. I know n bashed, i know. Oh, this is a nation of firsts d. What do you think . What do you think of the list, kelsey . Pretty underwhelmingo k of thepi underwhelming and meaningless. Yeah, i thought it was interesting. I thought it was interesting that they had Prince William and hing s dad, but they did. They left out prince henry. Yes. I dont knowy. Whats i dont know where he would have ranked on there. Yeah, i honestly dont care. Yeahly, i you know, i again, l i looked at this list and i was and a goodt makesis leader. Joe, how come im not on the list . Because, you know,i am n i, i ld the leaders on behind the scenes the l. Pull t i pull the strings, doinknow, i tore arounhed the country doing stand up. Ped a lot of people seem to think your nameop you is gre. Gutfeld yeah. So that might have beeatn of the problem of my favorite Part Of The List is that mike pence only came ahead of vladimirof va putidin. So he finally found a way to beat putin without giving away all our artillery and getting millions of ukrainians killed. There you go. Thought provoking political analysis from joe macky, who after this show will return home and weep quietly in a dark closet with beverly. Well be right back. Do you have Trouble Hearing Conversations . Are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves . Do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends . Then you would benefit from m. D. Hearing aids. Dont waste thousands of dollars, expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. Right now you can get two revolutionary m. D. Neo hearing aids regularly 999 for only 299 a pair. 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I cant do it. I can. But i want to get punished. Missing out on a Special Forces Toughest Test Season Premiere monday, september 25th on fox at a time. Thank youti. Me toasty laura im laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle, thank you for being with us tonight. The biden honey pot, thats sweet and its the focus of tonights angle. Based on the Executive Order i signed for intervention in ukraine, were imposing sanction on more senior officials of the russian government. In addition, we are sanctioning number of individuals with re

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