Meet the men who got lean in the last lockdown – and find out what you can learn from them
If you have found yourself stuck at home and wanting to change the way you look and feel, you aren t alone. but you need a plan
Nick Harris and Ben Lloyd got into shape during lockdown
While millions of Brits sought escape from the restrictions of last summer’s lockdown through exercise, some seized the opportunity to transform the way they look and feel.
“I finished my first session lying on the floor dripping with sweat and heart rate pumping. At that moment I knew what real training intensity was.” Such was Ben Lloyd’s introduction to a home workout and nutrition plan which has seen him shed 13lbs (6kg) in just six weeks.
Curtis & Cake owner reflects on her time in Madison as she heads to Georgia Now that I’m making my way back home to the South, I’m realizing there is a lot I’ll miss about the Madison food scene.
December 31, 2020 8:38 AM Monica O Connell
Monica O Connell of Curtis & Cake
It probably goes without saying I won’t miss the winters much. But now that I’m making my way back home to the South, I’m realizing there is a lot I’ll miss about the Madison food scene. I’ve been a Madison-identified baker for the last five years. In order to share what I love I need to go back to late 2019.
With Christmas just around the corner we will soon be scoffing lots of rich foods, which will make our tummies rumble even more than usual.
Those grumbling, growling noises are the result of food, liquid, and gas passing through your stomach and into your small intestine. There is even a name for it, Borborygmi, a term coined more than 2,000 years ago by Hippocrates, an ancient Greek, also known as The Father of Modern Medicine.
And now scientists have shown that these sounds can reveal insights into what is going on in the gut and may help diagnose common disorders.
At least 15 million Britons have digestive problems, with around one in five of us suffering from the UK’s most common gut disorder: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS. Symptoms include pain, bloating, and either constipation or diarrhoea.