The tribunal has set aside the total penalty of Rs 7 crore imposed by Sebi on NSE and has reduced the penalty on Ramkrishna from Rs 5 crore to Rs 25 lakh. Sebi had initiated investigation after it received complaints which alleged irregularities with respect to certain brokers availing point to point dark fibre connectivity from Sampark Infotainment.
In February 2021, the NSE had directed the lender not to invoke the pledge of the securities till the ownership of the pledged securities were ascertained in the demat account of Arcadia Share and Stock Brokers. Thereafter, Central Depository Services (India) Ltd imposed a debit freeze, prohibiting the lender from invoking the pledged shares and recovering its dues.
The order on the bail application of Ramkrishna, who was arrested on July 14 by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), was reserved by the Rouse Avenue court.
On 14 July, the ED had arrested the former NSE top boss in the money laundering case relating to the illegal phone tapping and snooping of employees of the stock exchange