there is a scheduled press conference that is about to begin any minute now, of course we ll bring that to you. louisville police department say that the shooter is dead and that there is no longer a threat to the public. according to two senior officials, authorities are currently investigating the shooting as a workplace violence situation. joining us now is nbc s george solis, also with us is nbc s ken dilanian george, what s the very latest as you mentioned, we re waiting for that press conference where we expect the mayor, police chief, as well as governor andy brasheer to get updated information. the extent of the injuries not known at this point, sort of to recap here, we know that this happened shortly after 8:30 according to thauthorities. they heard active gunshots being fired outside or inside of that bank we ll get some clarity here shortly. we know that the shooter was dead on the scene. police at this point were not saying how that occurred officials unable to
they re heading toward violence, they can t take the gun away temporarily to make sense of the threat they can t do that in kentucky they can t do that in the covenant private elementary school shooting we just went through with elementary students being shot because that state doesn t have a red flag law. with regard to gun show loopholes, you can go out in any area in america on a weekend, go to the fairgrounds, purchase the gun at a gun show and not go through a background check we still haven t closed the charleston loophole, which defaults to giving a purchaser the gun if the background check takes longer than three days these are no-brainers that we can fix, and then everybody looks for on the nra side says, well, that wouldn t have stopped that shooting or this shooting well, it would have stopped many shootings. so let s learn the facts here, but one of the things i always
that s emphatically not the same. the side that s on the nra side, the side that wants to carry guns into church and in the bar is afraid of the pacifists. to your point, let s play the leader because it does trickle down from the top. here s donald trump and his insigcitement of his own base. guards are very gentle with him. he s walking out, big high fives, smiling, laughing. i d like to punch him in the face, i ll tell you. in the good old days this doesn t happen because they used to treat them very, very rough. and when they protested once, you know, they would not do it again so easily. we had some people, some rough guys like we have right in here, and they started punching back. it was a beautiful thing. [ chanting lock her up ] by the way, locker up is now a chant for any woman. any woman, any woman
apparently they brought trump back to nra side. now let me finish with trump. this is hardball. most anything. even a red-hot mascot. [mascot] hey-oooo! whoop, whoop! [crowd 1] hey, you re on fire! [mascot] you bet i am! [crowd 2] dude, you re on fire! [mascot] oh, yeah! [crowd 3] no, you re on fire! look behind you. [mascot] i m cool. i m cool. [burke] that s one way to fire up the crowd. but we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease.
just move themselves off the cliff. at some point, members of congress are going to realize these guys don t speak for anybody other than the gun industry and i believe that the vice president and the president are as sincere as i am and we re not letting this issue go and the nra is giving us fodder to try to bring some of these senators back into the conversation with weekends like this last one. u.s. senator chris murphy of connecticut. thank you so much for your time tonight. it is interesting to think about what the two sides of the argument are right now. if it is a seesaw, where is the fulcrum, right, that the nra and the rest of the country, nra tells that story, they like to imagine the fulcrum in the middle of the seesaw. with polling, the nra is on one side of the seesaw, 90% of the american public is on the other side. we now know that on the nra side is also the argument that we must be taking up arms in order to potentially fight a military battle against the u.s. gov