just move themselves off the cliff. at some point, members of congress are going to realize these guys don't speak for anybody other than the gun industry and i believe that the vice president and the president are as sincere as i am and we're not letting this issue go and the nra is giving us fodder to try to bring some of these senators back into the conversation with weekends like this last one. >> u.s. senator chris murphy of connecticut. thank you so much for your time tonight. it is interesting to think about what the two sides of the argument are right now. if it is a seesaw, where is the fulcrum, right, that the nra and the rest of the country, nra tells that story, they like to imagine the fulcrum in the middle of the seesaw. with polling, the nra is on one side of the seesaw, 90% of the american public is on the other side. we now know that on the nra side is also the argument that we must be taking up arms in order to potentially fight a military battle against the u.s. government. so it is that argument and maybe 10% of the population on their